War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1462 - The Dao Talismans With A Whopping Price

Chapter 1462 - The Dao Talismans With A Whopping Price

Chapter 1462: The Dao Talismans With A Whopping Price

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“My name is Duan Ling Tian.” Duan Ling Tian beamed.

“Y-You’re Duan Ling Tian?!” Upon hearing Duan Ling Tian’s reply, the old man was stunned before he shifted his eyes to his waist instantly. The moment he saw the outer court disciple Order Token, his eyes lit up right away. “You’re that outer court disciple who killed the Earth Rankings powerhouse yesterday in the Death Duel in the outer court district yesterday, aren’t you?”

“You’ve heard about that already too, elder?” Duan Ling Tian chuckled, acknowledging it indirectly.

“Great, great... You have such a solid innate talent in Martial Dao, yet you’re still so polite. How rare!” The old man had a precious kind expression on his face.

“You flatter me, elder.” Duan Ling Tian smiled humbly.

“I’m Fang Gan. If you need anything in the future, you can just come to find me here in the Merit Pavilion. If I don’t happen to be on duty at that time, you can look for me in the inner court.”

“Thanks for your kindness, Elder Fang Gan.” It had never crossed Duan Ling Tian’s mind that the old man would say such words to him. At once, he quickly expressed his gratitude as his heart was filled with emotions. After all, he had only just greeted the old man out of politeness.

After bidding farewell to the old man, Duan Ling Tian proceeded to leave the second level of the Merit Pavilion and went to the third level.

When he came to the third level of the Merit Pavilion, he could see a counter that looked more or less the same as the one on the second level of the Merit Pavilion by the entrance. There were two middle-aged men sitting behind the counter and it was obvious that they were the people-in-charge of the third level of this Merit Pavilion.

After sensing their Spiritual Energy, Duan Ling Tian could distinguish that their strength was not as great as Fang Gan’s on the second level of the Merit Pavilion.

“These two people have a strength that is on par with an outer court elder. They should be either outer court elders or inner court deacons.” Duan Ling Tian could more or less guess the identities of these two men.

“Put your Spatial Ring down and enter,” ordered one of the middle-aged men nonchalantly as he glanced at Duan Ling Tian.

Duan Ling Tian nodded his head before putting his Spatial Ring down and entering the third level of the Merit Pavilion.

After entering the third level of the Merit Pavilion, Duan Ling Tian glanced all over and could not help but be visibly moved. This was because the third level of the Merit Pavilion was separated into three sections that each housed various treasures.

These three sections were the pill section, the Saint Weapon section, and the Dao Talisman section.

Duan Ling Tian went to the pill section and searched for many Three-Star Healing Medicinal Pills and Three-Star Sensory Pills. On top of that, he also bought some Four-Star Saint Grade Pills that were exorbitantly priced. He felt a sense of loss as he spent the Merit Points.

The price of just one Four-Star Saint Grade Pill started from 10,000 Merit Points.

Duan Ling Tian was actually not surprised by this at all.

As far as he knew, the most outstanding Alchemist in the Moon Illumination Sect was also only a Three-Star Saint Refinement Master who could only refine Three-Star Saint Grade Pills at the most.

These Four-Star Saint Grade Pills that were even more valuable had been obtained by the Moon Illumination Sect through other methods at a dear cost too. Therefore, the price set was particularly high.

The pile of pills that Duan Ling Tian bought added up to almost 200,000 Merit Points.

After leaving the pill section, Duan Ling Tian came to the Saint Weapons section. He realized that almost all of the Saint Weapons there were Earth Rank Saint Weapons. Furthermore, a majority of them were inscribed with Saint Inscriptions.

Of course, the Saint Weapons that were inscribed with different Saint Inscriptions were priced differently too.

Without a doubt, the Saint Weapons that were not inscribed with any Saint Inscriptions were the cheapest.

Those Saint Weapons that were inscribed with basic One-Star Saint Inscriptions were slightly more expensive while those that were inscribed with better One-Star Saint Inscriptions were even higher priced. As for those Saint Weapons that were inscribed with many One-Star Saint Inscriptions, they were way more expensive.

