War Online

Chapter 286

Chapter 286: Wil's interview at Mayor's mansion part-2

"On what grounds they dared to accuse me?" Wil's tone was firm as he asked the reporters.

The reporters were once again silent as they didn't know what to say. For one, he is a crown prince, and two… the expelled ones are the enemies of Scarlet.

But, they also don't know the powers of the Crown Prince. They aren't sure whether a Crown prince can order a Mayor to expel everyone as he wishes. Only another prince/princess can say that.

If the Crown prince can really do that in one city, then, he can also repeat the same thing in another city, which means in theory, he can just expel them from the kingdom itself but Wil didn't do that either…

Another issue is that the real culprit of the incident, the Mayor was already dead and those supposed subordinate guilds merged into one huge entity, leaving the faction in the process.

"So, you are denying the allegations, right?" The freelancer asked.

Wil nodded, "yes."

"Next question…"

Another reporter raised her hand. He's someone from a mediocre news channel that was based in Ares city. "Recently, you disbanded the old guild and created another guild name Vulture. Does it have anything to do with Scarlet group acquiring the shares of your guilds?"

"Not exactly. I just figured that Scarlet doesn't suit the image of our guild…" Wil waved his hand, "it's not a big deal."

WCN reporter once again took the charge, "just a few hours ago, Lee Jung-Woo a.k.a One declared you as his archrival. Do you wish to say anything?"

Wil knew that this question will definitely come in the interview for One is the most popular gamer…

"Well, if he's the same person from the Battle Tournament, I wouldn't hesitate to say that he's better. I admit that I won against him because my skill damage is higher.

Since then, I have trained hard to improve my Archery skills. Just when I thought that I'm ready to face him, I heard that he became a mage. Trying to compete with him now no longer interests me…"

Upon hearing Wil's statement, the reporter asked him, "So, are you implying that he can no longer win against you now that he's a mage?"

Wil was taken aback. He wanted to say yes, right away but he managed to swallow it. "We'll see when we battle…"

"Do you have anyone that you wanted to battle?" The freelancer asked him. As Wil's words clearly implied that he doesn't look at One as his rival, then, there must be someone else he wished to battle.

"Hmm… it's not someone but something that I really wished to battle." Wil answered him.

"Something?" They were confused. They wondered whether he was talking about some beast. Wil's next words proved their thoughts right.

"It's a whale… Because of it, I lost my most unique legendary-grade treasure." Wil almost growled as he thought of that whale… Back then, he swore that he'll hunt it down.

He wouldn't think that he's super powerful to kill it, right now… But, when he reaches 400, Wil was sure that he will have enough attack power to kill the mythic-grade monster.

The reporters clearly saw his hatred as he speaks of the whale. The freelancer wrote it in his notebook. He got another worthy headline. Who would want to publish the complaints of a famous person like Time Traveler? What his boss need is something entertaining.

Time Traveler says One isn't his match. His sight is on the battle against Whale.  These kinds of headlines will gather the attention of the public.

"What about gamers… Any worthy in your sight?" The freelancer then asked him. The public is also desperate to know his thoughts.

"He's not a rival but there's a person who I'm looking forward to battle in an unrestrained environment." Wil can't help but reveal his name no matter how much he tried to conceal it within himself.

"Oh!" Everyone looked at him curiously.

"Crimson Sun," Wil spoke of Bran's in-game name but in the eyes of media, he was revealing his rival's name. "I'm sure you must have known his name if you followed the Battle Tournament."

"Crimson Sun?" Everyone's eyes widened and Wil saw their eyes lit up in excitement.

Everyone had the same thought in their minds. "This is a huge scoop…"

Wil didn't know that in Bran's earlier interview, a day before the War, he mentioned how he is looking forward to battle One and hoped Reverie enters the second phase.

But, who would have known, One is looking forward to battle Wil, while the latter wanted to battle Bran… It's like they caught up themselves in a triangle rivalry.

At least, that was what the media thinks and wishes to publish.

Looking at their facial expressions, Wil was taken aback at first, but then misunderstood they might just be happy to find out something from him.

"Okay, Next Question, please…"

As three people raised their hands, Wil pointed to the girl from WCN.

She nodded with a smile and asked, "Is it true that you owned a part of Athledon kingdom? I heard that it is called Ormshire with Vulture city as its capital."

'It looks like this channel's information network is a lot wider than I thought,' Wil stared at her for a couple of seconds before confirming her with a plain nod.

"There's a rumor that you also own a private NPC army despite not being the King. According to our investigations, there are more than ten thousand of them."

This question stiffened Wil a bit. Earlier, he complained about how he lost his position and everything because of the changes. If he were to reveal the truth, it would be meaningless.

Then, what should he say? He can't say that he employed them like guardians as there are a lot of level-300s and 2 generals in his army. He doesn't know how much this news channel knew of him.

Since he's pretty much a celebrity figure, it's possible that they might have investigated everything about his properties and the private army.josei

Should he bribe them? Wil immediately threw away that idea.

Wil cursed himself in his head for not being enough prepared for the interview. He cursed Aster for picking this girl of all the people standing outside.

Taking a deep breath, he answered, "The matter involves a complicated quest. So, I refuse to spill out the details. However, I can say that I don't own them, yet."

Wil's words made them think either he is lying or it is indeed connected to some grand quest as he claimed. Wil purposely said the word yet. That means, soon, they will be his.

Does this imply that they will become his private army soon after he completed the quest?

In reality, Wil indeed spoke the truth. He doesn't own them unless he becomes the King. As for the complicated quest, it is also a kind of truth. There's a revenge quest in his Quest list. He had to kill the culprit that killed the Queen.

The complicated part is here who the culprit is. Is it Gadriel, who performed the act, or is it Rikilda, who wished for her death?

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