Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 502 - At The Pill Peak

Chapter 502 - At The Pill Peak

Chapter 502 - At The Pill Peak


Here, Lin Mu could see that the lines for those that were desiring to buy the alchemical pills were longer than those of selling.

Lin Mu got closer and saw the entire process of transactions. The disciples would approach the exchange window and talk with the other disciple who was working within. They would state what they wanted to buy or sell and then present their badge to the worker.

The worker disciple would check this badge and would then add or deduct sect credits according to what was bought or sold. This transaction was not done on the whim of the worker disciple but rather a formation array that was in the form of a pedestal.

The worker would enter the value and then place the badge on the pedestal. This would complete the transaction by deducting or adding the sect credits. Overall, the process was simple and the only thing that consumed most of their time was the checking of pills.

Lin Mu wanted to get closer, but was blocked by the barrier surrounding the entire building. He looked around and saw that the only way to enter it was through the designated doors.

"Hmm... let’s see..." Lin Mu muttered as he timed his attempt.

He waited for one of the workers to leave the building before he took that chance to pass below the door. He had noticed this flaw in the formation as the formations would open much wider than they should have when the door was opened.

Normally the opening should have been of the same size as that of the door but whoever made the formation did not consider the expansion of the formation during that or was careless enough to let the flaw there.

’Well... it’s my gain anyway.’ Lin Mu thought to himself.

The building was smaller than the warehouse for herbs, but the security seemed to be higher in the case of actual people. There were shelves upon shelves in the room upon which various containers for the pills.

There were gourds, vials, pill bottles and boxes, all of distinct qualities. Though one thing Lin Mu notice was that the highest quality pill that could be found here was a mid rank spirit pill.

"So that’s the reason for two pill repositories. This one is mostly for lower quality pills and the other one should be for the higher quality ones." Lin Mu guessed.

Lin Mu then spent an hour observing the different formation layers of the pill repository. Because the doors would open and close along with the shelves, the formations were active a lot. This allowed Lin Mu to get a better grasp on its working.

It was similar to how Lin Mu had seen the vault of Herb peak open and was only going to make it easier for him to open them later on. Once he felt like it was enough, Lin Mu moved onto the second pill repository which was some distance from this one.

On the way, he could see that the residences for disciples that were built here were of a much better quality than the earlier ones.

"Hmm... I guess they allot them according to some ranking." Lin Mu guessed.

He briefly looked over one of the residences and saw that they were similar in features to the earlier ones, except for the size and better formations.

After traveling for a while, he finally spotted the next pill repository. The building design was the same as before but it was much smaller in size, being only half of the previous one. Another difference was that there were only inner court disciples waiting here currently.

The lines were also much shorter, allowing the workers to finish up faster. Lin Mu had to wait for about half an hour before the door of the pill repository opened. But then he discovered that the flaw that the previous pill repository had was not present here.

"Looks like the previous one is either damaged or has been built carelessly," Xukong spoke.

"Hmm, seems like it, senior. Guess I’ll just observe from the surface. If the formations are similar to the previous one, I shouldn’t have much problem later on." Lin Mu replied before getting busy in observing.

From what he observed, Lin Mu could tell that these formations were indeed similar to the previous ones.

"Well, that makes it simpler for me now. Better head to the vault... that one is going to take a long time." Lin Mu muttered to himself before continuing on ahead.

The Vaults were both located at the very top of the peak. But unlike the herb peak, there were two separate compounds here. The first compound was for the core disciples and the elders to live in, while the second one was for the Peak master Yi Deng.

Lin Mu had not seen the man for a long time and was wondering how he was since being controlled. But upon entering the first compound, he saw someone he had not expected.

"Wu Teng..." Lin Mu muttered.

He saw the man training in one of the larger courtyards of the compound.


He was training with practice dummies and destroying each of them with a single punch. Lin Mu looked at his appearance and found him to be looking much more serious and gruff than he used to be.

"He’s just like Wu Hei described him to be. The human controlling blood curse truly does suppresses their original personality." Lin Mu muttered to himself.

But while Lin Mu was observing Wu Teng, he suddenly felt a flare up of spirit Qi.

"WHO’S THERE!!" Wu Teng suddenly shouted as he turned in Lin Mu’s direction.

Lin Mu was a bit dumbfounded, but did not move. He saw as the man approached the location beneath which he was hiding. His spirit sense was just about to touch the ground when Lin Mu blinked away.

’How did he find out?’ Lin Mu wondered as he retreated a safe distance away.

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