War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061: Huang Chun

Chapter 1061: Huang Chun

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

All three of the middle-aged men were sent flying by the energy that swept out from Duan Ling Tian’s body.




The three of them were all wounded by Duan Ling Tian’s strength. Their faces were red and swollen as they spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.

After they caught their breath, their gazes when they looked at Duan Ling Tian were filled with horror, dread, and anger.

They did not expect the purple-clad young man who looked like he was in his twenties would possess such terrifying strength!

He sent them flying and injured them in just a blink of an eye. It was so fast that they did not even have time to react. The Heaven and Earth Energy in the air had not even been mobilized, let alone form the Heaven and Earth Phenomenon.

They knew the young man’s strength was far superior to their strength!

"I’ll give you a span of three breaths to disappear before my eyes... Otherwise, you’ll die!" Duan Ling Tian’s voice was as cold as ice as he warned them emotionlessly.

Colors immediately drained from the faces of the three middle-aged men as they hastily turned around and scurried away. In just a blink of an eye, they flew into the building complex in front of them — the Northern Mountain’s Lu Clan’s estate.

It was apparent the reason they were here was for the Alchemist Competition that was organized by the Northern Mountain’s Lu Clan’s estate.

"Pheww!" After the three of them left, Duan Ling Tian’s body suddenly shivered. He could not help but heave a sigh of relief.

He was overcome with the urge to kill the three middle-aged men for a moment earlier. He managed to suppress the urge at the final moment. This was the after-effect of the Devilseal Tablet.

Meanwhile, those who witnessed the scene earlier did not dare to get close to Duan Ling Tian, let alone look at Feng Tian Wu who was lying inside the ice coffin.

"Let’s head there, Xiong Quan," Duan Ling Tian called out to Xiong Quan. He brought the ice coffin along as they headed to the building complex in front. They followed the flow of people and headed toward the west side of the building complex before they landed on a vast field.

This vast field was further divided into two areas. One of the areas was near a row of magnificent palace buildings. The other area was an outdoor court. People were milling around the court.

Most of the people who descended from the sky, including Duan Ling Tian, were standing in the outdoor court.

Duan Ling Tian could see rows of tables arranged next to each other at the area close to the palace buildings. Moreover, the same medicinal materials were placed on each table as well.

"That Alchemist Competition must take place over there." Duan Ling Tian figured it out easily.

"Huh?" Duan Ling Tian suddenly turned his head slightly and looked into the distance as though he had noticed something.

Three middle-aged men were staring at him. The moment they saw him looking in their direction, they immediately shifted their eyes away. However, Duan Ling Tian did not fail to notice the anger and hatred in their eyes in that split second before they turned away.

The three middle-aged men were no strangers to Duan Ling Tian. They were none other than the three people whom he had injured outside earlier.

Duan Ling Tian shifted his gaze away after glancing once at the three individuals. The three of them were martial artists at the First or Second Level Void Transformation Stage and posed no threat to him.

In the distance, the three middle-aged men exchanged glances with each other and could see the horror and dread in each other’s eyes when they shifted their gazes away from Duan Ling Tian.

"He’s here for the Alchemist Competition too?" One of them asked unhurriedly in a deliberately lowered voice. A hint of anger could be heard in his voice.

"I think so." Another person nodded.

"So, does this mean he’s human and not a demon?" The last person frowned.

Originally, he thought the purple-clad young man was a demon after he witnessed his strength. This was because that person was just too young!

A young man who appeared to be only in his twenties possessed strength that far surpassed theirs. They suspected his cultivation base was at least at the Fourth Level Void Transformation Stage.

Even in the Ou Clan and Lu Clan, more than half of the people in the clan focused more on Weapons Refinement Dao and Medicine Refinement Dao. As for the others, they could not become a weapon craftsman or an alchemist due to their limited talent. They could only focus on Martial Dao in order to raise their cultivation base and protect their clan.

The Ou Clan and Lu Clan were a weapon crafting clan and an alchemy clan respectively. They had existed for 10,000 years and the cultivation resources they had accumulated were not inferior to the first-rate forces.

Due to this reason, the disciples from Ou Clan and Lu Clan who focused on cultivating their Martial Dao naturally had quite impressive strength.

"If he’s really here for the Alchemist Competition, that means he’s human. It’s basically impossible for a demon to become an Alchemist! This is the ultimate law of the Cloud Continent!"

The three middle-aged men looked at each other again. They could see the astonishment in each other’s eyes with just a glance.

A young man who possessed a cultivation base that far exceeded their own strength really shocked them.

They were even more shocked when they discovered this person was most likely an alchemist who came to join the Alchemist Competition just like them. Their emotions were in turmoil that it took them a long time before they finally calmed down.

No matter what, the three individuals refused to believe that Duan Ling Tian was here to join the Alchemist Competition. Soon after, one of them speculated, "Maybe he’s here to accompany the middle-aged man next to him."

"Maybe." The other two nodded. They hoped that this was the case.

