Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 105 Training (2)

Chapter 105 Training (2)

She was clearly holding back in those spars from before… meaning she definitely learned in secret from her grandfather.


I was at a disadvantage due to my spear being so long that she could easily close the distance and make my weapon useless.

Preferably, I would fight with my hands at this point because I didn't think I was that bad, but the old man wanted me to continue to fight with my spear, even as she closed the gap between us.

And… I wasn't about to disappoint.

I had fought knife users before, and although they were rare, I was still able to kind of grasp how they move… but Aisa was weird.

She didn't move like a regular knife user and kind of moved as if she was using a short sword while also keeping the flexibility and dexterity of the knife.


"Damn, give me a break," I muttered as Aisa dashed in towards my chest once again, her eyes as cold as ice.

The breath she took was definitely the same breathing technique I had learned from Simo, but it was much less powerful… but somehow more powerful than mine.

She really did have those Hahya genetics, but of course, without the extreme shortness that comes with it… she's essentially the perfect human to come from this bloodline.

I was a bit jealous of her talent but brushed it off as I was going to be severely injured if I didn't focus up now.


I retracted my stabbed spear and twirled it in my hand, deflecting the sharp blade coming straight for my throat.

The glint of the blade sparkled in the sun as it was sent flying back, and as her chest was wide open, I went for another stab.

"Idiot," I heard her mutter before instantly recovering and maneuvering her limp body to dodge my spear by ducking down.

"Who's the idiot," I muttered as I then pushed down on the end of my spear and wacked Aisa straight in the jaw, causing her to stumble back a bit.

Dazed, she had no clue where she was for a few seconds, so I used this chance to widen the gap between us while also swinging horizontally.


"What the fuck…."

Aisa had jumped up and used the momentum of my spear to go flying sideways, creating even more space between us.

Her shoes had slightly torn from the sharp blade, but that was about it.

"Okay, that's enough. The match ends right here," The old man called out, and Aisa wasn't happy in the slightest.

"Huh?! Are you telling me I lost?! I was controlling that entire match!" Aisa shouted, storming up to her grandfather, who just looked down on her with cold eyes.josei

"You would've lost so many times over if it wasn't for this being a regular spar. I can tell he's used to using his spear in conjunction with his skills. Plus, you were falling for his bait most of the time and only managed to survive due to your strong capabilities… So, Aisa fifty push-ups and Orion twenty-five," The old man announced, and we immediately started.

Aisa glared at me long and hard as we watched the match with Cy and Findir unfold in the dirty street of the slums.

After about a minute, I had finished my twenty-five pushups while Aisa was busting out fifty like it was nothing.

Geez… What a monster.

Now that both of us had finished, we paid more attention to the match and noticed Cy was getting pushed back.

Findir was using two regular daggers instead of his regular sickles as the old man didn't have such a specific weapon.

He only had the regular four, which consisted of a bow and arrow, a sword, spear, and daggers… Aisa was using her regular battle knife.


The sound of metal colliding rang through the air, freezing our bodies up with each hit due to how close they were to killing Cy.

He was clearly off his game today as he should be overpowering Findir with his extreme skill, but in fact, he was the one getting pushed back.

"WAIT! STOP THIS FUCKING MATCH! I CAN'T BEAR TO LOOK AT THIS!" The old man shouted, and as soon as the two split up, Cy looked down at his feet, disappointed in himself.


"What the fuck are you doing?! If you aren't going to try, then leave! I don't want a lazy piece of shit to be trained under me! Disgraceful!"

Cy's expression only turned gloomier as the old man berated him with hateful words, and Aisa couldn't handle seeing this, so she stepped in.

"Hey! His parents just died! Can't you have any sympathy!?" She shouted while tearing off her grandfather, who was tightening his grip around both of Cy's shoulders.

"Does it look like I care?! We are in the midst of a battlefield! You need to be tougher, or you'll be devoured by the blood, sweat, and tears! You kids don't understand what it's like to be at war! It isn't just some game where one comes out as a loser, and another comes out as the winner! Both sides are losers, but when you're a foot soldier, do you know what you are?! YOU ARE ONLY A FUCKING LOSER!" The old man shouted before storming off into the house.

Cy's face only became gloomier as he sat down in the middle of the street.

The next day, after lunch, Cy went against the old man instead of Aisa, with who he was supposed to spar today.

Yesterday was pretty awkward between all of us, and the next morning was a bit better, but nobody dared to talk with the old man as he was still pretty pissed off.


Suddenly, with a battle knife in hand, the old man flash stepped towards Cy and stabbed him in the shoulder before pulling it out.

"ARGHHHHHH!" Cy cried out, and as Aisa and Findir tried to stop the old man, they were seemingly devoured by a wave of bloodlust.

Oh… so he wasn't just your regular old geezer.

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