Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 508 Bella's Defeat

Chapter 508 Bella's Defeat

[Ascension of The First Crucified has finished]

The heavenly realm above, with its resplendent meadows and pristine streams, appeared to echo the anxiety that coursed through the cosmos. The radiant light, while still luminous, seemed to flicker with uncertainty, casting shifting shadows across the celestial landscape. Even the harmonious whispers of benevolent angels took on a trembling quality, as if they too were uncertain of the unfolding cosmic drama.

High above, atop distant thrones, the Greek gods watched with trepidation. Their eyes, usually filled with divine certainty, were now clouded with uncertainty and anxiety. Zeus, the king of the gods, sat upon his majestic throne of thunderbolts, his brow furrowed as he gazed upon the celestial-demonic clash below. Athena, goddess of wisdom, and Apollo, god of light, occupied their own thrones nearby, their expressions a mix of concern and bewilderment.

Yet, as they looked down from their divine perches, a mysterious force seemed to envelop them, preventing them from intervening in the unfolding drama. It was as if invisible shackles bound them, restraining their powers and rendering them powerless to influence the cosmic struggle.

"Those fucking bastards… gather the other olympians…" A voice boomed across Olympus, ordering every single being to follow the deity's enraged will. 

Zeus, known for his thunderous authority, clenched his fists, attempting to summon a bolt of lightning to restore order, but the skies remained ominously still. Athena, usually a paragon of wisdom, struggled to find answers to the enigma that was the celestial-demonic fusion before her. Apollo, the radiant god of light, found his divine illumination dimmed in the face of this otherworldly battle.

Sweat glistened on their brows, a rare sight among the gods, as they realized that they were mere spectators in this cosmic conflict, unable to lend their divine might to either side. Their voices, once commanding and resolute, were hushed and uncertain as they exchanged troubled glances.

In the surreal battleground below, the man continued to wield his celestial-demonic power with mastery and resolve. He stood at the nexus of cosmic equilibrium, a living testament to the delicate balance between light and darkness, good and evil. The world trembled beneath his presence, and even the distant Greek gods, with their thrones high in the heavens, were powerless to alter the course of this mysterious and epic struggle that held the fate of the universe in its enigmatic grip.

"I'm coming for you all…" 

(Bella POV) 

There was a time, I held a grudge against somebody. It was a horribly rancid grudge with outlandish thoughts and actions. I was maybe nine… I was very close to ten, but that's beside the point. I was young. Very young. And me and this other kid… we were both rich, with insanely strong backings. Mine was of course stronger. 

"You two, create a good bond. You will be future work partners and potentially spouses, so how about you both have a nice long talk," The man said before locking both of us in my room. I had no say in this and the boy looked just as or even more scared than me. 

We cried for a while. Way too long in fact. By the end of this forced meeting, we had tears of red patches streaming down our cheeks. And that's where his resentment was most likely bloomed. I mean, once again, I had no say in this, but of course, that innocent little child didn't know. And without anybody else to direct his anger onto, I was the only target. 

The next time we met back in my room, locked behind that thick marble door, I took a good long look at him. His vibe was different. Maybe it was something his parents had told him or maybe it was a delusion that his childish mind had created, but he hated me. Well… not like I cared. I was focused on nothing but crying. 


When I awoke, I found myself in the infirmary. It is a stark and unwelcoming place, with an atmosphere that chills to the bone. The walls are painted a pale, sterile white, giving the room an eerie, clinical feeling. Harsh fluorescent lights overhead cast a cold, unfeeling glow that seems to accentuate the lifelessness of the space. The air is heavy with the scent of antiseptic, masking any hint of warmth or comfort.

Rows of plain, metal beds line the room, each separated by a thin, worn curtain that offers minimal privacy. The beds are all uniformly made, with crisp, white sheets that contrast sharply with the somber mood of the infirmary. On these beds lie various people, their faces twisted in pain and anguish. Many of them are covered in burn marks, some fresh and red, others older and discolored. The groans and moans of the patients echo through the sterile environment, creating a dissonant symphony of suffering.

