War Online

Chapter 169

Chapter 169: Birth of Lupin part-2

The imperial palace, Llyne City;


A fire arrow was shot out of the darkness and pierced a soldier's skull, killing him.

*Ding! You killed the Royal knight, Aqor. 0 EXP gained.

Because it's the NPC, nothing dropped from the body as it disappeared. Meanwhile, behind a large patio torch that was placed on a small pillar, a face emerged out of the darkness and glanced at the hallway.

"It's clear. No enemies in sight." A voice whispered from the darkness.

Wil slowly started to crawl, to not make any sounds until he hears the footsteps. He quickly hides behind another pillar while Averil is ready to shoot the enemies.

As the sounds of the footsteps got louder, Wil heard their conversation.

*Sigh* "What a day. Not only we lost our Prime Minister, but we also lost our King. Truly a black day…" One of them spoke as he sighed deeply.

"I wonder how the Prime Minister got dead." The other soldier wondered in curiosity. "Captain, did Duke Nukegan really kill his own father and frame it on his majesty, just to start the rebellion?"

"Hmpf, nonsense." The older Royal Knight snorted and dismissed his subordinate's thought, "I bet that half breed must have killed the prime minister to keep her secret. Looking at now, she must also be the one behind all the mysterious deaths of our royal knights for the past few months."

'Prime Minister is dead?' A visible shock can be seen on Wil's face if one were to spot him. 'I thought he's the one behind this rebellion since Rikilda was supposed to stay in her palace and give birth. Wait a second. Why should I worry about who is behind this? Let's just finish what I am here for…'

"Averil, now." Wil waited until they passed him, and then, ordered the spirit that was carrying his bow to kill both of them.


As a fire arrow pierced the young royal knight and killed him, at the same, Wil then transformed into a humanoid dragon and attacked the other Royal knight with his claws from behind, chipping off half of his health.

"What!" The Royal Knight quickly reached out to his weapon as he jumped to the front. "Who is…"

Before he alerts the other soldiers about the intruders, another fire arrow was shot by Averil and killed him as a critical hit appeared on his head. 

*Ding. You killed the Royal Knight, Kisior.

*Ding. You killed the Royal Knight Squad C captain, Arius.

After killing the two of them, Wil transformed back into his Angel form and slowly proceeded towards the Treasury room.

On the way, while he met with several soldiers, it didn't obstruct much as none of them patrolled in groups, making it easy to kill them without alerting others with Averil's assistance.

In the process, Wil also received a quest alert to not get caught.

As he reached the final hallway to his destination, Wil stopped and takes a peek from the edge of a wall to see five Royal knights, guarding the entrance.

'Damn. I thought it would be only two like how the soldiers are patrolling in duo.' Wil cursed inside, forming a plan to enter the Treasury without altering everyone else.

'Inventory' Wil whispered to himself and a holographic screen appeared before him filled with items.

Wil then takes out an augment-stone from his inventory to throw it and distract them but before he does that, one of the Royal Knights spoke, "don't you think, it's a bit too silent, here?"

"Hmm, Now that you mention it, I can't hear footsteps of anyone else took. Are they slacking off?" Another Royal Knight commented.

"You two, go and look. Those who dare to slack off in duty will be punished heavily." The captain of their unit, then, ordered the two of them.

Upon hearing his order, Wil put back the augment-stone in inventory and quickly transformed into a humanoid dragon once again before he slowly backed off a few steps.

*Ding! Your attack, defense, speed, and Max HP increased by 20%

Just as the two of them turned around the corner, they met with two lightning arrows that ignored their defenses and pierced their chests. 

"Ugh" The soldiers groaned lightly, alerting the rest of the three.

The two words that Wil hated to hear this night, at last resounded across the empty hall.

But, since the other squads are far away, they weren't alerted and continued to do their job. 

"Who's there…" The captain shouted as the three of them brandished their weapons.

Having no other choice, Wil slowly walked out from the corner and revealed himself.

Looking at a person that seemed a bit familiar to their late King in her final moments, the captain quickly connected the dots, and asked as he pointed the sword at Wil, "Did the dragon clan sent you to take revenge? Maybe, you are here only to take the opportunity. I heard the Dragon loves treasures. Too bad for you that I'm here…"

'Eh?' Wil was genuinely surprised as the captain before him, came to the wrong conclusions. Realizing his current form, he sighed in relief, 'of course, he can't recognize me in this form and neither does anyone know about my race.'

