
Chapter 168

Chapter 168: Instructing the Juniors

Chapter 168: Instructing the Juniors

On the Isle of Nalan, Nalan Feng watched the red fog gather around the Isle of Xiao in the distance with an ugly look on his face.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid Mr. Qin won't be returning. Xiao Nanfeng's far stronger than our intel suggested," one subordinate began.

Nalan Feng clenched his fists tightly, hatred flaring through his eyes. He knew that he had been too careless, but this was a hefty price to pay.

"Your Highness, we've lost the protective formation around our island. The red fog around the Isle of Xiao must be that same formation, repurposed by Xiao Nanfeng," the subordinate added, frowning.

"I'm well aware," Nalan Feng gritted out.

"Could we reclaim it with the help of the Taiqing elders?" the subordinate pressed.

"It's useless. No one has seen the foundation of the formation, and we won't be able to prove it's ours."

"But—Your Highness, surely we have to do something?"

Nalan Feng was silent for long moments before shaking his head. "Xiao Nanfeng's far stronger than I anticipated. Even Mr. Qin fell to him. The Isle of Xiao surely boasts an incredible defense. We can't risk raiding it again."


"That said, so what if we can't? The elders were unable to help me because of Xiao Nanfeng's identity as Xiao Hongye's son, but that's a double-edged sword. His identity might intimidate the elders, but not Xiao Hongye's enemies. If they were to learn that Xiao Hongye's son was right before them, would they let him go?" Nalan Feng smirked.

"Your Highness, you mean..."

"Divulge Xiao Nanfeng's identity to the forces all around the Eastern Sea. Let them seek him out for revenge. We need only sit back and wait." Nalan Feng's smile grew wider.

"Yes, Your Highness!" His subordinate's eyes brightened.

"Make sure not to expose your identity."


Days later, on the Isle of Xiao, Xiao Nanfeng was giving pointers to a junior disciple while a group of Ascended disciples watched on.

"Your fist technique is powerful but lacks toughness. The quintessence of this technique isn't overwhelming power, but rather the potential of it. Wind up your punch and leave it that way, forcing your opponents to evade it of their own will—and strike them with your other fist then," Xiao Nanfeng said.

He knocked the junior disciple out of the arena, reining in his strength so that his opponent wouldn't be hurt.

"Thank you, Senior Brother! That's amazing. I've been using this technique wrong all this time! I feel like I've grown at least twice as strong as before."

"The fist technique you chose suits you very well. I've corrected the mistakes in your understanding, but you'll have to practice more in the future. In addition, let me recommend you two scriptures that can make your techniques stronger: Martial Sage Wu Taidou's Discourse on Might, and Martial Sage Ming Yuexin's Analects on Forecasting," Xiao Nanfeng continued.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Xiao!"

Xiao Nanfeng patted him on the shoulder. "Keep it up. I think you have great potential, and I look forward to seeing how you've improved."

"Yes, Senior Brother!" The junior disciple was exhilarated.

"Let's stop here. I still have to study scripture in the afternoon. In the future, I'll advise you all in the mornings, but only those disciples you introduce to me. I hope you'll be prudent in whom you choose to bring over—I wouldn't want to have to deal with disciples who try to correct me at every turn," Xiao Nanfeng joked.

The junior disciples laughed as well. "Of course, Senior Brother! We'll only bring disciples positively disposed toward you."

"Alright, it's time for all of you to start training. I'll have to discuss matters with Zhao Yuanjiao later."

"Farewell, Senior Brother!" The disciples bowed toward him in gratitude.

As Xiao Nanfeng left, Zheng Qian stepped forward. "Honored cultivators, we've prepared a lunch for you. Please follow me."

"Thank you, Mr. Zheng, but we've already wasted so much of Senior Brother Xiao's time. How could we impose?"

"We've learned a tremendous amount today. I feel like I might be able to break through at any moment. Senior Brother Xiao's advice is truly incredible! I wouldn't want to take up any more of his resources."

"It's a pity that we aren't able to help Senior Brother Xiao. Please, you don't have to do anything special for us, or we'd feel bad," the Ascended disciples replied politely.

Zheng Qian only smiled. "This is a lunch that Sir Xiao specially had prepared for all of you. Please don't refuse."

"Well..." The disciples still seemed rather uncomfortable accepting Xiao Nanfeng's generosity.

"If there's something you wish to do for Sir Xiao, I might be able to suggest something," Zheng Qian volunteered.


"Sir Xiao has taken in a great deal of orphans and is teaching them the basics of cultivation. They're all students of his, and they'll be helping him out in the future. Unfortunately, there are too many of them for Sir Xiao to instruct all at once. If you would be willing to lend your assistance and teach them a few combat techniques, that would be more than sufficient."

"Of course! I'm free this afternoon, anyway."

"Certainly. Senior Brother Xiao gave us crucial insight for our advancement. Teaching beginners is far simpler in comparison."

"Go on, let's go! We'll work those children hard." The Ascended disciples promised their help. josei

"Thank you, honored cultivators," Zheng Qian replied.

