War Online

Chapter 166

Chapter 166: Aftermath part 1

*Ding. Rebellion has been succeeded. 

As Wil went into a daze, the general slowly stood up and tried to escape from there with the help of a soldier to recover.

Meanwhile, the players' army that was supporting the palace also went into a shock upon receiving a notification that the rebellion has been succeeded.

Not knowing what to do next, everyone stared at Wil. But, as he still stayed silent, their former leader Reuben Antolov (Flame Emperor) spoke in his stead, "whether rebellion is failed or not, the quest of invasion hasn't disappeared yet. So, we ought to finish this job. Isn't it, Time Traveler?"

Reuben placed a hand on Wil's shoulder, bringing him back to his senses, "Ah! Yes."

Looking at the enemies' faces that filled with happiness momentarily forgetting their situation, a rage crept up in his body.

He raised his bow and spoke loudly addressing the NPCs, "fellow soldiers, I'm sure you all must have felt it. Our King Mirella Llyne is no more. Let's avenge our King, starting with leaving none of them, alive."


His focus shifted towards a man who was slowly getting healed, and Wil released an arrow that pierced his forehead and killing him with a critical hit appeared on his head.

"Avenge the King," shouted General Gerrad, raising his sword towards the sky.

"Avenge" "Avenge" "Avenge" "Avenge"

The soldiers chanted loudly together, making the enemies more nervous as the reality hit them. With no general around to lead them, they were quickly fallen on the battleground, leaving Wil's party victorious.josei

The soldiers started cheering in excitement as they return to the camp. Meanwhile, a few of the small guilds teleported to Blackburn city, where the final battle against Zuweth is going on while the rest of them either just returned to their guild residences or logged out to take rest.

As for the Scarlet guild, Wil ordered them to return to the Deloris town and wait for further orders. Upon seeing his power first hand up close, none of these newly recruited members didn't dare to object to it and started making their way towards the city, where more than sixteen thousand players were resurrected in the temple.

Meanwhile, inside a tent at the camp located in the outskirts of the city; 

"Your Highness, what are your orders? Now that his majesty is no longer alive, I'm willing to follow the Crown Prince," said Gerrad, kneeling in respect.

Putting aside the unnecessary thoughts away, a composed Wil replied, "If the King has fallen, that means, the rebellion is succeeded. You know that even if I'm the crown prince, I don't think they will let me sit on the throne. There's a high chance of getting captured."

"What about Lord Raziel?" Gerrad reminded him about the most powerful person who can flip the tables whenever he wants to.

Shaking his head with a sigh, Wil answered, "there's no sight of him, yet. Even if Lord Raziel's alive, I don't think he wants to involve in the matters of the throne. You should know him better."

"Yeah, you are right." Gerrad nodded, agreeing with him.

Forming a plan in his mind, Wil then proceeded to say, "Before Rikilda Llyne or Nukegan's son ascends to the throne, we have to reach Eldershore city and fortify the region."

"Eldershore region?" A frown appeared on Gerrad as he voiced out his opinion, "Isn't going there the same as facing death? It's right on the border of our Kingdom.

With Zuweth on front and her highness Rikilda on back, we'll be trapped. Isn't it better if we take control of this region? We can also use the sea as an advantage."

"I know." Wil nodded his head as he folds his arms to the chest, "But, it's the only way to stop Llyne to be merged into Zuweth. And don't worry about the war.

If we can occupy Eldershore, we can threaten Rikilda that we'll open the doors for the neighboring kingdom of Elves if she tries anything funny.

I'll make a deal with her in exchange for freedom. Something will work out in the end. The only issue is your regiment. I wonder whether they'll follow you, betraying the throne."

"I'll talk to them. I need time," replied Gerrad as his face turned serious.

Looking at his expression, Wil nodded, "Do it whatever you have to do before the battle at the Blackburn city ends. Tell them that I will guarantee their family's safety."

"Yes." After bowing to Wil, Gerrad left the tent and proceeds to gather everyone to convince them of how their King was betrayed by her own kin and to ask them to standby the rightful heir of the throne.

Meanwhile, alone in the tent, Wil sat on the desk and became busy with planning his next step since most of his previous plans fell apart by Mirella's death.

"With the Supreme Master's suspicious behavior, controlling East Ocean city seemed to be filled with risks. I shouldn't have banned all of my enemies. Without any opposition, I guess, Supreme Master must have felt like a King and became greedy?

No, I can't make assumptions without any evidence. Let's wait and see how he would play it out.

But, before that…"

Wil then glanced at one of the notifications.

*Your pet Leon has been killed by Fallen Angel Gadreel.

"Appearance of a fallen angel at this stage?" The frown on Wil has been deepened in a worry, "but, how did such a powerful being all of a sudden?"

Suddenly, something clicked in his mind, and he stood up with a gasp, "Rikilda! If she's the mastermind behind the rebellion, that means, she must have some trump card just like how Mirella has her mother as a trump card. Did she summon one?"

"No, she gave birth to one." A voice heard in his ears, startling him, followed by the appearance of a dispirited old man.

"Lord Raziel." Wil didn't bother to greet this guardian with so much of a mess in his mind, and asked directly, "What do you mean by that? She gave birth to a fallen angel? That's impossible."

The Archangel shook his head, "I'm not sure how but it is indeed true that she gave birth to him during the war. No, more specifically, she gave birth to him because of the war as Gadreel is also known as the Angel of War before he became a fallen angel."

Upon hearing the explanation, Wil slammed the desk with his palm, "yes, that's it. Now, everything fits. She used Zuweth to create an atmosphere of war to resurrect the angel of war."

As Raziel nodded in agreement, Wil fell into thoughts, "Wait a second. If that's the case, what about the other three kingdoms that are facing the same situation? In the current situation, I can't ask Aster to investigate it. Maybe, I should ask Ms. Kiyumi. What's the use of having connections if you won't use it at the right time…"

"If you excuse me, I need to leave. There's a lot to do…" spoke Raziel in the meantime but Wil wasn't able to hear it.

By the time Wil came back to his senses, he found the old man already disappeared from the tent and went off to various cities to brainwash the people, who are causing the ruckus on the streets, protesting against the King.


Seagle City, Llyne Kingdom;


Blood spilled onto Sugar's face as the mayor of the city collapsed on the ground.

Dream, who was sitting on top of a Giant Rhino along with a pretty girl, smirked as he looked at the notification that he received.

*Ding. You successfully captured the city.

"Time Traveler, I'll get back you at you, this time…"

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