In their opinion, their conjecture earlier was too preposterous. They felt that it was highly impossible for their earlier conjecture to be correct.

"Yao Liang, didn’t you say one of the judges for the Alchemist Competition organized by the Northern Mountain’s Lu Clan is your uncle?" One of the middle-aged men looked at the other middle-aged man dressed in green with bright eyes. "How about this? You play nice with your uncle and let him disqualify that alchemist who came with that guy?"

When he reached the end of his sentence, he looked at the middle-aged man standing behind the purple-clad young man in the distance. A faint sneer crept up on the corner of his mouth.

The person he was looking at was none other than Xiong Quan who was standing behind Duan Ling Tian.

The middle-aged man thought Duan Ling Tian was here to accompany Xiong Quan to participate in the Alchemist Competition. He thought Xiong Quan was the alchemist.

"That’s right, Yao Liang! With just a word from your uncle, they’ll have to leave immediately!" The other middle-aged man was also looking at the green-clad middle-aged man with anticipation on his face.

"Don’t worry. Once uncle is out, I’ll tell him about this. Since that guy dared to injure me, I’ll revoke his companion’s eligibility to enter the Alchemist Competition’s preliminary round!" The green-clad middle-aged man said confidently as he narrowed his eyes.

A smug smile could be immediately seen on the faces of the three middle-aged men.

Duan Ling Tian was completely unaware of their scheme.

Naturally, he would not care at all even if he found out.

"I wonder if the current Northern Mountain’s Lu Clan has a grade one alchemist." Duan Ling Tian was very curious about this matter.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a middle-aged man standing nearby. He immediately smiled as he looked at him. "Hi, big brother, may I ask you a question?"

"Of course, you can." The middle-aged man had long noticed Duan Ling Tian. After all, the ice coffin hovering beside Duan Ling Tian was just too eye-catching. It was almost impossible for it not to draw any attention.

"I just arrived at the Northern Mountain Land not long ago. I only know the Lu Clan is one of the two strongest forces in the Northern Mountain land. I also know, in the past, there were not more than twenty grade one alchemists in Lu Clan." Duan Ling Tian looked at the middle-aged man and asked bluntly, "I wonder if there’s any grade one alchemist in the Lu Clan currently?"

"No." The middle-aged man did not expect Duan Ling Tian’s question to be so simple. He shook his head as he answered, "There’s no grade one alchemist in the Lu Clan at the moment. The last known grade one Alchemist was from around 900 years ago." josei

"I see." Duan Ling Tian flashed a smile at the middle-aged man after he obtained the answer to his question. "Thanks for the information, big brother."

"You’re welcome, brother." The middle-aged man smiled. His gaze then landed on the ice coffin hovering beside Duan Ling Tian. He asked curiously, "Brother, I wonder who is this lady lying in the ice coffin..."

"She’s my woman..." Duan Ling Tian said gently without waiting for the middle-aged man to finish his sentence. Duan Ling Tian gaze instantly shifted to Feng Tian Wu who was lying in the ice coffin.

Duan Ling Tian who was staring fixedly at Feng Tian Wu’s beautiful face at this moment failed to notice her right hand had twitched the moment the words left his mouth.

The movement was so small that in just a blink of an eye, it soon returned to normal again.

Not only Duan Ling Tian, it also went unnoticed by everyone else, including Xiong Quan.

It was as though Feng Tian Wu who was lying in the ice coffin had heard Duan Ling Tian’s words.

The middle-aged man saw Feng Tian Wu’s beauty as she lay in the ice coffin. With a face full of envy, he said, "You’re really blessed, brother."

Duan Ling Tian politely responded by smiling.

"My name is Huang Chun. How should I address you?" The middle-aged man asked.

"Duan Ling Tian," Duan Ling Tian replied.

"That’s a good name!" A hint of praise was evident in Huang Chun’s words.

He turned to Xiong Quan. "How should I address you then?"

"I’m Xiong Quan." Xiong Quan nodded at Huang Chun.

"Are you two here to join the Alchemist Competition?" Huang Chun asked again.

"I’m not an alchemist." Xiong Quan shook his head.

"Then, you must be here to accompany Brother Ling Tian to participate in the Alchemist Competition. Brother Ling Tian’s really young and promising. So young, and he’s already a grade six alchemist. His future is bound to be limitless," Huang Chun praised. "With your talent and becoming a grade six alchemist at such a young age, Brother Ling Tian, it’s certain that you’ll become a foreign disciple of the Northern Mountain’s Lu Clan!"

The minimum requirement for entering the Alchemist Competition was one had to be a grade six alchemist. Due to this reason, Huang Chun felt that Duan Ling Tian must be a grade six alchemist.

It did not even cross his mind that Duan Ling Tian might be an alchemist of a higher grade.

Duan Ling Tian was so young, being able to become a grade six alchemist was already enough to elicit shock from the bottom of his heart.

His talent in Alchemy could already be considered as an accomplishment.

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