War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1163

Chapter 1163: Paying A Visit to the Ke Clan in Person

Chapter 1163: Paying A Visit to the Ke Clan in Person

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"I can’t believe that they’re Martial Monarchs too!" After Li Fei and Ke’er left, many people gushed.

It had never crossed their minds that these two fragile-looking women actually possessed such powerful strength.

Earlier, many of them had harbored evil ideas towards these two girls. However, after they saw Ke Pi lying on the ground like a dead dog, they were overwhelmed with fear.

"This time, the Ke Clan’s eldest son is crippled and a Martial Monarch is dead... I believe that the Ke Clan won’t just leave the matter at that," somebody said with a dreadful expression.

The rest of the people present agreed with him.

The Ke Clan was a second-rate force, and in the entire Inner Land of the Cloud Continent, it was deemed no one. However, locally, the Ke Clan was an absolute tyrant in this small city that nobody dared to offend easily.

Those who wanted to forge a relationship with the Ke Clan proceeded to send Ke Pi, the eldest son of the Ke Clan, whose Dantian was crippled back. This scenario caused a commotion in the entire Ke Clan.

Then, three of the remaining five Martial Monarchs wanted to track down Li Fei and Ke’er who had crippled Ke Pi’s Dantian and killed the Ke Clan’s Martial Monarch.

Any one of the three Martial Monarchs that the Ke Clan dispatched was more powerful than the person whom Li Fei and Ke’er had joined forces to kill.

Among the three, the strongest was on the Third Level Martial Monarch Stage while the weakest one was on the Second Level Martial Monarch Stage.

Unfortunately, after half a day of searching relentlessly, they still could not find Li Fei and Ke’er at all.

Soon, the Ke Clan released two drawings. In each of the drawings was a veiled woman and other than the area that was covered, both of their eyebrows and eyes were drawn clearly.

Although the two of them wore veils, whoever had seen the drawings before would be able to recognize them in just one glance the moment they saw their brows and eyes because the drawings were so similar to the real women.

Coincidentally enough, on the same day when the Ke Clan disseminated the two drawings, one of the female disciples from the Ling Tian Sect happened to pass by and see those two drawings.

"It’s Junior Sister Li Fei and Ke’er!" This female disciple was also the former female disciple of the Yin Peak from the Yin Yang Sect. In just one glance, she could recognize that the drawings of the veiled women were of Li Fei and Ke’er.

After inquiring, she began to understand the whole story.

"How dare he touch the fiancées of our Sect Master? The Ke Clan is really seeking for death!" She thought to herself.

However, although she had those thoughts, she did not approach the Ke Clan to settle the issue with them. She was clear about her own limitations, and she knew that she would not be able to inflict much damage on the Ke Clan alone.

At once, she flew back to the Ling Tian Sect at full speed.

By the time Duan Ling Tian learned about this news, a few days had passed. Instantly, he brought the Gold Thug to the small city that the Ke Clan was situated in.

"The Ke Clan?" Standing above the Ke Clan mansion, a sneer spread across Duan Ling Tian’s mouth.

"Master, do you want me to annihilate this Ke Clan?" The Gold Thug asked.

"Not now... I want to see whether I’ll be able to coax some information out of the Ke Clan’s eldest son first. Perhaps, we’ll find some clues that the two girls left behind." The moment Duan Ling Tian’s words left his mouth, he landed in the Ke Clan grounds in a flash. Coincidentally, he landed in the large courtyard where Ke Pi, the eldest son of the Ke Clan, stayed in.

The Gold Thug followed behind Duan Ling Tian like a shadow.

"Who are you?!" Duan Ling Tian’s appearance took many people by shock. Among them were Ke Pi himself and the few servants who were responsible for serving him.

"Are you Ke Pi?" In the eyes of Ke Pi, who was sitting at the large courtyard sunbathing, the purple-clad young man in front suddenly disappeared the moment he raised this question before reappearing in front of him again.

"W-Who are you?!" Horror dawned on Ke Pi. At the same time, he hastily signaled to the servants beside him with his eyes. It was apparent that he wanted to ask them to call for help.

This purple-clad young man gave him a solid sense of pressure.

Right away, the few servants by his side immediately left the great courtyard hastily.

Neither Duan Ling Tian nor the Gold Thug who was behind him proceeded to block their paths at all. It was as though they did not see them leaving at all.

Of course, with Duan Lng Tian and the Gold Thug’s abilities, it was no doubt, impossible for them not to notice the few servants leaving. They just were not bothered by it.

"Tell me everything about the two girls that you saw a few days ago," Duan Ling Tian asked nonchalantly as he studied Ke Pi with a calm look.

"What girls?" Ke Pi could not put the two and two together yet because of his rising anxiety.

"The two girls who crippled your Dantian," Duan Ling Tian reminded.

"Those two bitches!" Just as Duan Ling Tian’s words left his mouth, Ke Pi finally came back to his senses. Instantly, he recalled the two girls whom he had met a few days ago and was immediately overcome with wrath. Subconsciously, he cursed out loud.

However, the moment the words left his mouth, he immediately came to regret it.

It was apparent that the purple-clad young man was there for the sake of the two girls. Now that he had cursed the two girls out loud in front of him, the man might be pissed off.

Just as Ke Pi thought about this, he could feel a gush of icy aura being emitted from this purple-clad young man. It soon pressed on his body in just a blink of an eye, so much so that he could hardly breathe!