Medical equipment and monitors beep and hum rhythmically, providing a stark reminder of the clinical nature of the infirmary. Nurses and doctors move about in a hurried manner, their faces expressionless and detached as they attend to the patients. Their white coats blend seamlessly with the sterile surroundings, further emphasizing the lifelessness of the place.

There are no comforting decorations or personal touches to be found in this infirmary. It is a place of pain and despair, where the coldness of the environment matches the anguish of those within its walls… a sanctuary of despair for the victims of ruthless training. 

"*sigh*... man… what a pain…" I groaned, slowly sitting up, only to see her face. "What… do you want with me?"  I think you should take a look at

"What do you mean? I'm your mother. Of course, I should be worried!"  josei

All I remember was her voice. Even her silhouette was blurry. Clearly, something happened to me for me to forget even my own mother, but… something in the back of my mind is telling me that I'd rather not know. 

"Come on honey let's get going. This place gives me the creeps…" 

She spoke in a silky sweet tone, her words flowed like a warm breeze on a summer day. Each syllable dripped with honeyed sincerity, carrying a gentle touch that seemed to wrap around your heart like a soft, comforting embrace. Her voice, soft and velvety, held a magical quality, casting a spell of enchantment with every word she uttered, leaving a lingering sense of warmth and affection in its wake.

We soon returned to my room and from there, the only thing I could hear was…. 


"Ah… that's right… she was quite the asshole wasn't she?" I muttered, my split open lip dripping blood onto my already red-stained tongue. 

"Who?" A voice rang out and as my vision came back, I noticed that goddamn lord of the sea standing over me, his face twisted with sadistic excitement. 

"You don't need to know…" I groaned as my last ring of mana shattered into oblivion, leaving me completely powerless. 

"Kekekeke… anyways, you must be surprised… you probably expected to be paired up with your sponsor, didn't you? That lustful dickhead… but of course, I've already seen through that. I've seen through everything." 

"What… *cough* *cough*... are…" I took in a heavy breath, crackling with bubbles of crimson. "... you… talking about?" I questioned, coughing up another pool of blood. 

"Oh… kekekee… I guess you didn't have as much communication as I thought…" 

For some reason, he let me stand up. My body was already a canvas of torment, riddled with internal injuries and countless lacerations. My breathing had become shallow and strained, each one a testament to my relentless fight to stay alive. And with a flicker of determination in my eyes, I refused to submit to the abyss… yet for some reason, he showed no intent to fully crush me yet. He was just toying around with me… nothing more… nothing less. 

The man started his approach once more, his face twisted in a sinister grin, his aqua-shaded dagger gleaming menacingly. My heart raced, but I knew I couldn't surrender. As he lunged forward, I summoned every ounce of my dwindling strength. My left hand intercepted his thrust, the dagger grazing my arm, adding yet another wound to my battered body.

My teeth clenched against the searing pain as I retaliated with a desperate roundhouse kick, catching him off balance and sending him stumbling backward. My limbs shook, and my vision blurred, but I pressed on.

The man regained his footing, his dagger poised for another attack. He came at me again, slashing toward my abdomen. With a last-minute sway, I narrowly avoided the fatal strike. And with summoning part of my remaining energy, I delivered a precise knee to his midsection, forcing the air from his lungs.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, before seeing that sinister grin of his twist into a masochistic smile. "You pervert…" 

Now, using my last points of stamina, I flash-stepped in and seized his wrist with my right hand, the one that still had strength left. Desperation coursed through me as I fought to disarm him. Our struggle continued, slow and deliberate, my weakened body pushing to its limits. But eventually, I caved first, flopping onto my face while the man pinned his foot against the back of my head. 

"Take your foot off of her…" A feminine voice echoed through the barren wasteland of black sand. 

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