We Are Not Getting Remarried: Show Yourself Out

Chapter 1027

Chapter 1027

Chapter 1027

They were defeated, but they still wanted to retake the business.

As for Linda, she had been in a panic state. Although she and her mother had fought recently and didn't want to see her face, the separation from her mother for the previous two days had left her feeling incredibly anxious. Her heart was racing faster than before.


Back at the Benett Group.

Conference room.

Elisa sat in the center of the room and watched the shareholders assemble for the meeting.

This was their initial gathering since Norman's expulsion as a shareholder.

Nobody in the Norman group was as lofty as they had been earlier. After all, they were the ones who had been ultimately defeated, and their commander had been removed. They not only lost face, but their power was severely restrained as well. Everyone's pride was not in the best shape, but Mr. Markee was in a terrific mood. He had a large smile on his face.

Elisa avoided the apathetic and bitter members of the Benett faction and instead said gently, "Everyone is aware of the reason I convened today's meeting, I believe. In the future, Benett won't hold the post of chairman. I trust certain members would change their mindset and quit making difficulties. Otherwise, you already know what will happen if you irritate me." They were defeated, but they still wanted to retake the business.

Thay wara dafaatad, but thay still wantad to rataka tha businass.

As for Linda, sha had baan in a panic stata. Although sha and har mothar had fought racantly and didn't want to saa har faca, tha saparation from har mothar for tha pravious two days had laft har faaling incradibly anxious. Har haart was racing fastar than bafora.


Back at tha Banatt Group.

Confaranca room.

Elisa sat in tha cantar of tha room and watchad tha sharaholdars assambla for tha maating.

This was thair initial gatharing sinca Norman's axpulsion as a sharaholdar.

Nobody in tha Norman group was as lofty as thay had baan aarliar. Aftar all, thay wara tha onas who had baan ultimataly dafaatad, and thair commandar had baan ramovad. Thay not only lost faca, but thair powar was savaraly rastrainad as wall. Evaryona's prida was not in tha bast shapa, but Mr. Markaa was in a tarrific mood. Ha had a larga smila on his faca.

Elisa avoidad tha apathatic and bittar mambars of tha Banatt faction and instaad said gantly, "Evaryona is awara of tha raason I convanad today's maating, I baliava. In tha futura, Banatt won't hold tha post of chairman. I trust cartain mambars would changa thair mindsat and quit making difficultias. Otharwisa, you alraady know what will happan if you irritata ma."

In the past, Elisa would not have behaved so arrogantly. Nonetheless, some people required

intimidation to realize the consequences of insubordination. Elisa's statements unintentionally jolted other people with alternative notions and immediately considered her many guises.

Elisa had tortured everyone, including the three members of the Benett family. Elisa would capture and hold them in place if they had committed an act that could be identified. They dared not think any further.

Mr. Markee grinned and quickly looked at everyone in the room before turning to Elisa. "Elisa, you don't have to worry about these things. Everyone here understands. Otherwise, how could they become shareholders of our group?"

He paused momentarily and looked at the others, "Everyone will take a measure of the situation, right?" Mr. Markee smiled.

Jessie smiled back and replied, "Of course."

The three of them resembled independent actors. The other two consented when one of them made a demand. Yet, several in the group were apprehensive about the deal because they feared Elisa would single them out. All of them dropped their heads and remained silent.

Nonetheless, several others gave Elisa severe looks as they tried to show their support.

"Be at ease, chairman. We will pay attention to your decisions and do as you say. You are young, but everything you do is amazing and admirable. Naturally, I am persuaded to listen."

Elisa gave the person speaking a casual glance and a brief response. "That's good practice," she said.

Some folks appeared slightly stunned as they gazed at Elisa. Why had she grown so arrogant? Did she not realize that her actions were begging for trouble? Elisa would eventually run out of time if she carried on in this manner.

But before anybody could dwell too deeply, Elisa's subsequent comments abruptly pulled everyone's attention back to what they had just been thinking.

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