Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 554 Intermission

Chapter 554 Intermission: Ares Vs Orion (1)

The battlefield stretched out into the distance, a vast expanse of desolation that seemed to have no end. On both sides, it was bordered by shattered remnants of once-proud fortifications. Crumbling walls, cannons, and gatehouses stood as battered sentinels of an era gone by, their stones weathered by the passage of countless years.

The battlefield was uneven and scarred, bearing the marks of siege engines and powerful spells that had torn the earth asunder. Craters and fissures, some filled with stagnant water, scarred the terrain, creating treacherous obstacles for any who dared to traverse the wasteland. It was as if the very ground had been scarred by the violence that had played out upon it.

The distant horizon was shrouded in a gray mist, obscuring the true boundaries of the battlefield. The mist seemed to hold secrets of its own, whispering stories of battles and sacrifices that had faded into obscurity. It added an eerie, ethereal quality to the surroundings as if the boundary between the mortal realm and the divine had been blurred.

Though the battlefield was devoid of life, it pulsed with a strange energy. The ghosts of fallen warriors, those who had met their end on this accursed ground, seemed to linger in the shadows, their memories and regrets etched into the very fabric of the battlefield. It was as if their presence added an extra layer of weight to the already heavy atmosphere.

[Battle Begin…]

The clash between Orion and Ares was a monumental confrontation that echoed with the weight of history. The air itself seemed to tremble as the two warriors prepared to face each other, one armed with his formidable status and skills, the other wielding the sheer aspect of war.

With a swift, fluid motion, Orion unleashed his first skill, "Demon Splitter." The Unholy Lance: Longinus, gleaming with malevolent intent, lanced forward with blinding speed, seeking to pierce Ares's defenses. The very air crackled with the power of their impending collision.

Ares, the younger god of war, bore no need for skills or elaborate incantations. His mastery over the aspect of war was absolute. He gripped his blood-red spear tightly, and with an almost preternatural swiftness, he met Orion's attack head-on. The clash of their weapons sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, and for a moment, it seemed as if the very fabric of reality quivered at the force of their confrontation.

Orion, undeterred, called upon his status once more, invoking "Angel Destroyer." With a second strike, he aimed to overwhelm Ares with the sheer force of his attacks. The Unholy Lance: Longinus became a blur of motion as it sought to find a breach in Ares's defenses.

Ares, his long flowing dark red hair streaming behind him, exhibited an almost supernatural grace as he parried Orion's assault. He moved with an innate understanding of warfare, his blood-red spear an extension of his very being. With a precise and powerful motion, he deflected Orion's strike, demonstrating the power that came with being the god of war.

Orion, now drawing upon the skill "Heaven Splitter," delivered a series of rapid, devastating thrusts, seeking to overwhelm Ares with a flurry of blows. Each strike was aimed with pinpoint accuracy, intended to exploit any opening in Ares's defenses.

Ares, with a warrior's instinct honed by millennia, met each of Orion's attacks with calculated precision. His long black cloak billowed as he evaded and parried the strikes, his thin combat gear enabling him to move with unparalleled flexibility and grace. It was as if he danced through the battle, each movement calculated and deadly.josei

As the battle raged on, it became increasingly evident that Ares, the god of war, held a profound mastery over the flow of the fight. His movements were a symphony of precision and anticipation, a deadly dance that dictated the pace of their confrontation.

Orion, despite his formidable status and array of skills, found himself reacting to Ares's every move. Ares controlled the ebb and flow of their combat, his long black cloak swaying with every graceful maneuver. His dark red hair flowed like a crimson banner, a stark contrast to the chaotic and blood-soaked battlefield.

Orion's skills were formidable, but Ares's instinctual grasp of warfare allowed him to predict Orion's attacks with uncanny accuracy. It was as if he could read the very intent behind each of Orion's strikes and parries.

With a calculated flourish, Ares unleashed his own devastating attack. The blood-red spear he wielded, an extension of his very essence, became a blur of motion. Orion barely managed to raise his Unholy Lance: Longinus in time to parry the strike, the force of the impact sending tremors through his arms.

Despite Orion's best efforts, he felt himself being gradually pushed back by the relentless assault of Ares. Each strike, each parry, brought him closer to the realization that he was battling a god in his prime, a deity who had witnessed countless battles throughout the ages.

Orion, with the blood-tainted aura bestowed by his status, drew upon his reserves of strength and determination. He sought to regain control of the fight, to shift the balance of power in his favor. His dark eyes blazed with a fierce resolve, and he summoned the skill "Breath of the Snowy Underworld."

