War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1707 - Bloodbath at the Imperial Palace

Chapter 1707 - Bloodbath at the Imperial Palace

Chapter 1707: Bloodbath at the Imperial Palace

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“What happened was..” Feng Wu Dao sighed before he recounted everything. “After you left, not only did the imperial family of Windfall Nation kept their eyes on us, but even those powerhouses from external forces were doing the same... After all, we’re the only people they know who had a connection to you who owns the Devilseal Tablet.”

“However, they didn’t bother us when we swore on the lightning penalty oath that we know nothing about your whereabouts... Perhaps, they think you would go deeper into hiding out of fear if news spread about them killing anyone of us,” Feng Wu Dao continued saying.

Duan Ling Tian nodded, he had already guessed this would happen back then. That was why he felt at ease leaving his family and friends behind.

As long as he was not exposed and stayed hidden, his friends and family would not be in trouble because apart from knowing him and his origins, they did not know his whereabouts.

“Then what happened to Senior Brother? Why would he be in the Imperial Palace?” Duan Ling Tian’s furrowed his eyebrows. He really could not figure out what the Windfall Nation’s Imperial Family’s intention was.

“A while ago, Master Bai Li has broken through to the Pristine Saint Stage. Not long after his breakthrough, he became a Four Star Saint Inscription Master... That’s undoubtedly good news for the Situ Clan since Master Bai Li is their Interim Advisor. However, soon after the news spread, someone from the Windfall Nation’s Imperial Family came and brought Master Bai Li away.” josei

Sima Chang Feng’s eyes glinted coldly as he said, “At that time, the person from the Imperial Family was extremely arrogant. When Master Bai Li refused to enter the palace and be the Imperial Family’s exclusive Saint Inscription Master, he actually kidnapped Master Bai Li... The Clan Leader of Situ Clan and his son tried stopping him repeatedly, but it was all in vain. Similar to us, they could only watch as Master Bai Li got taken away.”

“However, the Clan Leader of Situ Clan and his son are not at fault,” Sima Chang Feng said as he looked at Duan Ling Tian as though he was worried Duan Ling Tian would blame the Situ Clan.

“Tell me everything that happened,” Duan Ling Tian said in a deep voice.

Following that, with the colorful remarks from Chen Shao Shuai and Nangong Yi, Duan Ling Tian finally got the entire picture.

Three months ago, Bai Li Hong broke through to the Pristine Saint Stage and became a Four Star Saint Inscription Master.

Two months ago, the Windfall Nation’s Imperial Family sent people over led by a Revered Elder who was at the peak of the Pristine Saint Stage. After arriving at the Situ Clan, they were extremely arrogant and arrested Bai Li Hong while disregarding his protest. The Clan Leader of Situ Clan and his son were both injured when they tried to stop them.

“If it’s not because both of you can be considered as part of the royal family, you and your son would die today!” Those were the words the person said to the Clan Leader of Situ Clan and his son before Bai Li Hong was brought away.

“How arrogant!” Duan Ling Tian’s eyes gleamed coldly as his expression turned cold.

Did that person think he was invincible when he was merely at the peak of the Pristine Saint?

“I know what Senior Brother’s character is like. If he’s not willing, it’s useless no matter how the Windfall Nation’s Imperial Family forces him... It’s been two months, and the Windfall Nation’s Imperial Family still has not released him?” Duan Ling Tian asked in a deep voice.

When Duan Ling Tian finished speaking, he realized Feng Wu Dao and the others seemed as though there was something they wanted to say but was hesitant about it. His heart immediately skipped a beat as he asked worriedly, “Did something happen to Senior Brother?”

An extremely terrifying killing intent surged out from Duan Ling Tian’s body, causing chills to run up the spines of Feng Wu Dao and the others. At this moment, his anger felt palpable.

“Duan Ling Tian, according to the news that came from the Imperial Palace... The Windfall Nation’s imperial family is torturing Master Bai Li, trying to force him to exclusively become their Four Star Saint Inscription Master. Master Bai Li kept refusing, and things have dragged on until now. Although Master Bai Li’s cultivation base has broken through to the Pristine Saint Stage, he’s still a mere mortal. I heard that he won’t be able to last any longer,” Nangong Yi said with an angry expression.

“Senior Brother!”

Once Nangong Yi finished speaking, Duan Ling Tian’s body shook as his blood boiled. The killing intent he exuded became even more intense. He said enunciated each word properly, “Windfall! Nation! Imperial! Family!”

At this moment, Duan Ling Tian’s anger was at its peak. It was on the brink of exploding.

Meanwhile, Chen Shao Shuai looked at Duan Ling Tian and said solemnly, “Duan Ling Tian, although I know it’s hard to remain calm, I still must ask you to do so. Regarding this matter, Uncle Feng had also gone to the Drift Blaze Sect and asked for help from their Sect Leader, Zi Yun. In the beginning, Sect Leader Zi Yun said that the strongest person in the Windfall Nation’s imperial family was on par with her so they might do her a favor.”

“Who knew that after you left, a powerhouse at the peak of the Refined Saint Stage arrived at the capital of Windfall Nation. He came for the Devilseal Tablet. He’s even treated as an honored guest of the Imperial Family... Sect Leader Zi Yun tried helping Master Bai Li to escape, but she was severely injured by that person,” Chen Shao Shuai said angrily.

