Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 987 - Hundred Sense Slaughter Array

Chapter 987 - Hundred Sense Slaughter Array

With the quick reunion done, Lin Mu and Jing Luo quickly got to the actual work.

"So what is it that you are actually doing here?" Lin Mu questioned after the two of them went to some place a bit more private.

Lin Mu knew that while Jing Luo might have said that he was just installing some more formation arrays around the Fenlong Kingdom, that wasn't exactly the reason. There might have been more to it that Jing Luo could have done.

"I'm installing an Auto-detecting Slaughter formation. I call it the Hundred Sense Slaughter Array." Jing Luo answered.

"What?" Lin Mu was surprised.

"I finally finished its ending bits a couple months ago. And considering the offense the Gu Legion has put up, I reckoned it was time to start using it. The Fenlong Kingdom was the perfect choice for it since it is the smallest and won't take me that long to set it up." Jing Luo explained.

"Won't that be a bit too dangerous for our side too?" Lin Mu asked. "Can it target only those from the Gu Legion or Northern Tribes automatically, or does it need someone to manage that part?"

"Of course, I won't let it attack innocents. I have two modes for that in the formation array. There are two targeting formations in the array, one of them being controlled manually by the formation master and another one that can act interdependently depending on certain factors.

For example, we can add the information about someone's spirit Qi signature or even their face and let the formation array automatically attack." Jing Luo explained in detail.

"That… that's amazing!" Lin Mu exclaimed.

He could clearly see the benefit of something like this. The current formation arrays that were set up were mostly detecting and defensive formation arrays that surrounded the lands of their allies.

Setting up an entire barrier around a kingdom wasn't always a viable option simply due to the sheer amount of resources needed to set it up. That's why a detecting formation array was placed instead which could send a signal to warn the owners about intruders.

But smaller areas like the sects could be entirely protected using the defensive formation arrays since they were way smaller than kingdoms in size and also had a lot of resources.

If one were to compare the sects and kingdom, the sects normally had oner resources than the entire kingdom, but less area under them. On the other hand, the kingdom had less resources but a large territory and population.

"Of course, I'm the one who made it, after all!" Jing Luo said proudly.

Thinking of this suddenly gave Lin Mu an idea.

"Wait! Do you have a method to recognize the signature of the Gu Legion?" Lin Mu questioned.

"I don't right now. But I can put in the signature for the Invader. We've already made a formation that can detect them… well, somewhat." Jing Luo answered.

"I think I can help. I have just the right thing for you to perfect it. And I might even be able to add the ability to recognize the people under Human controlling blood curses control." Lin Mu replied.

"You can?! How?" Jing Luo was surprised.

Lin Mu then narrated to him about all that had happened in the past two days, he had come out of seclusion. It was a lot of things in the short span of two days and were certainly shocking for Jing Luo.

"That Gu Yao… will he never stop?" Jing Luo muttered in angers.

"He won't. That's why we will have to." Lin Mu replied with determination.

"Yes. Then it's best we get to it." Jing Luo stated.

"Yeah, point me to the node and I'll add it." Lin Mu spoke.

Jing Luo nodded his head and took Lin Mu to the access node and let Lin Mu do his thing. Lin Mu first used his spirit sense to access the formation array and added the ability for it to recognize the people being controlled by the Human Controlling Blood curse.

Since Lin Mu was the only one who could sense that, he was also the only one who could transmit the specific sensation of that to the formation array. For another human it might be difficult to sense the signature, but for a neutral thing like a fomentation array, all it needed was the specific programming and it would be able to sense it too.

Lin Mu simply had to set it according to how he felt when encountering those with the Human Controlling blood curse.

This formation that Jing Luo had made was something that he had told Lin Mu about a long time ago. In fact, the original developmental research about this was done hundreds of years ago by the Jing clan.

The true version of this formation array was even used in the Myriad Armament Canopy abode. What Jing Luo had done here was to simplify it and make it so that it could work with fewer resources and a wider area as well.

He had even worked on it during the fifty years or so he was trapped in the minor plane that was torn off from the Ripple Mist Sect's sacred ground.

After about an hour, Lin Mu was done with the addition of the Human Controlling Blood curse's sensing capability, he added the next one for the Gu Legion. Since they all used the cultivation boosting pills made from Rebirth blood and the failed reborn, they too had a unique signature.

The muddy looking spirit Qi was very easy to recognize as long as one looked into their Dantian. Adding this didn't take Lin Mu long since he had plenty of samples to add to it seeing the numbers that he had killed. josei

Then came the final addition. It was the detecting capability for the invaders. While Jing Luo had already added one, Lin Mu reckoned he would be way more accurate.. Plus, he had another sample he could add. It was from the humanoid Mutant!

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