An uncanny concentration befell the boy in an instant. The unleashed effect was clearly a starting attempt at slowing the relentless onslaught of Ares. Yet, even as his concentration swirled around them, Ares's movements remained fluid and undeterred.lightsnovel

It was a testament to Ares's skill and the inherent power he wielded. He seemed to be the very embodiment of war, an entity for whom battle was second nature. The god of war's relentless control over the fight left Orion with the haunting realization that he faced a foe whose expertise transcended even the most formidable of skills.

With each passing moment of their fierce battle, it became increasingly evident that Orion was the one bearing the brunt of the injuries. Ares, the god of war in his prime, was a relentless adversary who wore an expression of unwavering determination. The crimson of Orion's blood began to mix with the dark hues of the battlefield as he fought on, his thin combat gear offering little protection against Ares's calculated strikes.

Ares's blood-red spear moved with fluid grace, and his black eyes with square-shaped pupils held an unyielding focus. Despite Orion's formidable status and skills, it seemed nearly impossible to land a meaningful strike on the god of war. Ares effortlessly parried, dodged, or countered every attack, showcasing an instinctual understanding of combat that was unmatched.

Orion executed various techniques from his status, unleashing "Demon Splitter," "Angel Destroyer," and "Heaven Splitter" with precision and power. But Ares's agility and unyielding control over the flow of the battle allowed him to evade or deflect every assault. Each blow that Orion aimed at his opponent, while formidable in force, seemed to be futile in its attempt to harm the god of war.

Ares countered with a calculated strike, his blood-red spear leaving a shallow but painful gash on Orion's arm. The pale skin beneath Orion's blood-tainted aura was marred by the wound, blood trickling down. It was a reminder of the real and perilous nature of their duel, a clash of two formidable forces with only one emerging victorious.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Orion's frustration grew with each passing exchange, as he found himself unable to breach the defenses of Ares, who remained unyielding and relentless in his attacks. It was a battle of attrition, and Orion was slowly accumulating injuries while making little headway against his divine adversary.

Ares's control over the fight remained absolute, and his abilities as the god of war were apparent with every precise move he executed. The very essence of the battlefield seemed to respond to his commands as if the corpses that lay around were his silent witnesses and supporters.

In the midst of the relentless battle with Ares, Orion began to draw upon the depths of his skills and his own wit, determined to find a way to outsmart the god of war. He realized that brute force alone might not be enough to best this formidable opponent.

First, Orion activated [Royal Flesh Manipulation], a skill that allowed him to adapt and enhance his physical form. His skin, tainted by the blood of the underworld, took on a hardened, stony appearance. With this newfound durability, he aimed to withstand Ares's relentless onslaught while he strategized.

But Ares was unrelenting, his spear slicing through Orion's newly enhanced flesh. Orion had to think outside the box, and so he summoned the power of [Monstrous Demonic Vampiric Eggs]. These eerie eggs materialized in the air, hovering around him. They began to absorb the ambient darkness of the battlefield, growing larger and more menacing.

Orion unleashed the power of [Shroud of Essence Draining Mist]. A dark, misty aura enveloped him, sapping away Ares's energy with every strike that landed. The god of war, despite his divine nature, found his strength waning as his essence was slowly drained away.

Orion called upon [Summon: Undead Soldier], and from the lifeless corpses that littered the battlefield, skeletal warriors began to rise. Their bony forms clad in tattered armor, they answered his command and launched themselves at Ares, providing a momentary distraction.

As Orion continued to face Ares, his eyes glinted with newfound determination. He drew upon [Ancient Serpent's Emerald Rain], unleashing a torrent of green energy that swirled around them. The rain of emerald light created a barrier between them and slowed Ares's movements, giving Orion a slight advantage.

Simultaneously, Orion activated [Will of The Fallen], a skill that enhanced his strategic thinking. He began to read Ares's movements more clearly, anticipating the god of war's strikes and dodging with increasing finesse. He saw opportunities where previously there had been none.

Orion employed [General War Sight], his senses honing in on Ares's every move. He analyzed the patterns in Ares's attacks, looking for an opening that could give him the upper hand. Ares, although still a formidable opponent, was momentarily thrown off balance.

Orion's [Chariot of The Grand General] was a skill he had been saving for a moment of great need. With its activation, he gained increased speed and agility, enabling him to deftly maneuver around Ares's strikes. He knew that his mind and the calculated use of his skills would be the key to turning the tide of this intense battle.

As the battle raged on, Orion used his powers and wits to gain the upper hand against the relentless Ares. The god of war, once in control, found himself facing a determined opponent who was combining strategy and the formidable skills granted by his status as a Chaos Incarnate.

"Pathetic," The husk muttered. A chill soon shot down Orion's spine. 

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