“At the peak of the Refined Saint Stage?” Duan Ling Tian sneered.

Although he had only killed one Devil Cultivator at the peak of the Refined Saint Stage Devil Cultivator, and he had only broken through recently, he did not use any external tools or force in that battle.

If he utilized the Devilseal Tablet, he would have been able to instantly kill him. Even without the Devilseal Tablet, he would still be able to kill him if he had used the Jasper Celestial Sword!

With his current cultivation base, he could even kill an ordinary Eminent Saint Stage powerhouse after he channeled the Sun True Origin into the Jasper Celestial Sword.

Duan Ling Tian felt deeply touched when he heard the Sect Leader of Drift Blaze Sect, Zi Yun, had gotten injured for his senior brother’s sake. After all, he had no relations with Sect Leader Zi Yun apart from Tian Wu being their connection.

‘After I deal with this matter, I’ll have to go to the Drift Blaze Sect and thank Sect Leader Zi Yun and also to see if Tian Wu has returned,’ Duan Ling Tian thought to himself as he began to make plans.

Faced with Feng Wu Dao and the others’ worried expression, Duan Ling Tian felt a sense of warmth. He swore determinedly, “Don’t tell anyone about my return including the Clan Leader of Situ Clan and his son... As for Senior Brother, he’ll definitely return to the Situ Clan today. Moreover, from today onward, the Windfall Nation’s Imperial Family wouldn’t dare to touch all of you!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared into thin air before Feng Wu Dao and the others’ eyes. Feng Wu Dao and the others who were not prepared was taken aback by it. They only regained their senses after a while.

“What does Duan Ling Tian’s last sentence mean? Does this means he’ll be able to save Master Bai Li?” Nangong Yi asked in disbelief.

“That should be impossible! The Windfall Nation’s Imperial Family is so powerful since they have several Refined Saint Stage powerhouses guarding them... Now that they have an additional powerhouse at the peak of the Refined Saint Stage from another force, it would be difficult to save Master Bai Li from the Windfall Nation’s Imperial Family! Even if Duan Ling Tian has improved a lot in this period of time, it should still impossible for him to pose a threat to a Refined Saint Stage powerhouse, right?” Chen Shao Shuai shook his head. He did not think Duan Ling Tian was capable of rescuing Master Bai Li from the Windfall Nation’s Imperial Family.

“Perhaps, he thought of another way or went to find help from other powerhouses,” Nangong Chen said in a rare moment.

“No matter what, we’ll just have to wait for news since he has said that... From the beginning until now, he has never done anything he’s uncertain of. This time shouldn’t be an exception either.” Although Feng Wu Dao was shocked and felt disbelief, when he thought of Duan Ling Tian’s past, he subconsciously trusted Duan Ling Tian.

After listening to Feng Wu Dao’s words, everyone agreed with him as well.

Yes. Duan Ling Tian had never let them down.

All along, Duan Ling Tian’s life was like a miracle. Sima Chang Feng, in particular, understood this the most.

Once upon a time, Duan Ling Tian was just a disciple with another surname of a clan situated in a remote corner of the Mortal Continents. Eventually, he climbed up to the peak of Cloud Continent.

After arriving at the Dao Martial Saint Land, he continued on his meteoric rise as though nothing could stop him. Due to this reason, Sima Chang Feng had complete faith in Duan Ling Tian.

As for Xiong Quan and Gold Thug, although they could not follow Duan Ling Tian around like they used to due to their huge difference in strength, they also trusted their young master unconditionally.

If he said he could save Master Bai Li, then he would definitely be able to do so!

Regardless of what Feng Wu Dao and the others thought, Duan Ling Tian headed straight to the Windfall Nation’s Imperial Palace after leaving the Situ Clan’s estate.

The Windfall Nation’s Imperial Palace was also home to the members of the Windfall Nation’s Imperial family.

Currently, Duan Ling Tian has changed to another disguise with his Disguising Secret Tactic. He replaced his face with a face that was so ordinary that one would not be able to pick him out in a crowd.

With his current strength, it was only natural for him to enter the Windfall Nation’s Imperial Palace as though it was an abandoned place.

Soon after, he found the cell Bai Li Hong was in when he saw him.

“Senior Brother!” Even if Duan Ling Tian was mentally prepared, his heart still sank. His eyes glowed with anger when he saw Bai Li Hong, covered in blood, hanging on a torture rack.

“Who’s it?!” Duan Ling Tian’s appearance was like a ghost. Those who were guarding Bai Li Hong did not notice his presence until the moment he called out to Bai Li Hong. It caused fear among the people who were guarding Bai Li Hong. When they heard Duan Ling Tian addressing Bai Li Hong as Senior Brother, they knew he would not leave them alive.

Among these people, there was only one Intermediate Pristine Saint Stage Martial Cultivator.

Killing them was as simple as cutting grass and killing chickens for the current Duan Ling Tian.

Soon after, more than a dozen men who were guarding Bai Li Hong laid dead on the ground.

With Duan Ling Tian’s current strength, even if he did not use any external strength, he was still comparable to a powerhouse at the peak of the Refined Saint Stage. It was very simple for him to deal with those men who were no stronger than an Intermediate Pristine Saint Stage powerhouse.

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