War Online

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: Invading Ormshire Island part 3

Geruntius city, Ormshire Island;

Standing on the top of the fort, the archers were shooting the arrows; the mages were casting the fireballs; more than a dozen large crossbows were firing the bolts and canons were firing cannonballs at the incoming Dragon that was flying towards them while dodging the attacks to get into the range.

Meanwhile, a lone NPC is standing in the middle of the city with the thousands of corpses around, filling the streets with blood. Glancing at the sky, he sighed, "Oh, Lord Gernier, please forgive me. Your unfilial descendent has no choice."

An hour ago;

Dodging the bolt, Wil reached around 50 meters range and unleashed Dragon breath on them, intending to burn them into ashes but just then, the general slammed his shield vertically on to the ground by roaring, "Shield of Earth, activate."

In an instant, the legendary grade shield enlarged into dozens of times bigger than it not only blocked all the flames over a wide range but it also covered Wil's vision of the soldiers.

Wil, who wasn't in the right mind, didn't think of any way of evading it and just like a dragon, he directly faced it head-on and breathe out the flames with all of his might as if he wants to say, "Let's see how long this shield can hold against my fire."josei

For an entire minute, while Wil is trying to melt the shield down, on the other hand, the general, who was struggling to maintain his defense, shouted, "quickly, someone, go and bring those Mages, and how long does it take to load the weapon… Argh…"

All of a sudden, a spear pierced into his neck from behind and he left the spear while turning around in shock only to see all of his subordinated dead on the ground while a hooded man was standing with a grin.

With the last of his struggle, as he tried to grab him, the latter motioned his hand and the spear that pierced his neck moved further and came out from the other end, killing him for good.

Right then, the giant shield has fallen and the flames that were blocked until now, spread like wildfire, enveloping all the dead bodies turning them to ashes. Meanwhile, the hooded man sat down and made sure all of his body was covered by the robe that absorbed all the fire that touched it.

Finishing out them, Wil stopped breathing out fire, checking out his progress.

Quest progress: Civilians: 2685/21672, Soldiers: 12/2114

"What… There's no change but how. Didn't I kill everyone here…" Wil thought as he placed his attention on the streets and saw a black-robed hooded man sitting up while the rest of the bodies are burning.

Wil narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to finish this strange guy but then, the hooded man stood up and shouted, "Wait. I'm an ally, Dragon Lord."

"Eh? Athledon?" Wil was taken aback and his rage was subsidized because of curiosity from the sudden notification.

*Ding. Hugolinus Athledon turned from neutral to friendly.

Upon getting to know his name, Wil then inspected him to read the story as he landed on the ground casually as he knew a friendly NPC can't turn hostile without any blunder from a player.

Hugolinus Athledon

Level: 300

HP: 1.5 Billion

Description: The royal heir to the lost kingdom of Athledon.

Seeing that there's nothing more info, Wil retracted his form to that of an angel and asked him with a cold tone, "Are you the one who killed them before I turn them into ashes?"

The hooded man nodded as he takes off the hood and revealed himself to be the familiar nice person who tried to defend Wil at the gates and got reprehended by the captain in return.

"Yes, they are an enemy to me, too," replied Hugo, confirming his suspicions.

"Okay, fine. Since you aren't my enemy, then, I'll leave you alive," said Wil as he slowly turned around, waiting for the next cliché scene, which is to hear a quest request.

"Please, wait for a second, Dragon Lord. I need to talk about something."

"As I expected. Let's hear what his request is…" Wil inwardly smiled before turning around, maintaining his aloof expression, "so, what do you want?"

"First let me introduce myself. My name is Hugolinus Athledon. This island used to be under the kingdom of Athledon. Because of a battle between my ancestor, Gernier Athledon, and the Supreme Emperor of the Ocean, most of it was submerged into the ocean…"

*Ding. You receive a quest.

Description: The prince of the fallen royal family wants to reclaim his fallen kingdom. Gather Imperial Sword of Athledon, Crown of Athledon, and Warship of Athledon to return the glory of the kingdom once more.

Reward: Unknown


"Unknown? This one will be risky. Usually, the unknown is always dangerous but has bountiful rewards, yet, there are also useless rewards in the end. Hmm, why take the risk. Since this quest is initiated by him, how about…"

Thinking about the pros and cons, Wil asked, "ok, I'll help you out but what do I get in return?"

Upon hearing Wil thinking of accepting his request, a smile appeared on Hugo, "anything you wish. Gold, Treasures, whatever you say…"

"Then, I want the warship," replied Wil indifferently, surprising Hugo who stepped back, widening his eyes, "you want a piece of the useless ship instead of treasures?"

Clearly, Hugo didn't expect Wil's reply as he heard Dragons love collecting exquisite treasures.

"Not only, I want the ship, I also need you to relinquish your right on this island after you become the King. If you are fine with it, then, I have no problem with helping you out."

Looking at Wil's impatient expression, Hugo immediately agreed before he leaves and then, took out a strange golden compass that has no direction inside of it, "this is something that's passed down in my family. I don't know how does it help but my father mentioned that it is a very useful item in locating the lost ship."

*Ding. You accepted the quest.

Gernier's compass

Description: A compass that belonged to King Gernier Athledon. It always points to the direction of Athledon's Warship.

Throwing it into the inventory, Wil then spoke, "Summon, Leon."


Hugo flinched for a second and almost fell on the ground as a beautiful but fierce giant winged lion appeared in front of him and bowed towards Wil, expecting him to mount.

Caressing its mane, Wil spoke, "Leon, I have a task for you. I need you to go berserk and kill as many people as you can."

"What? But, they are innocent, you can't…" Hugo stopped talking as Wil turned his head towards him with a cold look, "did you say something?"

As Leon bared its teeth towards Hugo, sensing the emotions inside Wil, Hugo shook his head quickly.

Once again, Wil transformed into a full transformed Dragon and flapped his wings before going towards the fort while leaving Leon in charge to kill the civilians.

Meanwhile, Hugo lost his balance for real and collapsed on the ground before wiping out his sweat, "I wonder whether I did the right thing…" 

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