War Online

Chapter 218

Chapter 218: 3-star Elementalist: The final wave part-1

Wil is in a dilemma once again.

On one side, his reasoning is telling him to choose Absolute Freeze, the most logical thing to upgrade.

On the other side, something told him to choose the unique skill as a reward. So far, all three unique skills are overpowered in their own way.

Pegasus gives you the ultimate speed. Gravity suppression makes your enemies powerless, and Heavenly push can let him kill anyone from far away.

Just like those three, this unique skill is going to be an awesome one. Call it intuition or whatever.

Wil is someone who hates gambling. That's why he was always skeptical about the quest with unknown rewards. But, the level of difficulty and trust in the old man made him trust his guts.

In the end, he chose the unique over upgrading Absolute Freeze.

*Ding! You selected a unique skill.

*Ding! Congratulations, you acquired Weapon Transformation. Please check the skill panel for details.

*Ding! The final waves will start in 10 minutes. Make your preparations…

As soon as he checked the skill, excitement drained from his face and replaced with a fury. He was angry with himself for making such a foolish decision.

"F**k… This is why I hate the unknown… Shouldn't have followed this stupid intuition..."

Weapon Transformation (Beginner): Transform your Bow into any kind of weapon with a thought. CD: 60 seconds. Cost: 0 mana. Available transformations: Staff and Dagger.

At one glance, a normal person would find the skill as an amazing one because it can transform into whatever weapon you have and engage in either melee or ranged battle but for someone like Wil, who can have Dragon transformation for melee attacks, it is certainly not useful.

Not to mention, he can't use the skills like ice arrow, multiple lightning arrows, and fire arrows, either…

Wil didn't even care to try it out, deeming it useless, and got ready for the final wave. He wondered, what kind of ultimate beast is going to show up, now. Something that's even stronger than the whale.

Meanwhile, the old man, who was watching Wil, stroked his beard with a smile, "of all the things that I possess, he awakened the weapon transformation. Kid's got luck… But, his expression says he wasn't satisfied with it. Well, no matter… He will realize it sooner or later…"

A few minutes later;

*Ding! The fifth wave is going to begin.

*Roar* A familiar yet powerful roar was resounded in the sky.

"Damn… This is going to be troublesome…"

Wil didn't even need to look at the beast. He already knew who will be the final opponent. As he guessed, the final opponent is going to be someone truly impossible to beat.

Wil raised his head and confirmed his suspicions. There's a winged lion, staring at him from the sky.


Grade: Mythic

Level: 400

HP: 312 Billion

"This one is a stronger version than my Leon. How to beat this kind of oppo…"

Wil jumped to the side and dodged the sudden attack of the fireball. It flapped its wings and rushed towards Wil.

Flapping his dragon wings, he flew backward to increase distance but all he saw was a blur and felt something scratched his chest…

*Crt* -195,039,324,255.

*Ding! You died. The wave is going to reset in 3, 2, 1…

The Lion disappeared and Wil once again appeared on the shore.

"Wow…" Instead of feeling despair, Wil was excited to see the damage. "Going by the standards, it should have 78 Billion of attack. My Leon has 150% critical damage. Since this is a level 400 one, it should have 200% critical damage and Pierce… Now, that explains everything… Before the war starts, if I get to level-300 and manage to mutate it once more, then…"

"Oops…" He quickly transformed into a humanoid dragon once again and dodged as Leon sent a fireball, disrupting his thoughts.

This time, he took the battle to the skies.

Flapping its wings, Leon once again prepared to attack him with its claws.

Once again, Wil used the only skill he was allowed to use…

"Activate, Dash…" 

*Ding! Your speed increases to 300% for 10 seconds. Maximum limit increases to mach 3 temporarily.

Wil dodged the attack in the last second and punched its face from the side.


Followed by the normal punch, Wil used Dragon punch skill and punched its cheek once again.


Wil then disappeared and appeared on the other side and gave another punch to its other cheek before he activated the Dragon breath.

"80,811, 348" "96,973,618" "96,973,618" "96,973,618"

It only worked for three seconds before it swiped its claws, making Wil stop his attack and dived towards the ocean with all his might before the time is up.

Since one's allowed to swim underwater without any debuff as long as they don't go below 1000 meters deep, Wil planned to hide there until his cooldown is over.

This is what he came up with after observing Leon's battle with the King Shark, Helico.

Back then, even though his arrows pierced the water, Leon's fireball unable to penetrate. And as a land creature, it can't swim underwater either. So, it is considered the safest spot.

What surprised Wil was that the thought of using Guerilla tactics suddenly came into his mind on the spot.

*Roar* It roared once again as it threw a fireball at Wil, who successfully entered the ocean and still swimming deep until a safe zone of 500 meters. Because of wearing night-vision goggles, the darkness under the ocean didn't also affect his vision.

After the Cooldown is reset, Wil slowly swam to the surface while sensing Leon's presence. He sensed that Leon wasn't hovering in the sky. So, he thought it was probably on the shore, waiting for him.

As soon as he reached the surface, Wil once again activated Dash and with the speed of mach3, he quickly flew towards the island and just as he expected, he found the lion was standing on the shore, trying to touch the water with its paws.

Maybe, it's because it's his pet, He found Leon's actions cute at the moment.

The Lion sensed him and quickly turned its head before flapping its wings.

"80,811,348" "80,811,348" "80,811,348"

Three arrows pierced the side of its waist.josei

It groaned in light pain.

"Wow…" Wil stopped at that instant, displaying an expression of shock on his face as he saw the arrows were struck perfectly. "When did I become this skillful?"

Wil can't believe himself. For what he knew, he was indeed skillful in firing two arrows but when he shot three arrows, the third one always deflects its path.

He would have understood if the third arrow struck elsewhere but the distance between the third arrow and second arrow is the same as the distance between the first and second.

Since Wil was unconscious at the time when he fought and defeated the whale king, he didn't know that he shot not just three but nine arrows at that time.

*Roar* The Lion became angry.

Wil saw he has five more seconds. He didn't waste the time and dashed towards it with the maximum speed and used Dragon punch.

Call it bad luck or coincidence, his fist was made in contact with Leon's claws at the last moment as he was about to punch its face.

Obviously, his 242 million attack power isn't something that can go against its 195 billion attack stat.

*Ding! You died. The wave is going to reset in 3, 2, 1…

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