War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1259 - Saint Grade Martial Tactic

Chapter 1259 - Saint Grade Martial Tactic

Chapter 1259: Saint Grade Martial Tactic

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Shadowless Air Palm was the Clan Suppressing Martial Skill from the Ancient Han Clan in the Cloud Continent.

This set of martial skills dominated all Heaven Rank Advanced Martial Skills. Not everybody in the Han Clan could cultivate it.

As one of the strongest people in the Han Clan, the old man in gray was very sure about this. He was also one of the few people in the Han Clan who had cultivated the Shadowless Air Palm.

Not only did he know that the Shadowless Air Palm was a powerful martial skill that ruled all other Heaven Rank Advanced Martial Skills, but he also knew that this set of martial skills could be considered a Saint Grade Martial Tactic.

The Saint Grade Martial Tactic was a saying passed down in the Han Clan a long time ago. It was said that it originated from a faraway land and referred to martial skills that prevailed over Heaven Rank Advanced Martial Skills.

The old man, who was awfully pale, was filled with astonishment and disbelief as he glared directly at Han Xue Nai

“Shadowless Air Palm?” Upon hearing the old man’s words, Han Xue Nai was first stunned before giving him a disdainful smile. “Are you sure that the one that I cast was the Shadowless Air Palm?”

The moment her words left her mouth, without waiting for the old man to respond, Han Xue Nai made her move once again. A cold aura spread out in the air and burst into a biting cold as piercing iciness radiated across.

At the same time, gales of cold wind brushed past them as well.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!


A series of loud bangs resonated. The light shield rose from around the old man’s body and crumbled like dried leaves. In just a heartbeat, he was already swept by the gale of icy aura coming from all directions, transforming him into an ice sculpture.

One could faintly see that there was a streak of clear palm prints around the old man’s body in the ice sculpture as though he had been slapped many times.

“Right now, do you still think that this is the Shadowless Air Palm?” Han Xue Nai asked nonchalantly.

At the same time, she gradually lifted a hand up. The ice sculpture around the old man’s body began to melt into nothingness as if it had never once appeared.




The moment the ice sculpture around his body disappeared, the old man shuddered before he opened his mouth and blood gushed out of it. Staggering as though he was about to fall, he teetered at the gates of death.

It was only until he took out a pill and swallowed it that color started to creep upon his face once again.

If Duan Ling Tian had been here, he would definitely have been able to tell that this Healing Medicinal Pill that the old man in gray just consumed was none other than the Quasi Royal Grade Resurrection Pill that he was very familiar with.

“It isn’t the Shadowless Air Palm!” As Han Xue Nai’s words resonated by his ear, the old man in gray could not help but shiver as he looked at her with a horrified expression. His heart was completely consumed with shock. “Even though it looks like the Shadowless Air Palm, it’s a martial skill that’s much more powerful than the Shadowless Air Palm! It’s a Saint Grade Martial Tactic! A freaking Saint Grade Martial Tactic! A Saint Grade Martial Tactic that’s even more powerful than the Shadowless Air Palm! Who is she? As far as I know, only the two great ancient clans in the entire Cloud Continent, including our Han Clan, have the Saint Grade Martial Tactic! But she actually knows a Saint Grade Martial Tactic too! Not only that, it’s a Saint Grade Martial Tactic that’s far more powerful than our Han Clan’s Shadowless Air Palm... D-Don’t tell me she actually came from t-that place!”

As thoughts raced through the old man’s mind, he seemed to have recalled something. He appeared to be looking at a ghost as he stared at the teenage girl.

As one of the two great ancient clans in the Cloud Continent that had a legacy of 10,000 years, the Han Clan knew a lot of things that other ordinary Cloud Continent powerhouses did not.

There were other continents other than the Cloud Continent.

Besides that, there was a secret journal that was passed down to every generation of the Han Clan. It held journal records that only a disciple from the Han Clan lineage was qualified to read.

According to the journal, the first Clan Leader of the Han Clan who was also the ancestor that established the Han Clan did not actually originate from the Cloud Continent. Instead, he came from another continent.

According to that Han Clan ancestor, where he originated from, even a Martial Emperor was stood only at the peak of the Mortal Stage.

Many people transcended the Mortal Stage in that continent, which was called Dao Martial Saint Land.

“I’ve heard from Qing Nu a while ago that there’s a clan here in the Cloud Continent that can roughly be considered as part of our clan’s branch. It’s also known as the Han Clan.” Somehow, Han Xue Nai had started speaking nonchalantly and nobody knew whether she was talking to the old man in gray or to herself. “The fact that the Shadowless Air Palm has been passed down means that this person who founded the Han Clan must be a collateral disciple of our clan no matter how useless he was!”


The words that Han Xue Nai seemed to mutter to herself entered the ears of the old man, striking him like a thunderbolt.

He trembled all over as he asked, “M-Miss... D-Did you just s-say that our Han Clan’s a-ancestor was actually y-your clan’s collateral d-disciple?”

As a lineal disciple of the Han Clan and the former clan leader, his knowledge about the Han Clan surpassed anyone else in the clan.

“According to the record written in the journal the ancestor left behind, when he was still in the D-Dao Martial Saint Land or something, he was indeed a collateral disciple of a large clan. Although the ancestor didn’t describe the clan in detail, he did mention that the huge clan carried a big weight in the Dao Martial Saint Land.” The moment he thought about this, his body started to quiver in fear when he looked at Han Xue Nai again.

