War Online

Chapter 272

Chapter 272: Day 1: Ambush on the King

Wild zone, Searvale Kingdom;

Rini was flying on her phoenix towards the Reverie kingdom. The Phoenix is using the wings of fire that lets the Phoenix's wings burn continuously in exchange for 1 MP per second consumption.

Just like she expected, she encountered enemy scouts who are flying at the thousand meter limit in their Air space.

"Pyre… Burn them with flame thrower…" As soon as the words escaped from her mouth, the Phoenix screeched before breathing out flames over a wide area, burning everyone that's in their path.

"Incoming… everyone, dodge…" The Ariel team-13's captain shouted and ordered them to fly away as it wasn't a single target attack but an AOE.

Meanwhile, he raised his shield to block the attack but alas he wasn't able to because of the level difference. As he died and resurrected at the temple, he mumbled, "I was foolish to think I can defend an attack from a level-350 legendary grade+ beast."

Back to Rini, after flying past through the first encounter, she didn't turn around to finish off the surviving players who managed to dodge it. She just continued to fly towards the Reverie kingdom.

The survivors sent the message in the ally channel about the appearance of Rini and Phoenix.

Wild zone, Reverie Kingdom;josei

As per the King's orders, the Crown Princess was leading a hundred Royal knights with everyone above level-300, towards the right section of Searvale's wild zone.

Meanwhile, Bran was leading an army of five thousand soldiers through the left section. Three hundred thousand players with several guild leaders are following him.

The King was leading a five-hundred thousand-player army of which the majority of them are casual players, adventures, or from small guilds. They were trying to break through the middle section where most of the players of Searvale were stationed.

All the three armies were moving forward slowly but steadily because of their massive number. While the people behind the king are obedient, on Bran's side, a few hundred impatient people tried to run but they were left alone.

If they wanted to die so quickly, why would Bran stop it... Let them die… That's what he thought.

"Hmm? Siren was attacking alone?" Bran halted his steps, all of a sudden. He was surprised as he read the message from the scout leader.

"What happened?" Sierra asked him.

"Siren…" His face was darkened. Bran and his guild researched powerful players from the world. Of the list of threats, she was placed at number 3. It wasn't because of her fighting prowess. They were above average at best.

The most problematic is the Phoenix. It is immortal. Even if they kill it, it will just resurrect after a few minutes. They have to kill it several times before its Cooldown increases.

"If she wants to go on a solo war, then let her be. There are princes at the main camp." Sierra advised him, "They can take care of her."

"No, they can't," Bran said with a confident tone. "Of all the players and NPCs, other than the king and myself, I doubt anyone can face her, alone."

"But there are three level-400 princes and more than twenty generals out there…" Sierra reminded him. "And she's alone."

"Hmm?" He blinked twice before nodding, "that's right…"

"Thanks, Sierra… You are the best…" He smiled as he stared at her.

Sierra blushed as she looked away, "I didn't do much…"

The people behind them flared up in rage as they were watching this couple's interaction. Since they are looking from far, they didn't know what Bran and Sierra are talking about and assumed they were flirting around. So, it irked them.

Only they know the pain of being single while watching a couple who are showing off their relationship…

Putting the matter aside, everyone continued their way to cross the border and enter the mountain range where an ambush is waiting for them.

Meanwhile, in the skies, oblivious to the situation on the ground, the Miyazaki princess continues to advance while burning the scouts who are on the way.

"Hmm?" Rini then saw the scene from the sky. Because of the clouds below, she wasn't able to clearly see everything but she saw the huge army down below in three sections that advanced into their territory.

Not wasting any time, she sent the message to the guild. However, she got a surprising reply from her sister.

Athena: Yeah, we know from our spies. Crimson Sun is leading the army from the left. The Crown Princess is leading the Royal knights from the right and the King is leading the players from the middle. We have already passed the information long ago. They set up the ambush.

"The King is on the battlefield?" Siren was shocked to hear that. She asked her again for confirmation.

Siren: Did you say the King is leading the army, personally?

Athena: Yeah… Half of the generals are heading there to face him.

Siren: Why didn't say it before?

Rini was angry. She felt like she wasted her time. If the King is coming to the Searvale, there won't be a need for them to sneakily go to the other town and fly away from there. All her hard work is waster

Akiko was of course, oblivious of her feelings. 

Athena: Well, you never asked before.

"Sigh…" Rini can't help but sigh, reading the message. It was her fault for not sharing it with the guild.

Siren: Okay, got it.

Ending her message, she stopped her Phoenix and looked up. The clouds obstructed her view. So, she wasn't able to see whether the other two are present or not.

"Pyre, use flame thrower…" The Phoenix then raised its head and breath out the flames above its head.

It created a scene similar to a volcano eruption for a couple of seconds.

After giving out the signal, the Phoenix changed its direction towards the King and the player army behind him.

1800 thousand meters above the ground, Wil and the Queen were sitting on a cloud and flying towards the Reverie while keeping an eye on flames that looked like wings.

Because of the clouds, obstructing their view, all they were able to see the flames. They can see neither Rini nor her Phoenix. The flames are guiding their way to the camp.

Wherever the flame turns, Wil redirected the cloud towards that way.

But, right now, he saw the flames were directed towards them.

"We haven't been flying for long. I don't think we would be even reaching Reverie's territory." The Queen commented as she looked at the signal.

"Maybe, the enemy's King is on the battlefield?" Wil suggested to the Queen whether he should lower the altitude.

But, the Queen refused. She ordered only to follow Rini from this safe distance.

Feeling reluctance in her tone, Wil doubted whether this Queen really wanted to face Reverie's King.

Level-300 Wild zone, Searvale Kingdom;

The King and his player army entered the mountains.

As the path is narrow, everyone walked a bit slower so that they don't bump into each other. Those who have wings or flying mounts, they weren't facing any issue to follow the king.

"Hmm?" The King, who was traveling on a white elephant suddenly, ordered his mount to stop. Everyone stops along with him. He then stared at the sky.

A few of them also raised their heads and saw a dot in the sky.

The dot slowly became bigger and soon, a giant Phoenix appeared in their view but they aren't worried as the King is there with them. Still, it didn't stop from them taking out their weapons to get ready for the possible attack.

"Oh! A Phoenix!" The Reverie's King looked at it in interest. 

"Pyre, Use Extinguisher…" Without wasting any time, Rini ordered the phoenix to use its most powerful skill on the King and the people behind him.

Upon receiving her order, the whole Phoenix burned in red flames as it glided towards the enemies.

Then she spoke, "Merge." She burned in flames and disappeared from its back, merging into the flames, temporarily and the color changed to golden.

The Golden flame Phoenix darted like a flash towards the King, intending to incinerate him.

However, the King was calm.

"Airavata… Use Whirlwind."

The Level-400 White Elephant blew the air towards the incoming attack. Due to the difference of fifty levels, the speed of Phoenix continues to slow down.

Just when the players who are nearby the King are celebrating that Siren will be finished, all of a sudden, a lightning strike hit right on the King's head without any warning.

The King fell from the Elephant with a charred head, losing one-third of his health.

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