War Online

Chapter 300

Chapter 300: Master of the Guardian beasts part-2

Zidor kingdom, South Zalfari continent;

The kingdom of Pirn is one of the kingdoms that was involved in an invasion. Like Llyne, they were able to successfully defend and sent their enemy back.

However, because of that, their strength was greatly reduced.

Players of such kingdoms got the perk of the ability to participate in the war twice but they weren't able to defend themselves from the series of onslaughts of Zidor, this time.

With his strong leadership and military tactics & formations, Magi was able to completely suppress the enemies. As people don't know that he was guided by his grandfather, who was once a general of the Emperor, they just hailed him as a genius in War tactics.

Of course, it goes without saying that Wil's name popped up here too, for no good reason.

Well, all of this was unrelated to Wil. Right now, his only aim is to catch the black anaconda, which is the symbol of the kingdom.

He exited the temple.

Due to being midnight, the streets are empty and dark. The moonlight doesn't even help with the vision. Thankfully, he had night vision goggles. So, the darkness was no problem for him.

With everything around 500 meters visible to him, Wil started to run.

After he got out of the city, he flapped his wings and started to fly towards the wild zone.

It took him two hours to reach the level-300 wild zone. On the way, he saw a few players wandering around. Thinking that they are probably going for the dungeon, he ignored them.

Wil landed inside the empty rain forest.

"Summon Leon."


A powerful mighty roar was heard across the wild zone, scaring the hell out of the nearby players.

Caressing its mane, he said, "A snake was hiding somewhere with in this forest. Sniff it out."

Looking around for a while, it stopped in one direction and let out a low roar. 

A smile appeared on Wil as he nodded, "good. Then, let's go."josei

As he mounted on it, the white-winged lion started to run in the direction of the enemy.

After taking a lot of turns, they reached a river that was flowing through the forest. Usually, it was filled with alligators and various snake beasts but right now, it is nothing more than a plain muddy river.

That's what it seemed from the outside, however, the Lion stopped at the river bank and let out a low growl.

"So this is the location?" Wil mumbled as get off from its back.

"Leon, where is it exactly?" He asked the lion.

It gestured to him by almost touching its nose to the river while staring at the depths of the river.

"Okay, you stay here." Wil then dives into the river.

As the waters in the river aren't as deep as the sea or the ocean, it didn't take long for Wil to reach the river bed where he saw a long snake, sleeping.

Upon his arrival, the snake opened its eyes and its upper part rose to turn around and saw the intruder.

It saw a winged human with a pillar in his right hand and a crimson gourd in his left hand.

Staring at it, Wil opened the lid and spoke, "Absorb."

A great suction force emerged from the gourd to absorb the snake into it before the guardian even made any move.

As it was completely absorbed and become a fellow prisoner for the cat, a grin appeared on Wil's face, "done… Now, the next target is the kingdom of Hithlum."

Sending the gourd back to the inventory, Wil swam to the surface before mounting on Leon and left for the neighboring kingdom.

By the time he captured the wandering spider of Hithlum, and Sturin's Armored Centipede, the sun rose and the war resumed all around the world.

He quietly returned to the Athledon kingdom without anyone knowing about his actions.

Finding a barren land without anyone around, he stopped flying and landed on the ground.

Once again, Wil summoned the crimson gourd, however, this time, it wasn't for absorbing any beasts. Rather, it was for freeing them.

Controlling the space inside the gourd, he freed the cat with red thick fur with blazing whiskers that appeared before him. He then dismissed the gourd.


It let out an angry roar, lunging at Wil.

However, he didn't resist it and stood there like a statue.

Reaching its bitter enemy, it raised its paw and scratched Wil's chest.


Wil tried to catch it but it dodged his hands and landed on the ground.

Looking at it, Wil said, "you can't beat me, kitty. Submit."

*Meow* Angered by his provocation, its blazing whiskers became bigger as it gathered magic power towards its mouth, turning it into a red fireball.

Wil's expression didn't change a bit for he knew it wouldn't damage him anything.

The fireball became bigger as the seconds passed. It took an entire minute for it to become as big as Wil.

Jerking its head back and forth, it attacked him with the giant red hot fireball.

In response to the attack, he stretched his arms and let them hit him head-on.


As soon as he was hit with it, the fireball disappeared leaving behind seven-figure damage on his head.

Wil wasn't surprised a bit. Instead, he looked calm while becoming busy with calculations. As soon as he found the result, his eyes lit up, "Oh! it's a 300% attack… Cool…"

The stronger its attacks, the most helpful it can be...

Meanwhile, the cat was taken aback. It attacked this bully with its strongest skill but nothing happened. Only one thing came to its mind. That is to run away…

It turned around and tried to go away from this man but then, suddenly, an invisible pressure pushed it to the ground.

After using Gravity Suppression to immobilize it for the next 30 seconds, Wil walked straight towards it and looked into its eye. "You are a rebellious one, aren't you?"

Grabbing his pillar in his right hand, Wil raised his hand and spoke, "Activate, Absolute Ice control, Weapon mode.

The cat saw an enormous amount of magic power was absorbed into his hands, forming an Ice sword.

He aimed at it before motioning its hand.

The cat thought it was going to be stabbed and panicked. It struggled to get free but due to the heavy gravitational force, it wasn't able to move.

Having no other choice, it closed its eyes.

However, to its surprise, nothing happened.

The time ticked for a few seconds and it felt nothing.

The cat slowly opened its eyes only to see the sword stopped an inch before its eye. "Now, I will ask you again. Will you submit?"

In response, the stubborn cat closed its eyes once again, gesturing that it would rather die than submit itself to this bully.

"Hmm, looks like this legendary grade beast wasn't that easy to get tamed without damaging its health."

Having no other choice, he decided to go the usual way.

"Summon, Elemental Golem, Defend mode."

*Ding! Skill failed. Reasons: Incomplete incantation. 

"Eh?" Wil was taken aback by the notification. He went to the skill list and clicked on the skill name to see the correct incantation.

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