Of course, all of these Saint Weapons could not compare to the Saint Weapons that were inscribed with Two-Star Saint Inscriptions.

The Two-Star Saint Inscriptions were categorized into various grades too.

Over there, Duan Ling Tian could see many Earth Rank Saint Weapons that were on the same grade with the Thousand Mass Sword and the Gale Hammer. On top of that, there were also other Earth Rank Saint Weapons that were much better than them and were inscribed with more than two Saint Inscriptions.

Of course, the prices were even more ridiculous.

It was so expensive that the price was labeled at almost a million Merit Points.

“These Saint Weapons are really cash burning items! However, in addition to having the Sun Shooting Bow, I also have the Thousand Mass Sword that I obtained from Feng Fan, so for the time being, there’s no need for me to buy any other Saint Weapon.” Duan Ling Tian clicked his tongue and left the Saint Weapons section for the Dao Talisman section.

The items that were on sale in the Dao Talisman section were all Dao Talismans.

Each of the Dao Talismans had a detailed description by its side.

“Two-Star Golden Energy Talisman. Once it’s activated, it’ll form a layer of golden energy shield on the caster and will last for 15 minutes. It can be used to defend against attacks from a Martial or Dao Cultivator on the Mastery Saint Rudiment Stage or below. A Martial or Dao Cultivator who is on the Paramount Saint Rudiment Stage will be able to break through it.” The moment Duan Ling Tian saw the descriptions for this Dao Talisman, he could not help but be dumbfounded.

With this Dao Talisman, even if one was only an ordinary person, one would be able to withstand the attack from a Martial or Dao Cultivator who was on the Mastery Saint Rudiment Stage or below for 15 minutes while receiving zero damage.

“This is brilliant stuff!” Duan Ling Tian’s eyes lit up while he looked at the price of the One-Star Adamant Talisman.

“20,000 Merit Points?” When he saw the price, the corner of his mouth twitched violently for a moment. “It’s only a one-time usage Dao Talisman and it actually costs 20,000 Merit Points? This is not a sale! This is daylight robbery!”

Right then, Duan Ling Tian finally recalled why it was said that the Dao Talisman Master was one of the two main occupations that could accumulate wealth by unfair means in Dao Martial Saint Land.

The other occupation that could accumulate the most wealth by unfair means was the Saint Inscription Master.

After going one round in the Dao Talisman section, selected pieces of Dao Talisman entered Duan Ling Tian’s sight one by one.

Their respective descriptions also entered his field of vision one by one, dazzling him for a moment.

“Two-Star Divine Strider Talisman. Once it’s activated, it’ll allow the caster to enter a level that’s on par with a Mastery Saint Rudiment Stage Martial or Dao Cultivator and will last for 15 minutes.” The Divine Strider Talisman was a life-saving Dao Talisman.

Other than the Two-Star Divine Strider Talisman, the third level of this Merit Pavilion also had many One-Star Divine Strider Talismans. However, there were only a few Three-Star Divine Strider Talismans.

Once the One-Star Divine Strider Talisman was activated, it would increase the caster’s speed to be on par with an Early Saint Rudiment Stage Martial or Dao Cultivator and would last the same time as the Two-Star Divine Strider Talisman.

The Three-Star Divine Strider Talisman could increase the caster’s speed to be on par with a Paramount Saint Rudiment Stage Martial or Dao Cultivator and also lasted the same as the Two-Star Divine Strider Talisman.

“A Paramount Saint Rudiment Stage’s speed?” Duan Ling Tian’s eyes brightened up as he was overwhelmed with excitement. “I must buy a few of such talismans for defense!”

However, when he saw the price of the Three-Star Divine Strider Talisman, he felt as though a bucket of cold water had been splashed on top of him, thoroughly extinguishing his excitement. “300,000 M-Merit Points? This is blatant robbery!” He could not help but curse in a deep voice.

However, despite swearing, he still took a Three-Star Divine Strider Talisman. Bearing the pain of spending the points, this was indeed a valuable item.

It could help to save his life at a critical moment.

