War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1717 - Selection

Chapter 1717 - Selection

Chapter 1717: Selection

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation josei

There were a total of eight people who showed up in front of the crowd.

Four people were leading the other four people. These four men were either middle-aged or old. The other four men standing behind them were all young men.

“I’m the Vice Palace Master of the Mystical Sky Mansion’s Heaven Palace.”

“I’m the Vice Palace Master of Earth Palace.”

“I’m the Vice Palace Master of Mystical Palace.”

“I’m the Vice Palace Master of Yellow Palace.”

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the four people in the lead introduced themselves one by one.

At once, the people on the scene gasped.

As far as they knew, the Mystical Sky Mansion that was a quasi third-rate force was divided into four palaces. The four palaces were interconnected and were always competing with each other.

The four palaces were led by Palace Masters, followed by the Vice Palace Masters.

At this moment, when the Vice Palace Masters of the Mystical Sky Mansion’s four palaces — The Heaven, Earth, Mystical, and Yellow Palaces — showed up at the same time, it was only natural that the people were in awe. This occasion was just too grand.

The Vice Palace Master of Heaven Palace, an old man, glanced at the people present on the scene before he said in a deep voice, “All of the Saint Stage geniuses below the age of forty, rise up into the air! Everyone else, stand on the ground!”

At once, many young figures rose up into the air, including Duan Ling Tian.

As for the remaining people, they all stood on the ground.

There was a total of 37 people that rose up into the air, including Duan Ling Tian. They were all Saint Stage Martial and Dao Cultivators below the age of forty. Even in the Mystical Sky Mansion, they could be considered as top-rate geniuses.

At this moment, the Vice Palace Master of Heaven Palace looked at the other three Vice Palace Master and asked, “37 people... My Heaven Palace will take ten and each of the other palaces will take nine. Do all of you agree?”

The Heaven Palace was the strongest palace in the Mystical Sky Mansion currently, overpowering the other three palaces. For this reason, faced with the Vice Palace Master of Heaven Palace’s dictatorial attitude, the other three Vice Palace Master could only stay silent even though they were inwardly displeased. They could only nod their heads.

“In that case, let’s follow the old rule. Each of the palaces will choose a person and will pick a participant each turn,” the Vice Palace Master of Heaven Palace said, “However, since my Heaven Palace is going to take in an additional person, I’ll let the Earth, Mystical, and Yellow Palace choose first. My Heaven Palace will be the last to choose.”

The other three Vice Palace Masters did not have much objection to this.

“Each palace will pick one person and will take turns to pick?” When the crowd, including Duan Ling Tian, heard the words of the Vice Palace Master of Heaven Palace, they could not help but feel stunned. After a few moments, their curiosity got the better of them. They wondered how the Mystical Sky Mansion’s four palaces were going to pick them.

Just as questions began to rise in their hearts, they realized that a sudden powerful and huge pressure began to press down on their heads and bodies, causing them to feel momentarily dizzy. The powerful pressure seemed as though it was going to press down on them completely.

However, faced with the pressure, everyone began to use their True Origins. This helped to lessen the pressure.

‘Don’t tell me this is the selection method?’ Duan Ling Tian thought to himself. His heart jolted when he felt the pressure seemed to get heavier.

However, this pressure was nothing to him. From the very beginning until the end, he did not even frown.

“What’s going on?”

“The pressure seems to be increasing... If this continues on, we’ll be pressed down even if we’re strong.”

“It looks like this pressure is a test... In the end, they’ll definitely pick those who can stand up to the pressure.”


One must admit that many smart people had guessed the reason for the sudden appearance of the pressure. All of them instantly clenched their teeth to endure the pressure.

Although they clenched their teeth and endured with all their might, many people still ended up falling from the sky in a wretched manner after being pressed down by the pressure.

The pressure continued to increase.

Gradually, only a few people, including Duan Ling Tian, were left at the same spot, unmoving. To Duan Ling Tian’s surprise, that Tyrannic Saber Mansion’s female disciple had also made it until now. Moreover, it seemed as though she still had some energy to spare.

‘Not bad.’ Even Duan Ling Tian could not help but praise her in his heart when he saw how effortless this Tyrannic Saber Mansion’s female disciple made it appear to be.

“Looks like we have quite some good ones here.” The Vice Palace Master of Earth Palace looked at Duan Ling Tian and the few others who were not moving at all. His gaze lit up immediately as though he was deciding who he should choose.

Soon after, many people could no longer endure the pressure.

At this moment, there were only three people remaining, including Duan Ling Tian, who were still standing at the same spot.

Other than Duan Ling Tian and that female disciple from the Tyrannic Saber Mansion, there was another ordinary-looking sectless cultivator with a medium build. This sectless cultivator looked very ordinary, and it would be hard to pick him out from the crowd. However, the fact that he could still stand until now was enough to prove that he was not a simple person!

“That Tyrannic Saber Mansion’s female disciple is really tenacious! To think that she can endure it until now!” At the same time, many people shifted their attention to that Tyrannic Saber Mansion’s female disciple. They did not expect there would be a woman standing in the final three. Moreover, it was a disciple from the Tyrannic Saber Mansion as well.

The other two male disciples from Tyrannic Saber Mansion had already been pressed down until they had fallen from the sky in a wretched manner. Only this female disciple was able to endure it until now.

Who said that a woman was weaker than a man?!

This female disciple from the Tyrannic Saber Mansion had proudly proved to everyone with her strength that this was not the case.

Seeing how Duan Ling Tian, the Tyrannic Saber Mansion’s female disciple, and that sectless cultivator did not show any signs of falling despite the increasing pressure, the Vice Palace Master of the Heaven Palace could not help but frown slightly.

These were the three most outstanding people. However, he had announced he would be the last one to choose the participants.

Due to this reason, the three most outstanding people were destined to have no fate with the Heaven Palace.

Time continued to pass, and the pressure kept increasing with every single minute and second.

Soon after, the sectless cultivator could no longer endure it. He was also pressed down by the pressure and fell from the sky. At this moment, only Duan Ling Tian and that Tyrannic Saber Mansion’s female disciple were left.

Until now, Duan Ling Tian appeared unbothered. It was as though he could not feel the pressure at all.

As for the Tyrannic Saber Mansion’s female disciple, beads of sweats began to form on her forehead. It was obvious to the eyes of people who were more powerful.

At this critical moment, the pressure suddenly disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

Naturally, it did not matter to Duan Ling Tian whether the pressure disappeared or not.

As the pressure continued to rise earlier, it only felt like an itch on his body. Put aside the stage of his current cultivation base, just his brute strength alone was not something the pressure could crack.

In fact, his brute strength was even more horrifying than a Six-clawed Divine Dragon that had the same cultivation base as him.

“You! Come to our Earth Palace.” The Vice Palace Master of Earth Palace, a middle-aged man, shifted his gaze to Duan Ling Tian and smiled.

“Hurmph! What’s so good about the Earth Palace? Lad, it’s better for you to come to our Mystical Palace. Our Mystical Palace won’t mistreat you,” the Vice Palace Master of Mystical Palace chimed in.

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