"Ahhhh!!" In the next instance, neither did he see any movement from the purple-clad young man and the golden-robed old man at all, nor did he hear anything, but he suddenly felt a heart-rending pain from his shoulder. It was so anguishing that he could not suppress the shrill shriek coming from his own mouth.

When he finally realized what was happening, he noticed that one of his arms was already severed off. At once, he was so shocked that the color drained from his face. It was so painful that he broke out into a cold sweat.

"Y-You... You..." He glared at the purple-clad young man in front with fury. Yet, he could not utter a sound at all, or to be more precise, he dared not utter a sound at all.

What a joke!

This guy could chop off his arm without any sound, which meant that he could also kill him quickly and soundlessly. No matter how enraged he was, he did not dare to infuriate this guy any further anymore.

Right then, he only wished that the servants who had already left would fetch help as soon as possible.

Only then could he be saved!

"When my father gets here, I’ll make him wish that he’s better off dead!" With the help of his Concept, he pressed on his wound to stop the blood from flowing out rapidly. At the same time, there was a cold brilliance deep inside Ke Pi’s gaze that was about to devour a certain somebody.

"I don’t want to repeat what I said just now." Duan Ling Tian’s tone was still very calm, as though he had not just crippled Ke Pi’s arm.

The words that appeared to be calm sounded like devilish words in Ke Pi’s ears, causing the blood to drain from his face as he immediately replied hastily, "I’ll tell! I’ll tell!"

Then, he told everything that had happened on that day out, not daring to omit or hide anything at all.

After listening to Ke Pi’s story, Duan Ling Tian did not get any clue from his words at all. Immediately, his gaze turned cold and he continued to glare at Ke Pi.

This man dared to be so disrespectful towards his fiancées!

"I-I’ve answered you! Y-You can’t kill me! You can’t kill me!" After noticing the icy glare in Duan Ling Tian’s eyes, Ke Pi anxiously pleaded. His eyes and face were filled with despair.

Just as Duan Ling Tian was about to cast his move to kill Ke Pi, a boisterous voice resonated from outside the large courtyard, and it was getting nearer. "Who are you?! How dare you act so wantonly in our Ke Clan?!"

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Soon, two gushes of wind blew into the large courtyard. In the next instance, two men appeared beside Ke Pi. One was an aged, sturdy man, while the other was an old, skinny man.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the next instance, another three men appeared by Ke Pi’s side. There was a curly-bearded man while the other two were middle-aged.

"Pei’er!" After the curly-bearded man saw Ke Pi’s severed arm, horror dawned on his face, and he proceeded to pick up the arm to attach it back to his son’s body.


Unfortunately, before he could pick up the severed arm, a gust of mighty energy gushed out and crushed the severed arm into powder within seconds.

That was the work of the Gold Thug standing behind Duan Ling Tian. He had destroyed Ke Pi’s severed arm swiftly.

"You! You’re going to hell!!" Instantly, the face of the curly-bearded man turned grave, and his Origin Energy soared out of his body. At the same time, his Profundity and Concepts followed like a shadow and instantly pounded towards the Gold Thug, unleashing all of his Second level Martial Monarch Stage techniques.

"You’re like a mantis trying to stop a chariot!" The Gold Thug snorted and took a stride forward. Nobody saw him making any other move at all, but without warning, a burst of energy skyrocketed from his body and charged out towards the man.


In a second, the curly-bearded man was drowned and reduced into ashes, vanishing from this world forever.

A Second Level Martial Monarch Stage martial artist had died just like that without even fully understanding why.

The moment Ke Pi saw this, terror dawned on him as he cried out shrilly, "Father!"

"Clan Leader!" The color drained from the faces of the two middle-aged men who had appeared together with the curly-bearded men. It had never crossed their minds that this person, who had been breathing just a moment ago beside them, could turn into ashes in just a blink of an eye. There was not even a trace of a corpse or any bones left behind.

"Who the hell are you?!" Compared to the nervous energy from Ke Pi and the other two, the two old men stared at Duan Ling Tian and the Gold Thug with serious expressions as they asked with dread in their eyes.

"You don’t even know who my master is, yet you dare to offer a reward to chase and kill my two misses? What huge guts you guys have!" The Gold Thug stared at the two old men with a curl in the corner of his mouth.

"T-The two of you... I-Is there any misunderstanding?" The sturdy old man asked with a wry smile. josei

"Yes, perhaps it’s only a misunderstanding," the skinny old man piped up too.

Although the two of them were the strongest in the Ke Clan — they were both on the Third Level Martial Monarch Stage — they understood very well that even they could not kill their Clan Leader of the Ke Clan, who was on the Second Level Martial Monarch Stage, in just one blow.

This golden-robed old man in front posed as a frightening threat to them.

"Misunderstanding?" The Gold Thug snorted. With a raise of his hand, two drawings appeared in his palm, and he tossed them out casually. "Are you trying to say that this is a misunderstanding?"

When they saw the two drawings of the veiled women, all five of the Ke Clan members, including Ke Pi and the two old men, turned pale right away.


The sturdy old man was the first to return to his senses. With a raise of his hand, he thrust a palm towards Ke Pi and kill him straight.

Without a doubt, Ke Pi had been the initiator of this incident.

After the sturdy old man killed Ke Pi, he told Duan Ling Tian and Gold Thug with an anxious look on his face, "Guys, everything regarding this is Ke Pi’s fault. It’s unrelated to our Ke Clan. Now, the Ke Clan has already put him to death, so this is our way of apologizing to you."

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