Warm Wedding, CEO Loves Me

Chapter 1411

Chapter 1411

Chapter 1411 - Call me a good master!

Feng Xinglang met Cong Gang's gaze which was filled with a smile yet not a smile, and the corner of his mouth slightly hooked up.

He was not yet in the mood to find the pot of magnolia amongst a bunch of orchids!josei

If he couldn't find it, he would slap his own face. Feng Xinglang would naturally not do something so foolish as not fawning on him!

"Cong Gang, this old man will come to see you this morning while licking his face … It's not really appropriate for you two, master and servant, to take revenge on me, right? "

Talking to Cong Gang was never boring, but it was just too tiring. There was a huge difference between words spoken and words spoken without thinking at all.

"Does it make you uncomfortable?"

Cong Gang's gaze shifted, his eyes squinted to look at the bright sunlight, "If you don't feel well, don't come again!"

"Do you think I'm here to see a thorn like you?!"

Feng Xinglang scoffed, "If it wasn't for someone begging me, I wouldn't even bother to care about your life!"

It was about time for them to get back at him!

Looking at Cong Gang's overweeningly arrogant appearance, he felt like he should say something in retaliation. This made his heart flustered.

"So it turns out that President Feng has no opinions. Why is it so easy to be led away by the nose?" Cong Gang slightly snorted.

Feng Xinglang withdrew his expression, "Before Xing Er died … Told me about you! "

The sudden change in topic made Cong Gang's face darken, "What did he say?"

Seeing the slight change in Cong Gang's expression, Feng Xinglang's brows relaxed.

"Then guess what he told me?"

Feng Xinglang asked instead of answering. He began again to use words to induce others into his trap.

"It can't be that you've returned to your clan and forgiven Hetun, right?" Cong Gang replied without batting an eyelid.

"I told you, he was talking about you!"

Feng Xinglang corrected Cong Gang's misdirection, "You don't want to guess? Or couldn't he guess? "Why don't you beg me to tell you!"

"I'm not interested to know!"

Cong Gang lifted the teacup in front of him and was just about to drink it from his lips, when Feng Xinglang snatched it away and drank it all up.

"Cong Gang, are you lying?"

Feng Xinglang humphed in disdain.

His cell phone rang, stopping the conversation between the two smart people with their own ulterior motives.

The call was from Nina. It should be because he couldn't wait for the President Feng to arrive during the morning meeting.

"Mm, mm, alright, I'll be there in half an hour. You can arrange for them to do their quarterly reports first. "

After hanging up the phone, Feng Xinglang couldn't hide the boredom on his face. Perhaps, at this moment, he was looking forward to Cong Gang's leisurely and comfortable life.

It was only for a moment!

Cong Gang's bloody life, the bloodthirsty life on the blade, he really did not dare to praise.

"Let's chat another day..."

Feng Xinglang stood up and hummed to himself, "I have to go and earn money to support my wife and children!"

"What exactly did Xing Er tell you?"

Feng Xinglang walked slowly; slow to the point that it made others want to cause trouble, Cong Gang couldn't help but ask.

Feng Xinglang turned around and smiled faintly.

"What, you still want to know? Hmm... Call me 'good master' and I will tell you! "

This childish, insolent, arrogant, reckless... Provoke!

"..." The corner of Cong Gang's mouth ruthlessly moved a few times, but he was unable to say anything.

He turned around, no longer looking at Feng Xinglang at the stairs.

If Cong Gang wanted to know, there were plenty of ways!

"Excuse me? How pretentious! I'll give you a few days to gather your energy. Nuonuo and I will come see you this weekend! "

Just as he finished speaking, he turned around and started to think again, "Oh, remember to put those two pots of orchids in a conspicuous position! That way, my Kid Nuo will be happy to see it! "

After giving out a series of orders, Feng Xinglang left in satisfaction.

Playing with Feng Xinglang? He still needed some time to recover!

… ….

"Mommy... Class … "Class …."

Yuan Duoduo was woken up by her two daughters' urging.

The two cute girls were dressed cleanly by Shui Qiannong who woke up earlier.

To be honest, Yuan Duoduo also admired Shui Qiannong a lot. She was indeed unique in taking care of children.

The two little guys had gotten used to waiting in line every morning to take Mommy to work, but it wasn't a weekend, so they couldn't wait for Mommy to get up to work, so they went to the bedroom to wake her up.

It was rather awkward: Yuan Duoduo and Bai Mo have already been married for two years, both of them are already 1 and a half years old, yet the two of them still sleep in their own rooms.

Bai Mo's work and rest activities were not very regular, but every time he returned, he would go to the child room to kiss his two precious daughters.

The number of times Bai Mo and Yuan Duoduo had slept in the same room could be counted on one hand, but there was one point that Yuan Duoduo was clear about: Even though Bai Mo would occasionally sleep in the same room with Yaya, he had never once touched Yuan Duoduo.

Sometimes, Yuan Duoduo really suspected that Bai Mo was really Gay!

Because he was always able to get along with Feng Xinglang and the others; but he was cold and indifferent to his wife.

Yuan Duoduo also found out another reason: When Bai Mo was in high school, he was taught by a female teacher …

Yuan Duoduo was not very clear about the details of the situation, and it would be awkward to ask Feng Xinglang about it.

So, Yuan Duoduo really wanted to find out one thing: Was this Bai Mo not interested in her, a woman, or any other woman?

If it was the latter, he could still live his life!

If it was only the former …. Then wouldn't she, Yuan Duoduo, be a hindrance to his blissful life?!

"Mommy... Class … "Class …."

Doudou climbed onto the wall and used all her strength to pull on Mommy's arm.

Yuan Duoduo opened her tired eyes and lovingly kissed Doudou, and then, kissed her daughter Yaya.

"Mommy is not going to work today, so why don't you stay at home with Doudou and Yaya?"

"Alright …" The two cute chicks stretched out their voices and cheered in unison.

Of course, it was good to have Mommy with him.

"Not only today, but for a long period of time, Mommy will stay at home with you guys to thrive and grow! Would Doudou like your mother to accompany you guys at home? "

"I like it!"

The two cute girls cheered at the same time.

After Yuan Duoduo woke up and washed her face and rinsed her mouth, she brought her two precious daughters along as she prepared to go greet the old man.

Just in time, Bai Mo and the Gentleman Bai started to discuss with each other. Bai Mo looked angry.

What was this disaster doing now? Causing the lordmaster to give him a good lesson early in the morning?

Bai Mo, who was about to get up and leave, had a very complicated expression on his handsome face when he saw Yuan Duoduo holding both Doudou and Yaya's hands.

"Qiannong, you have to look favorably for Doudou and Yaya! "Don't let someone who has ulterior motives get lucky!"

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