Warm Wedding, CEO Loves Me

Chapter 1613

Chapter 1613

Chapter 1613 - I need Feng Xinglang

An hour ago, it was Wei Kang who sent Lin Xueluo back to Feng Family.

Along the way, Wei Kang remained silent and silent. He did not answer any of Lin Xueluo's questions.

After more than a month of parting, Lin Xueluo had once again suffered the pain of yearning.

In the same way, she left with a new life, just like when she had left for five years!

The only difference was that she felt more yearning and yearning for him.

Lin Xueluo's suffering, was a bitterness that could not be spoken out!

At that time, when Cong Gang had woken her up and told her why he was here, she had the urge to stay and fight alongside her husband and son!

Just like in the movie: death cannot separate them from their family!

But then, Cong Gang said: "Think about it: if Celeste had pointed the gun at your head and forced the three generations of Feng Xinglang's ancestors to kneel and kowtow, what kind of beautiful scene would that be?"

Xueluo immediately lost the courage to insist on staying!

It was not that she was afraid of death; she had already died several times for that man!

Actually, Xueluo was afraid of death. She was afraid that her second child, whom she finally managed to conceive with a man, would die with her in the underworld without even being able to see the world in front of her!

Thus, Xueluo quickly got up, and very cooperatively, packed up a few items that she normally used.

Before parting ways, Xueluo grabbed onto Cong Gang's words, and begged him with teary eyes:

[Cong Gang, I need Feng Xinglang … The living Feng Xinglang! Me and his child!]

Cong Gang did not answer, he only gave her a reply, leaving in a hurry.

After that, Xueluo brought Xueluo to a warm little courtyard with many flowers and plants, and to the side of a very kind but also a little violent mother.

Ah Ma really liked Xueluo. He felt that she was gentle and gentle, and occasionally she would say some humorous words to make Mama laugh.

In the month that he had lived in the small courtyard, Xueluo's world was quiet.

It was warm and warm, and everything seemed so lively.

It was really thanks to Cong Gang's meticulous thoughts that he actually found such a paradise for his to be nurtured by his womb in peace.

Beneath the surface of the peaceful surface, was Xueluo's worried heart.

Every night, she would talk to her daughter:

My daughter, do you also miss your brother and father? Mommy really missed them too! We both have to be fine. Let your father and brother see that we are healthy and happy even without their company!]

[My daughter... Do you think Mommy is so heartless? I called your dad today. I clearly have a lot of things I want to say to him, and I know your dad has a lot of things I want to say to you and Mommy. But Mommy foolishly hung up your daddy's phone! He said that he was in a hurry to eat Ma's Ciba and tofu brain …

My daughter, do you think your father will be sad or disappointed? He loves you so much, I didn't even let him talk to you.

My daughter, Mommy seems to have brought you back to your father and brother's side to accompany them! Even if you can't go back, just float my soul back and look at the father and son duo!]

"Sorry darling, Mommy is retarded again!"

Every night when he stayed in the small courtyard, Xueluo practically had to mutter to the child in his stomach for a while, until he fell asleep in a daze.

… ….

When he saw his son and husband standing in front of him alive, Xueluo's eyes shone a little brightly.

"My daughter, thank the heavens, our prayers have been granted! Your father and your brother, they're fine. "He's still alive!"

"Mommy... "Mommy!"

Seeing his mother, Lin Xueluo immediately threw his injured father to Yan Bang, and rushed towards his mother who was standing at the living room entrance.

"Nuonuo, slow down … Second Madame is pregnant, be careful not to bump into your mommy. "

Worried that the little fellow's momentum was too strong, Butler Mo reached out his hands to stop him, to slow down the little fellow's speed of running over.

"Nuonuo... Mommy's good son! "

Xueluo knelt on the ground and tightly hugged her son Linnuo in her embrace, her messy right and left parents.

"Mommy... My son misses Mommy so much! Every day. Even thinking about it hurts! "josei

The little guy tightly wrapped itself around Mommy's neck and kissed her a few times.

"Mommy misses you too. I really want to! "

After thinking about how to give a warm smile to his husband and children, Xueluo couldn't help but start sobbing.

She really missed her child too much!

After not seeing her for more than a month, and not seeing any news about her husband or children, Xueluo's heart was about to break.

But she was tenacious: to think of her husband and son, and to take care of herself and her daughter!

Seeing the woman in close proximity, the corner of Feng Xinglang's lips slowly rose into a faint smile. Even though it was astringent, he was still touched and gratified.

"Wife... I've brought my son back! "

This was an extremely simple greeting for a husband and wife, yet Feng Xinglang had to say it with such difficulty.

The most difficult part was the process!

He and his son had gone through too many bloody scenes and encounters, almost to the point where they had a narrow escape from death. In the end, they were able to return home.

Only then would he be able to give an explanation to his wife!

Xueluo stood up, and looked deeply at the man in front of her that was about to collapse.

"Hubby, I also brought my daughter and myself back safely!"

The smile on his lips was warm and warm; the tears rolling down his cheeks were also true and beautiful.

"Xueluo! You're really great. "No wonder I love you so much!"

Feng Xinglang reached out his long arms and hooked the woman into his embrace. He wanted to squeeze her into his bones to resolve his love for her, but his heart was tightly held because of his daughter's nurturing.

"I am finally feeling better!" "Because I don't love you as much anymore …"

Xueluo, who was hugged tightly by the man, was laughing with tears in her eyes.

"No way! You must love me twice as much as before! "

Feng Xinglang kissed the woman's lips a little tyrannically. She sucked on Xueluo's soft and tender lips without letting go for a long time.

"Double? Feng Xinglang, stop dreaming! It would be nice if you could have the remaining third of my love! "

Xueluo pushed the man away and stared deeply at his handsome face, stroking it inch by inch.

"No!" You're mine! I want all your love! "

The man's tone was a bit urgent, a bit childish and domineering.

", if you continue to be so tyrannical, I will split the remaining one third of my love with my son and daughter!"

"His own son seriously agrees! My sister also seriously agrees! "

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