Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1720 Creation Of A Spatial Plane

Chapter 1720 Creation Of A Spatial Plane

Once Lin Mu had recognized the formations that had been forming in the sky, he knew just how terrifyingly amazing the array was.

Each of the formations was something that he had studied before. But they were still formations that he couldn't actually make on his own. While he wasn't exactly lacking in skill, there were still some resources that he would need to make them.

The Boundary Stabilizing Great Formation was the higher version of the Boundary Stabilizing Great Formation. It was part of the formations, that could increase in complexity and effect the more one built upon them.

There were certain formations that could use the same base and get stronger, the more one used of them.

And example of this was the Diamond Mountain Talisman that Lin Mu had learned.

Such formations had different levels that went from Minor, Lesser, Great, Greater and Grand.

The three arrays that Lin Mu recognized were part of those kinds of growing arrays. They would usually be used for making Spatial Storage tools, but that was also quite varied. 

Depending on the level of formation used, the size and grade of the Spatial Storage tool would vary. 

For example, a spatial Storage tool made with the minor versions of all the formations would only make a simple Spatial Storage tool that would have a small capacity. It would be classified as a spirit tool and wouldn't even be able to utilize Immortal Qi.

These were the kinds of Spatial Storage tools that Lin Mu had seen in the Xiaofan world.

Above these would be the Spatial Storage tools that Lin Mu had seen in the Rust Sky world. Such kinds of Spatial Storage tools would be able to use immortal Qi and were much bigger in capacity.

The Spatial Storage ring that Lin Mu had gotten repaired before was on this level. 

But once one went above the Lesser level, the change would be both qualitative and quantitative.

It would no longer be a Spatial Storage tool that would be created, but an entire plane!

"For them to make an entire Spatial Plane… Is this how they are planning to conduct the rest of the Tournament?" Lin Mu spoke.

"Indeed." The Saintess replied. "The earlier stages were merely to separate the chaff from the wheat. There are always many immortals participating in the tournament, even if they don't have the heart to truly compete.

Of course the Temple of the Guardian Beasts wouldn't deny them, but it still wouldn't let them progress that easily." She explained.

"Is that why they are made to fight in the ring's limited area?" Lin Mu inquired.

"Exactly. While the ring's do limit how much the contestants can do, it is still more than enough to test them. It forces them to utilize all this skills while being limited to a small area and with harsher condition.

Those that can prevail through this are certainly stronger and are rewarded. And to avoid any flukes, they make the contestants do it multiple times. This truly reduces the number of cultivators by a lot." The Saintess answered.

"I see… it might be bit disadvantages to certain cultivators, but I can see the reasoning behind it." Lin Mu replied, finding it to be reasonable. "But then again, if they let all matches happen like this, the true capabilities of the cultivators wouldn't be shown at all, would they?" he said next.

"Of course not." The Saintess smiled under her veil. "Once they have been separated from the weaklings, they will truly be able to show their skills. And to do this, they need free reign to move around. That is exactly what the Temple of the Guardian beasts is providing now." She added.

"Mmhmm… though something of this level is very difficult to make." Lin Mu spoke, his forehead wrinkled in thought. 

He was looking at the situation though the perspective of a formation master now.

"I don't think even Transcendent Immortals would be able to make something like this with ease." Lin Mu stated after sensing the sheer amount of immortal Qi that was being expended every second.

If he could roughly estimate, he would say that it was the same as tens of immortals burning away all their immortal Qi stores every second.

That was how much Immortal Qi was being used as of now. It was an astronomically high level, that even Lin Mu wouldn't be able to support. The formation array that was being formed was something that could not be sustained by a single immortal at all.

"I don't think this is something that can be handled by something simple as abundance of resources either." Lin Mu added as he observed more. "It isn't just the Immortal Qi, but the skill needed to do it to. Then comes the factor that there need to be multiple such people as a single cultivator wouldn't be able to handle the sheer workload of something like this."

The Saintess felt impressed by Lin Mu's observation.

"And you would be absolutely correct." The Saintess said. "What else do you think could be an issue with it?" she asked next.

"Hmmm…" Lin Mu went silent for a few minutes as he thought over it. "I think… it is also the danger level of it all."

"Tell me more." The Saintess asked.josei

"Making a formation array like this would certainly be risky and even those with a great skill in formation creation would find it difficult. I'm sure even Transcendent Immortal's that were also Formation masters would find it impossible to have a 100% success rate.

Even if they had a high rate of success, I don't think they would be allowed to do something like this in an area like this. No one would allow the Capital Region of an empire to be threatened by it." Lin Mu answered just as the Saintess had desired.

"Correct once more." The Saintess was getting pleased by Lin Mu's observations. "This is something that only the temple has the privilege to do." She revealed.

"The Temple of the Guardian beasts is doing this?" Lin Mu had expected something like this but he was still surprised. "They have formation masters of this level?" he asked.

"The temple is indeed doing it. But it isn't the work of Formation masters." The Saintess clarified. "Look closely, can you tell the workings of Formation masters in it?" The Saintess replied.

Lin Mu looked up at the sky and furrowed his brows. His Immortal sense also extended and observed the fine fluctuations in the air. He needed to see the hidden details of it all to be able to determine just how it was all happening.

Lin Mu watched it for a couple of minutes before shaking his head.

"This… This is far too smooth." Lin Mu spoke with doubt in his voice. "I don't think multiple formation masters would be able to bring forth such harmony. There would be simple ripples when they worked on everything. For it to be this smooth, it would have to be the work of a single Formation Master." He presented his thoughts.

"You are right again." The Saintess nodded. "The formations that you are seeing aren't being made by the members of the Temple." She confirmed.

"Then who is doing this?" Lin Mu asked with great curiosity.

He felt the urge to know and wondered just who could be that had such great proficiency and power to do this.

"Rather than the members of the Temple, you can say it is the temple itself that is doing this." The Saintess spoke cryptically.

'Temple itself?' Lin Mu was a bit doubtful, but then realized the hidden meaning of the Saintess's words.

It was evident that she didn't wish to feed Lin Mu all the information directly and wanted him to make his own assumptions. It was a better way of learning and also a way for the Saintess to be entertained. Though the latter part was a secret.

"It can't be… Is it the Four Guardian Beasts that are doing this themselves?" Lin Mu finally said it out loud.

"Absolutely correct." The Saintess was feeling pleased with her decision of making Lin Mu the head of the Scholar Peak. 

Even if hadn't done anything for it and might still be a bit lacking, she knew in the future he would be more than worthy of it. But for now, she knew Lin Mu was owed an explanation.

"It is indeed the Four Guardian beasts that are doing this. Only they have the authority to make a Spatial Plane in another world and have the power as well." The Saintess replied. "With their work, the Rust Sky world's integrity wouldn't be threatened either." She added.

"Now that makes sense." If it was someone that powerful, that to multiple figures Lin Mu could understand doing this. "But then are they making a single large plane? It doesn't feel like it." He asked another doubt.

"Do you think a single plane would be able to accommodate so many contestants?"

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