After undergoing the Saint Grade Martial Tactic that this teenage girl cast, he faintly suspected that this person must have come from the mysterious Dao Martial Saint Land.

The Saint Grade Martial Tactic that she cast was even more powerful than the Saint Grade Martial Tactic that their Han Clan and the other ancient clan possessed.

The Saint Grade Martial Tactic that both clans possessed originated from the mysterious Dao Martial Saint Land.

That was the reason why he would come to such a conclusion.

After hearing her mutter to herself and the message recorded in the journal that their Han Clan ancestor left behind, he assumed that she must have come from the huge clan just like his ancestor.

Not only that, the Saint Grade Martial Tactic that she cast had some resemblance of the Shadowless Air Palm although it appeared more like an upgraded version.

Connecting all these points together, he had no choice but to suspect Han Xue Nai’s identity. He felt that she might really be related to their Han Clan ancestor and even their Han Clan.

“What? Do you think I’d be so utterly shameless to forge a connection with your Han Clan?” Upon hearing the old man’s query, Han Xue Nai snapped in disdain, “If I remember correctly, given your strength, even if you aren’t the most powerful person in your clan, you must be at least in the top three... Do you think that my strength isn’t even comparable to the strongest powerhouse in your Han Clan?”

Her sentence dripped with sarcasm.

“No! I didn’t mean that... Miss, I really didn’t mean that!” The old man became panic-stricken right away.

As she said, although his strength was not the most powerful in the Han Clan, he was still among the top three.

However, even if she faced the strongest person in the Han Clan, he would not turn out to be so weak to the point that he could not attack her at all.

“Sister Xue Nai, why are you talking so much to him? If I were you, I’d have killed him directly,” Little Gold stood by the side and piped up nonchalantly. At the same time, she glared at the old man. “Hi! Didn’t you want to avenge Han Jing? My Sister Xue Nai is right here now. Go on. Make your move hurry!”

Upon hearing Little Gold’s words, the old man’s cheeks that had just returned to its normal pallor turned white again. Hastily, he quickly replied, “I-It’s a misunderstanding! It’s a misunderstanding! The reason I came here is just to learn how Han Jing died... Since you killed him, Miss, I’m sure that’s because he was the one who dug his own grave! He deserved to die!” Looking at Han Xue Nai, he said with a horrified expression.

“On top of that, we Han Clan can be said to be closely related to you as well, Miss. Please forgive me this time for the sake of our Han Clan ancestor!” He pleaded.

“Is your surname Han?” Han Xue Nai asked coolly.

“Yes! Yes! I’m called Han Tong!” The old man hastily replied, not daring to slack at all.

“Well, alright. I can do that! But you must make up for your mistakes,” she retorted.

“Miss Xue Nai.” Upon hearing Han Xue Nai’s words, Little Gold frowned for no reason. She itched to exterminate this old man who had almost killed her just now.

“Little Gold, there’s still some use keeping him alive,” Han Xue Nai reassured.

Little Gold nodded. Despite still being slightly unhappy, she dared not disobey Han Xue Nai at all.

“Miss, please tell me. Please tell me how, Miss!” Han Tong begged humbly as though he was afraid that she would regret her decision.

“Activate your clan’s forces and help me search for someone,” Han Xue Nai replied.

At Ling Xuan Peak, another two stand-alone wooden houses were erected on the tiny platform beside Martial Emperor Ling Xuan’s residence. It was evident that they had been newly erected not long ago.

The occupants of the two wooden houses were none other than the two brothers, Nangong Chen and Nangong Yi.

Ever since the last time they came to meet Martial Emperor Ling Xuan, they had started staying here.

According to Martial Emperor Ling Xuan, since they were both Duan Ling Tian’s friends, they were then his friends too. For this reason, he found it awkward to keep them as his disciples or followers but he allowed them to remain in the Ling Xuan Peak as guests. josei

Though they were the guests, they were allowed to enjoy all of the benefits of a Martial Emperor’s direct disciple.

This took the two Nangong Twins by shock and joy.

Shock by just how highly Martial Emperor Ling Xuan thought of Duan Ling Tian and joy for being able to stay at the Ling Xuan Peak to enjoy all of the benefits of a Martial Emperor’s direct disciple.

According to the Martial Emperor Ling Xuan, they could stay at the Ling Xuan Peak for as long as they liked. If they did not want to stay anymore, they could leave anytime they wanted.

Even after they had left, they could come back anytime they wanted to.

The other wooden house erected on the stone platform not far away was the residence of Duan Ling Tian.

However, ever sine the Nangong Twins arrived here, they had never seen Duan Ling Tian coming out of his residence before. For this reason, they had never been able to meet with him all along

Days continued to pass.

Today, Yang Hui, Martial Emperor Ling Xuan, left his own residence and came to the front of Duan Ling Tian’s residence.

“Brother Ling Tian,” Yang Hui called out as a greeting.

The next instance, the door to the wooden house that Duan Ling Tian was opened wide before he flew out of it. Standing in front of Yang Hui, he asked, “Yes? Is there any news now?”

Duan Ling Tian’s eyes brightened right away.

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