War Online

Chapter 288

Chapter 288: Wil gets drugged

Hotel Greenpark, Wular city;

Wil was rolling on the bed. After not being able to sleep for 2 hours straight, he finally sits on the bed and takes out his tablet. 

"Hmm… looks like this city's nightlife isn't bad." He mumbled as searched about Wular city's specialties.

He wanted to see whether there are any tourist spots around so that he can just spend his vacation for the next day.

"Hmm… not much to look around… This city is popular for its studios, nightclubs, net cafés, and bars. Sigh…" Wil was disappointed.

If any other rich kid like him hears of such news, they would be happy that they would get to enjoy the wild nightlife but Wil, on the other hand, can't drink, so, he never thought of visiting it.

So, most of the places are useless to him. The only place he will enjoy is the one that is filled with different types of street food.

Wil then searched about the restaurants that were open all night.

As he found a list, he started to look for addresses. His eyes lit up as he found what he is looking for.

"Oh! Several of these restaurants are located in this street called Mong Kok."

The street was located on the outskirts of the city. So, it will be at least an hour's ride from the hotel.

He then looked at the time and mumbled, "It's almost 12. Thankfully, there will no traffic on the road."

He pushed the blanket away and changed his clothes before leaving the hotel.

An hour later;

"Give me this… gaa… Gaa Lei… Gaa Lei Yu Dan (Curry fish ball), this Cau Dou Fu (stinky tofu), this, Jaa Jun… ju Jaa… what is called again?"

"Jaa ju cheung (fried pork intestine)" The owner of the restaurant said to him.

"Yes, that's the one and also Siu Mai (Steamed Dumpling)" Wil nodded and ordered four of them. Originally, he intended to eat at the food stalls but after coming here, Wil found out that it isn't like Manchong Street back at Leafway city.

Food stalls are placed here and there in an unorganized manner. The area isn't also clean. So, he went into a restaurant that was recommended by the cab driver. 

Even though he chose this street after looking on the internet, Wil still believed locals would know better as they would visit them frequently.

Hearing his large order made the owner smile in happiness. "Sure…" Of course, it wasn't the only reason. Wular city is a place located far in the southeast of the Eastern continent.

So, westerners are rarely seen around here. Seeing Wil at her small restaurant also made her happy.

After calculating the amount, the middle-aged woman replied. "50 Yuan."

"Eh?" Wil was taken aback. He pointed at the prices, "Shouldn't it be 93 Yuan?"

"There's a discount for foreigners on our restaurant." She replied slowly.

'What kind of discount is that?' Wil felt like she made it up on the spot for some reason. Maybe, it's because he is a foreigner or maybe, it's because he is the only customer, right now? He wondered as he paid with the card. "I would like to pay it in credits."

Taking his seat, Wil waited until the food is served. To his surprise, there's an extra item that he didn't order.

It is an item he has never eaten before. There are noodles in it and along with them, some kind of dumplings are also added.

"It's called Tsim Chai Kee (Wonton Noodles). This is one of the local specialties of this city. It's on service…" She smiled as she put all the items on the table before him and went back to the counter.

Since he doesn't know the order and neither did she remind him, Wil first ate stinky tofu followed by curry fish ball, and then, the rest...

At last, he tasted the soup inside the bowl of wonton noodles. "Hmm… it's good…" His eyes lit up.

In no time he finished the food but for some reason, he craved more noodles. Wil asked, "Can I have one more? I'll pay for it."

"Sure, we only charge 20 Yuan to foreigners." The woman said, maintaining her smile.

As Wil was about to stand up and handover the card to pay, she shook her head, "please sit down. You can pay up at the end."

At first, Wil found something wrong with her words but he was too hungry to care about it.

Maybe, they have already made it in a bigger serving already. In no time, the bowl of wonton noodles arrived at the table.

Wil started to slurp the noodles, and eat the wontons.

"Hmm… What's going on?" Somehow he felt hungrier and also feel dizzy. But, there's also strange energy he was feeling in his body but still, he can't help but wanting to eat one thing, now. The wonton noodles.

"One more serving please…"

The smile on her face didn't disappear. It only became bigger.

She returned with another bowl of noodles. This appeared a lot bigger than the previous one and the portion is also bigger with other items on it.

He ate like crazy and finished it.josei

Wil's head started to spin like crazy. He wasn't able to recognize his surroundings any longer. They appeared blurry to him and his brain also seemed to stop working.

Although he wanted to eat more, Wil felt full and wasn't able to eat anymore.

Wobbling like a drunkard, he stood up and walked to the counter. He saw there are four identical women.

Wil rubbed his eyes but still saw the same. "What's happening here? Did the soup contained alcohol or something?" He thought, taking out the card to pay.

"2 wonton noodles and 1 special Wular noodles… 2040 Yuan please." She said with a smile.

Wil didn't hear the amount properly and handed the card. She swiped it and took his fingerprint to complete the transaction.

As the transaction is completed, Wil grabbed his head and collided with the counter before losing consciousness.

"Young man, are you alright?" She asked him while leaving the counter. Just then, Wil lost his balance and fell on the floor, however, she didn't try to grab him.

After confirming that he's unconscious, she looks towards a man that was standing by the entrance, looking at the scene in silence. He was the same cab driver who recommended Wil to this restaurant.

"What are you looking?" The woman shouted at him. "Hurry up…"

He hurriedly ran to the counter and picked up Wil.

"Take him to a bar and leave him there. When he wakes up, he'll think he was drunk." The woman said while giving him three 100 Yuan Notes. "This is your 15% commission."

"Thanks." The man grinned as he took the notes and put them in his pocket. Then he asked, "Boss, why didn't you charge more? I told you that this guy checked in the Green park hotel. Surely, we could have pocketed more…"

"This is why you always end up in jail…" The woman scoffed in response, "You shouldn't be too greedy. It's because this kid is rich, you shouldn't try to mess too much around him. Spending extra 2000 or so Yuan wouldn't make too much difference to him.

So, when he sees his credit card bill, later, he wouldn't notice a difference. Even if he noticed that he was being conned, do you think he'll complain at police or come to us for a mere 2000?"

"Oh!" The cab driver's eyes lit up in realization. He nodded, "you are right."

"Anyway, the drug only works for a few hours. Hurry up…" The woman kicked him out and reminded his job. 

After a while, placing Wil in the back seat, the driver hit the road.

Everything went smooth.

Or so thought the cab driver until he heard a powerful sound in the back as if some glass cracked…

The cab driver turned his head to see Wil was shaking his head left and right while constantly mumbling, "go away… go away… go away…"

He looked as if he was having a nightmare.

However, the cab driver isn't in the mood to care about it. "My window glass…"

One of the car's window glasses behind the back seat was completely broken.

He quickly stopped the car in the middle of the road.

However, the trouble isn't over for him. 

In the next second, he saw Wil roared, "No…" before he kicked the door this time, generating a powerful sound again.

His eyes widened as he saw the door was flung away a couple of meters.

"No…" The driver screamed as he got out of the car.

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