Meanwhile, Xiao Nanfeng met with Zhao Yuanjiao at a certain pavilion.

Zhao Yuanjiao watched the Ascended disciples head to the fields to teach basic fist techniques to children with a complicated look on his face. "Do you intend to bribe all my trusted subordinates?"

"I'm the seniormost Ascended disciple, and it's only right that I take the time to advise them on their cultivation. I'm hoping they grow stronger myself so they can lend me their support." Xiao Nanfeng shook his head.

"You intend on having them help you reclaim your territory?" Zhao Yuanjiao asked.

Xiao Nanfeng nodded. "The territory that my father was granted has been taken over by interlopers, and it's been greatly diminished since. Even if I were to return and claim it rightfully, I wouldn't be able to control it. All I can do is amass my strength and wait for an opportunity. With the help of my junior brothers, I'll be able to reclaim it quickly."

"You're taking advantage of them?" Zhao Yuanjiao frowned.

Xiao Nanfeng shook his head. "I treat people with sincerity. I certainly wouldn't intentionally send anyone to die on my behalf, and I'll make my goals clear while asking for their assistance. This will be entirely voluntary, and I'll provide ample compensation for those who are willing to help. Advising them on their cultivation is only one of many services I'm willing to provide."

Despite Zhao Yuanjiao's frown, he didn't make another attempt to stop Xiao Nanfeng.

"Right, Elder Zhao, did you bring me the jade tablets?" Xiao Nanfeng asked, smiling.

Zhao Yuanjiao handed him ten jade tablets.

"Thank you! It must be nice to be an elder. These jade tablets are incredibly convenient."

"There are ten thousand scriptures here. Can you really read all of them?"

Zhao Yuanjiao suddenly fell silent, because Xiao Nanfeng had demonstrated publicly that he, in fact, could. He had tremendous eidetic ability.

"Elder Zhao, thank you for these scriptures. I also have something to discuss with you. I found the lair of the sea serpents that attacked you before."


"I can guarantee that the information's from a reliable source, but there's likely incredible danger awaiting you there. Do you have a map of the sea? I can show you the location so you might investigate it first. Before you head there, let me know. I may be able to help you."

Zhao Yuanjiao retrieved a map, which Xiao Nanfeng marked on his behalf. He rushed to investigate it.

Ten days later, on Taiqing Island, Ye Sanshui and Ye Dafu were suddenly waylaid by a group of Mortal disciples.

"Is something the matter, Senior Brothers?" Ye Sanshui asked in worry.

During the fight between Xiao Nanfeng and Nalan Feng, everyone had learned that the uncle-and-nephew duo had stood on the side of Xiao Nanfeng. They had been criticized and scolded by many a Mortal disciple, so much so that they frequently chose to avoid interacting with senior Mortal disciples altogether.

"Is Xiao Nanfeng teaching fist techniques to Ascended disciples?" one Mortal disciple asked.

"Ah? That's right," Ye Sanshui acknowledged.

"I knew it! How infuriating!" that Mortal disciple said angrily.

"What's the matter, Senior Brother?"

"What else? A few Ascended disciples have been growing too arrogant lately. Their strength was originally on par with ours, but they've suddenly grown much stronger since. They challenged our juniors and beat them all!"

"I heard that many Ascended disciples even broke through a bottleneck after being advised by Xiao Nanfeng."

"If only the seniormost Mortal disciple would advise us as well..."

The disciples grew angrier and angrier. Ye Sanshui wisely chose not to speak. After all, siding with Xiao Nanfeng was tantamount to betraying the Mortal division, and he didn't know how to console them all.

"Senior Brothers, if you'd like to get advice from Senior Brother Xiao, I could recommend you all to him," Ye Dafu suddenly suggested.

Everyone paused and looked toward Ye Dafu.

"Be quiet, Dafu! How could these seniors seek advice from Senior Brother Xiao?" Ye Sanshui chided.

"It's true, Third Uncle! I brought this up to Senior Brother Xiao, and he said that he would be willing to teach anyone we recommended. I could certainly recommend these senior brothers to him."

Ye Sanshui was about to continue chastising Ye Dafu for his lack of propriety when the senior disciples' eyes lit up. Although they were disciples of the Mortal division, Nalan Feng had never shown any interest in them, and they cared little for him. With their rivals having shot past them in cultivation, they were feeling intense pressure to catch up. The elders and division leader didn't have time to advise them. Why not give Xiao Nanfeng a chance?

"Ye Sanshui, how could you say that? Senior Brother Xiao might be the seniormost Ascended disciple, but we're all Taiqing disciples, aren't we? It's not as though we haven't shown him respect."

"Right! We wouldn't mind if you didn't want to recommend us, but how could you stop Ye Dafu from doing so as well?"

"We'd like to experience Senior Brother Xiao's prowess for ourselves."

The senior disciples' behavior left Ye Sanshui gobsmacked. These Mortal disciples weren't here to cause trouble for him?

"Then it's settled, Senior Brothers! I'll introduce all of you to Senior Brother Xiao," Ye Dafu promised.

The gathered Mortal disciples thanked Ye Dafu profusely.

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