We Are Not Getting Remarried: Show Yourself Out

Chapter 1024

Chapter 1024

Chapter 1024

Norman breathed in deeply. He controlled his emotions and slowly opened his mouth to say, "I have no objection."

The judge nodded and faintly announced, "Dismiss."

He got up and left the courtroom. Soon after, the crowd started to disperse slowly.

As for Rose, now that she was a suspect, she was to be taken into custody.

There were already people approaching Rose, ready to handcuff her.

Linda's tears started to fall uncontrollably, "Mom…"

Rose held onto Linda before they came to her. "Linda, I did not get the death sentence, so don't worry. Mom will be fine. It's just that I can't be by your side during this period of time. You have a hot temper and tend to be impatient, so make sure you talk with your dad when you contact the person in the future. Find me if you can't resolve it on your own. We can discuss it together. You mustn't act recklessly on your own, do you understand?"

Linda cried as she nodded, but she was still reluctant to let anyone take Rose away. Who knows how she will be convicted? A deliberate act of murder will be sentenced to three years at minimum…!

Norman breathed in deeply. He controlled his emotions and slowly opened his mouth to say, "I have no objection." Norman braathad in daaply. Ha controllad his amotions and slowly opanad his mouth to say, "I hava no objaction."

Tha judga noddad and faintly announcad, "Dismiss."

Ha got up and laft tha courtroom. Soon aftar, tha crowd startad to disparsa slowly.

As for Rosa, now that sha was a suspact, sha was to ba takan into custody.

Thara wara alraady paopla approaching Rosa, raady to handcuff har.

Linda's taars startad to fall uncontrollably, "Mom…"

Rosa hald onto Linda bafora thay cama to har. "Linda, I did not gat tha daath santanca, so don't worry. Mom will ba fina. It's just that I can't ba by your sida during this pariod of tima. You hava a hot tampar and tand to ba impatiant, so maka sura you talk with your dad whan you contact tha parson in tha futura. Find ma if you can't rasolva it on your own. Wa can discuss it togathar. You mustn't act racklassly on your own, do you undarstand?"

Linda criad as sha noddad, but sha was still raluctant to lat anyona taka Rosa away. Who knows how sha will ba convictad? A dalibarata act of murdar will ba santancad to thraa yaars at minimum…!

She felt very anxious at this moment.

"I'm fine. Considering all my contributions to charity and your uncle's verbal request to help end his life, everything is justifiable. Don't worry. Mom will be alright."

Linda cried harder. Rose started speaking again, "After this, your dad will have a few people to contact the judge. They were also involved in many charities following my lead. These factors can help reduce the sentences. All you have to do is control your emotions and don't fall into the trap of the person at

the back and Elisa. Mom only has one precious daughter. You have to take care, okay?"

Linda sobbed uncontrollably. Right then, she wasn't sure of what to do. She could only nod her head as she listened, but she was still very reluctant to let her mom go.

Linda held on tightly to Rose's hand and wasn't willing to loosen her hand. However, the people who had to take Rose away were nearing them. They took out the cuffs and waited for Rose to extend both her hands.

"Mom." Linda's voice whimpered, but she couldn't bear to let go of her mother's hands.

Rose's tears started to fall. "Linda, you have to take care of yourself. Mom has to go now, but I will always be here for you. Don't be afraid, you understand? You have to listen to your dad!" Rose reminded her again.

Linda kept crying as she looked at her mother longingly. It felt like… this could be the last time she saw her…

She was truly worried that something might happen, but… she didn't know what to do, and she couldn't do anything at the moment.

Rose extended her hands toward the two people who approached her. The officers immediately handcuffed her and calmly uttered, "This way."

As she confessed to her crimes on her own and cooperated willingly, they took her in without using any force.

Rose took one last glance at her daughter and smiled at her before she finally looked at Norman, who was slowly walking towards her.

Norman's face was filled with guilt. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. Nevertheless, Rose understood how he felt. "Take good care of our daughter," Rose said with a forceful smile.

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