War Online

Chapter 239

Chapter 239: World Auction part-2: Wil shares his opinion

Wil watched the 65-inch holographic screen before him with items on it.

The first item is an egg with starting bid of 1 gold coin and 5 gold coins as buyout price.

Wil stood up and clicked on it. The details appeared.

Meanwhile, the host started explaining the item.

"This egg is an Elite grade item that belongs to an Elite grade beast Sea Eagle."josei

She waited for a minute.

The item changed to Armor. "This is a level-100 Heroic grade heavy Armor with one of the stats being unlocked. Click on the item to check the stats."

As she continues to introduce each item per minute, meanwhile, on the fifth floor, Wil was scrolling down the list and see if anything that interests him.

As he found nothing, he asked the others, "Is there anything that you people like to buy?"

"They are worthless…" Evie commented, folding the hands to her chest. Then, she looked at Wil and said, "Big Brother, do we have to sit like this for an hour? I would rather roam Athledon instead."

Before Wil replies, Akiko suddenly answers, "No, we don't need to wait for even ten minutes."

"Huh?" She looked at her and blinked twice.

Akiko pointed to the screen with a smile.

The items started to disappear at a rapid rate.

Wil nodded and explained, "Just see the ground floor. There are thousands of people currently participating in the auction. It's obvious that every item will be a buyout."

Just like he said, in just eight minutes, all the times were bought.

This led the host to suddenly stop introducing the items and say, "all the items in the first batch are sold. Here comes the next batch."

Like the first one, they are either elite or heroic grade items with a buyout price of not more than 25 gold coins.

This is the time for the casual gamers. None of the people in VIP rooms bid or buy them as they are of no value to these rich people.

Eight hours later;

"Nah! Investing in Ace might be a bad move if you consider short-term profits but in the long term, it will only give you enormous profits.

The current world is already changing. Electric vehicles are the future. I bet within five years, Ace would be an automobile giant with our support." Wil said to Akiko.

Currently, they were alone together while the remaining three were nowhere to be seen.

SnowDew and Mia were long gone from the room after the former got bored of sitting there and gazing at the items for several hours.

Intending to give them private space, the old professor picked up an excuse and also logged out.

With only two of them in the room, Akiko just sat beside Wil and chat with him to relieve boredom while occasionally buying NPC auctioned items.

At first, Akiko asked about his personal life, his likes and dislikes as such... Wil replied them at ease but it just that.

When he was asked about his childhood, he became extremely uncomfortable as it was spent mostly in harsh training, isolation from friends, etc...

After trying to make a story, he stops in the middle and confesses that he doesn't have a memorable childhood stories to share.

As a person who was engrossed in the world of books, she realized that she doesn't have any great stories to tell.

But, she was too embarrassed to confess it. So, Akiko changed the topic to other things like the stock market, education system, etc…

Akiko was impressed with Wil as she found him very knowledgeable and have insights regarding all departments even though he just graduated high school last year.

He was two years younger than her but somehow, she felt that he's like her seniors at the Galaxy Net.

Likewise, Wil was also impressed with her analytic ability just at the age of 21.

He was someone from the future and loves to watch the news. So, he knows a lot of things that will happen. Not to mention, he's a 24 year old in his mind.

But, she isn't like him and yet, come to conclusions about a lot of things that will happen in the near future.

Slowly, the topic moved to politics.

As he knew that who will win in the next elections, Wil wanted to ignore it but after showing his impressive side for the past four hours, he can't back down in this too…

At the same time, he also doesn't want Reisa to win the elections either. Making her too powerful will only leave him and Scarlet at disadvantage. The best way is to make her the Vice-president or the Speaker.

Both of them are higher positions than cabinet ministers but lower than the President.

So, he shared his opinion with Akiko.

"I have nothing against your mother, Akiko-san but if you were to ask me to judge objectively, I think Ms. Kim Yoo-Jin is the right candidate for the president."

Wil directly named the next president.

"Oh!" Akiko's eyes lit up as soon as she heard the name. She too thought the same thing but she didn't say it out loud since it would not good to support her own mother. "Why?" She asked him.

Wil replied, "Well, for starters, she came from a humble background with her father being a farmer. 

Even before the bill passed, she still fought for the farmers, laborers, and every one of those who are at the bottom of the society.

According to the 2011 survey, 28% of the world's population's livelihood depends on agriculture, which might decline to 20-22% or something in these past nine years because of all urban development.

It might not seem much but people in rural areas will have a majority voting percentage rather than those who live in urban areas.

As for citizens of Metropolitan, don't even bother… Not even half of the population will try to vote…

Most of them will think it's a waste of time even though they are the biggest supporters for changes.

I think the Federation should build a few dams to help out them."

Akiko agreed with Wil's statement but also voiced her own opinion on the matter, "the only problem is the increase of corruption will increase. Every time, the Federation Parliament allocates a budget to rural areas, a lot of money goes into greedy politicians."

She thought of her mother as she said it. As a daughter, she indeed loves her mother but not as a responsible citizen.

Just as Wil about to advise that her mother should support Kim-Yoojin instead of running for the president, the host spoke.

"The World Auction's third phase is about to begin in 30 minutes. Please make your preparations."

"Oh! It's here…" Wil spoke as he shifted his attention to the host. He then sent the message to Evie to return.

Akiko also did the same with her advisor.

As they reappeared, Wil didn't saw Mia with her. He asked Evie, "what about Mia?"

Evie replied, "She's off to bed."

"Eh?" Wil was surprised for a second. 'Right now, it's 12:30 A.M. around here. Shouldn't it be evening 4:30-5:00 P.M. out there at Hailey city? Either she's lying or she's in the Eastern continent, right now.'

After thinking for a while, Wil put that thought away as she wasn't supposed to become a trainee at Nexus Entertainment until the next two years and then debut after another year. 'Was she troubled?' Wil wondered.

Half an hour later, the host is back with ten boxes that were carried by burly looking A.I.s.

"Welcome to the final phase of the auction. Now, here the rules are as follows. All of these items start with 100 gold coins. 

Everyone was provided a remote in the beginning. Use the item to bid. The + item will raise the bid by 5 and ++ will raise it by 10 gold coins. Good luck."

She opens the first item.

Wil saw a Sword.

He clicked on it.

Baize Sword

Level: 190

Grade: Legendary-

Description: Auctioned by a player.

"No. 1115 raised it to 110 gold coins. No. 24221 raised it to 120 gold coins…

Congratulations, No. C12 for acquiring the sword."

Wil felt that man in the third floor's VIP room was crazy enough to buy that sword for 250 gold.

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