"After I capture you and present it to her highness, maybe, I will…"

Not intending to listen to his nonsense any longer, Wil mumbled, "Short Teleportation."

At that very moment, the three of them discovered the humanoid dragon before him, disappeared right before their eyes but only to appear right beside him.



As they got distracted by Wil's appearance near them, an arrow imbued with Ice element shot towards them, at the same time, and pierced the shoulder of the captain, and froze the three of them with freezing effect before Wil activated the skill.

"Don't waste your skills, lad. If you use that skill, the doors will also freeze, and we'll have to wait until the time is up." Wil turned his head towards Averil and smiled, "thank you."

As Averil's level is a lot higher than them, they weren't able to get out of the freezing state and Wil gave a solid punch to the captain's cheek, killing him in one move, as a critical hit appeared.

After killing the rest of the two, Wil turned back to his Angel form before taking out his Prince medallion and pushed the door.

*Ding! Prince Medallion detected. You have access to the treasury.

It was for very this reason, Wil dared to rob the treasury. If it's anyone else, the moment they entered the room, the soldiers will be alerted and will be captured.

The moment he opened the door, the entire hallway started to illuminate in the light that generated from the pieces of equipment that were on the ground.

"Lad… quickly close the door," Averil whispered to him as she returned the bow to Wil.

But, Wil, who was enchanted by the sheer amount of gold before him, wasn't able to listen to her words nor did he realize that his bow was returned to his hands.

Heaps of gold coins are placed everywhere in the treasury room. So many jewels, legendary pieces of equipment are scattered across the room. But the thing that attracted him the most is the crown that's placed in the middle of the room.

King's Crown

Description: The crown of Llyne. A part of the King's set. Can only be worn if one possesses the Imperial sword of Llyne.

'I found the crown. As soon as I take it, the kingdom will be mine to rule…'

Forgetting his mission of looting all the gold to anger Rikilda and let the Dreamwalkers bear the consequences, Wil slowly walked towards a small heap of gold.

Just as he was about to reach the crown, an aged voice resounded in the room.

"What are you doing, Prince Time Traveler."

Hearing that familiar voice, Wil's heart skipped a beat but still, controlling the panic in his heart, Wil slowly turned around and saw the Archangel.

"Are you committing a theft?" asked the old man.

"Taking what's mine," Wil replied calmly as he rehearsed this situation in his head a lot of times.

"Yours?" A frown appeared on Raziel's face. "Just because I allowed the army to follow you doesn't mean you can think you will be the King."

Watching the old man talking, instead of apprehending directly, Wil sighed in relief, and asked, "Do you support, Rikilda Llyne?"

The old man, then, shook his head, "No. And neither will I support any of the princes. My allegiance is with the people and the King."

Expecting the answer, Wil stayed silent and let the old man continue to talk.

"As a Prince, you are allowed to enter the Treasury room and I can turn a blind eye even if you kill the Royal knights."

Upon hearing this statement, Wil was taken aback and looked at him in a daze, wondering what kind of sicko is this guy, who blatantly expressing that he knew that Royal knights are killed but won't even care about it.

For the first time, Wil thought about whether the system is malfunctioning. But, soon, his thoughts changed as Raziel said, "You have right to take as much as gold you want from the treasury but, that is out of bounds. Only a King has the right to wear it. Leave right now before I change my mind."

It was only then, Wil realized the hidden meaning behind Raziel's words. He is just telling him that he isn't against Wil stealing a bit of gold from the room. But if Wil wants to take the crown, he should show the right by becoming the King.

That means, causing another rebellion against the king and defeat the Imperial army or becoming the King with the support of ministers.

But, Wil, who intends to crush Rikilda, revealed the third way.

"Then, how about this…" Wil spoke with a smile as he retrieved a sword from the inventory.

"The imperial sword?" Raziel's eyes widened in surprise. "You, how did you…"josei

The smile on Wil became bigger, watching the expression on the old man. "I told you, right? I'm taking what's mine."

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