Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1473 An Appointment With The Alchemist

Chapter 1473 An Appointment With The Alchemist

Observing Little Shrubby for a bit, Lin Mu was sure that there were new changes happening in him.

'His control over wood is also improving it seems…' Lin Mu realized after seeing the change in patterns.

He could also sense an aura of wood from Little Shrubby though it was mostly masked by the fiery immortal Qi. It was a strange combination as wood and fire were seldom compatible with wood perishing under the fire.

And yet within Little Shrubby, both could coexist in a state of harmony.

Lin Mu stroked Little Shrubby's head for a few more moments before putting him down.

"Come on, we've got some things to do." Lin Mu said.

"Okay~" Little Shrubby replied.

He shrunk his size more and turned into his kitten form. It was clear that he intended to stay out with Lin Mu this time and he didn't mind it either. Little Shrubby jumped onto Lin Mu's shoulder and laid there lazily.

'I should take the twins too, it'll be bad if they wake up while I'm gone.' Lin Mu checked up on the twins and picked them up from the pillow.

They were in the same state as before though Lin Mu could tell that the amount of immortal Qi they had within their bodies had increased. Their cultivation was different and barely created any ripples in this form.

'Guess this is what the Saintess was talking about before. Their growth will be rapid until it reaches a plateau.' Lin Mu thought.


The Saintess had helped the twins with the crest and that was rapidly boosting their cultivation base. Lin Mu was worried about their incoming immortal tribulation after all. The Saintess had already warned that it will be very chaotic and there was no saying the level of damage that could be caused.

Lin Mu just decided to be as careful as possible due to that.

'Even if an Immortal Tribulation is inbound, I'll be able to get far away from the city with Little Shrubby.' Lin Mu kept this as a plan.

He then slid the twins between his outer and inner robes, making sure they wouldn't slip out.

Done with this, Lin Mu left the courtyard and headed towards the Grand Sky Pavilion. Once he was gone though, the figure of the Saintess appeared in the courtyard.

"He's already made his first Aperture… If he has such a pace he won't be able to sustain himself with Immortal essence crystals for long.' The Saintess had a few thoughts wander through her mind before she disappeared into nothingness.

Lin Mu was currently walking towards the Grand Sky Pavilion and listening to the conversation of the people around him. Since he couldn't fly, and had to walk it was a good excuse to have some casual entertainment this way.

While most of the chatter was mundane, Lin Mu did hear a few interesting topics.

"Did you hear that a General from the Huiqing empire is here?"


"Yeah, he's called as the Steel Horned General and is said to be very strong."

"Why would a general of another empire be here though? And would the Holy Topaz Empire really allow someone with a sensitive identity like that in our empire?"

"As long as the rules are followed, I don't see why not."

"Exactly. Besides, it is rumored that the General actually promised to help the empire with some tasks in exchange or being granted entry to the empire."

"Oh? What kind of tasks?"

"If its someone like the general, I doubt the tasks would be simple."

"Indeed. While I don't know what kind of task it was, they were apparently spotted going into the Desolate Blood Battlefield."

Lin Mu heard all this and wondered why Immortal Juo had gone there.

'Could he also be looking for Body cultivation resources? But then they were also talking about some kind of a task… what could that be?' Lin Mu wondered but didn't get any answers.

A while later he reached the Grand Sky Pavilion and quickly made his way to Vitality hall.

"How can I help you today, sir?" The shop clerk standing at the entrance spotted Lin Mu.

"I'd like to check if there is a slot available with an alchemist." Lin Mu said before handing the man his card.

The shop clerk took the card and checked it with a nearby device.

"Oh? Sir had an appointment earlier?" The clerk read the information.

"Yes I did, but I missed it due to being in seclusion." Lin Mu replied.

"Ah! I see. Fear not though, sir is in luck today." The clerk replied.

"How so?" Lin Mu asked.

"An alchemist is actually available today with an open slot. Sir can go to him, if he wants to." The clerk replied.

"Perfect. Where is he?" Lin Mu was pleased.

"Come with me sir," The clerk quickly took him through one of the many corridors and brought him to a private room.

The private room was a about twenty meters wide and ten meters long. There were several tables set up with pillows to sit on. Just from this one could tell that this room was meant for a meeting of several people.

The clerk then asked Lin Mu to sit down and served him tea.

"The alchemist will be here in a minute." The clerk said before taking his leave.

Lin Mu took a few sips of the tea before he heard the door open again.


"Sorry to make you wait." A new man walked in.

He looked to be in his mid-fifties and had a cultivation base at the Fourth Tribulation Stage of the Immortal realm.

Such a cultivation base was actually quite high and Lin Mu could sense the scent of medicinal herbs on him. Along with that, there was also an aura of alchemy on him, something that could not be developed without centuries of experience.

Lin Mu was surprised an alchemist of this level was actually available.

'Aren't they always booked for months or even years on end?' Lin Mu wondered.

At the very least, Lin Mu was sure that someone like this would be able to fulfill his request.

"I am Alchemist Ruoxian, one of the several alchemists of the Grand Sky Pavilion." The man introduced himself.

There was a hint of dignity and elegance in the man's behavior, making Lin Mu think that he must not be of low birth. At the very least he was an aristocrat.

"I'm Mu Lin, and I'm here to request your services." Lin Mu replied.

"Of course!" The man took a seat in front of Lin Mu. "So what is it that you wish from me?" he asked.

"I want an alchemical pill of course… but for body cultivation." Lin Mu stated.

"I see… that can be done. This is my specialty of course." Alchemist Ruoxian said with a chuckle.

"Good… I need Alchemical pills for improving my body cultivation. I can't just rely on Immortal Essence crystals." Lin Mu spoke.

"I see… but before we go forward, I'd like to know what kind of body cultivation technique you are practicing." The man said, "pardon me if it offends you, but this way I can offer you the best option." He added.

"It is of no issue." Lin Mu didn't mind speaking about it since the Three Apertures Invoking technique wasn't some secretive technique.

"I cultivate the Three Raptures Invoking Technique." Lin Mu answered.

"So it is that… No wonder you need the pills right away." Alchemist Ruoxian said glancing at Lin Mu. "You've already opened the first aperture right and it's also expanding?" he accurately grasped.

Lin Mu raised a brow in surprise but was impressed by the man.

"You are correct." Lin Mu nodded his head.

The man thought over it for a bit while stroking his graying beard.

"If your cultivating using the Three Apertures Invoking technique, what you need is a pill with high concentration of Immortal essence while the natural rate of dispersion does not matter as much." Alchemist Ruoxian stated. "With the technique's characteristics, most of the immortal essence would be absorbed easily, unlike others that focus more on the steady infusion of the immortal essence."

This was the difference between the body cultivation techniques.

For normal body cultivators, they had to store the Immortal Essence directly into their body and thus they had to focus more on keeping it inside. Thus they needed pills that delivered smaller amounts of immortal essence that was steadily infused rather than a burst of Immortal essence that would be missed.

But for the Three Apertures Invoking technique this was not an issue as it quickly pulled the immortal essence into the Aperture.

"So then, can you make it?" Lin Mu asked.

"I can yes. And I have a few options in mind too, depending on what you are willing to pay you can pick different ones." Alchemist Ruoxian replied.

"Very well, please tell me what you can make for me." Lin Mu asked.

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