“Another 300,000 Merit Points are gone now! Along with that pile of the Saint Grade Pills, that’s a total of 500,00 Merit Points!” Duan Ling Tian finally understood the feeling of spending money like water now. At this moment, he regretted being so generous to agree to return half of the wagers to the group of outer court deacons and disciples.

Of course, when the thought rose up in his mind, he instantly suppressed it down again.

No matter what, what was done was done now.

Moreover, doing so did not necessarily bring zero advantage to him. At the very least, he had forged a good relationship in the outer court district.

“And this Three-Star Golden Energy Talisman can withstand the attack from a Paramount Saint Rudiment Stage Martial or Dao Cultivator for 15 minutes... 200,000 Merit Points... Although it’s slightly cheaper than the Three-Star Divine Strider Talisman, it’s still kind of ridiculous!” Duan Ling Tian was dumbfounded.

The Three-Star Dao Talisman really was worth a lot.

However, as a defensive Dao Talisman, the Golden Energy Talisman was still cheaper than the Divine Strider Talisman. josei

Besides the vast difference between the Three-Star Golden Energy Talisman and the Three-Star Divine Strider Talisman, the Two-Star Golden Energy Talisman and the Two-Star Divine Strider Talisman also had a difference of a whole 10,000 Merit Points.

The Two-Star Golden Energy Talisman was worth 20,000 Merit Points while the Two-Star Divine Strider Talisman was worth 30,000 Merit Points.

“No matter what, it’s still the One-Star talismans that are cheaper as they only need 2,000 to 3,000 Merit Points. However, the One-Star talisman’s effect isn’t really that great and other than this One-Star Divine Strider Talisman that has speed similar to an Early Saint Rudiment Stage Martial or Dao Cultivator, it can only withstand the attack from an Early Saint Rudiment Stage Martial or Dao Cultivator.” To Duan Ling Tian, the One-Star Dao Talismans did not have much significance.

Since there were defensive and speed Dao Talismans, there would surely be offensive Dao Talismans too.

There were various offensive Dao Talismans. In fact, there were so many that Duan Ling Tian became confused.

However, soon, Duan Ling Tian was sure of something, which was that the price of the offensive Dao Talisman was much higher than the speed Dao Talisman, the Divine Strider Talisman. Not only that, but there were also only Two-Star offensive Dao Talismans that were on sale. Not a single Three-Star offensive Dao Talisman was there at all.

Once a Two-Star offensive Dao Talisman was activated, it could cast an attack that was on par with a Mastery Saint Rudiment Stage Martial or Dao Cultivator.

If those Martial and Dao Cultivators who were on the Mastery Saint Rudiment Stage and below were struck by the Two-Star offensive Dao Talisman, other than those who could defeat an enemy who was a level higher than them, they would either be crippled, if not dead.

“The price of the Two-Star offensive Dao Talisman is the same with the Three-Star. How ridiculous!” Duan Ling Tian was dumbfounded again.

However, he still took one of the Two Star offensive Dao Talismans with the intention of buying it.

In just a short while, he had already taken a variety of items that were worth 700,000 Merit Points on the third level of the Merit Pavilion. It was fortunate that there was nobody else on this level. Otherwise, they would be stunned with jealousy.

However, when Duan Ling Tian took these items to the entrance of the third level of the Merit Pavilion to pay the bill, he still shocked the two inner court deacons for a moment.

“A-Are you sure you want to buy all these?” One of the inner court deacons asked in disbelief. He had no choice but to ask for confirmation.

Even an inner court disciple would never spend so extravagantly.

On top of that, this young man in front of him had an outer court disciple Order Token hanging from his waist. It was obvious that he was only an outer court disciple.

“Just swipe the card,” Duan Ling Tian replied nonchalantly. When 700,000 Merit Points were swiped out of his Crystal Card, he could not help but be hit by a pang of pain.

Seeing how the 700,000 Merit Points went through, the two inner court deacons exchanged glances with each other right away. Both of them could see the inexplicable astonishment in each other’s eyes.

Since when had an outer court disciple become so rich now?

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