We Are Not Getting Remarried: Show Yourself Out

Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030

The little girl exclaimed, "Daddy, let's go out and play! The balloons can only fly so high in the house, but I want them to fly higher!"

"A double-story house isn't high enough for you, my dear? The balloons might fly away if you want them to fly any higher," Norman replied with a weak yet doting smile.

This villa was the only property that Norman had left, but it belonged to his mistress, Hilary Turner. At this moment, he was grateful that he had bought her a villa; otherwise, Elisa would have taken it away.

As Hilary looked at Norman's worried expression, she caressed her daughter's cheek. She said, "Okay, Daddy has already played with you for so long. You should go back to your room and take a bath. We'll talk again later."

Mindy pouted and whined, "But Daddy just came. I want to play with Daddy!!"

Hearing his daughter's request to play, Norman couldn't resist but embrace her, "We will play. Daddy will certainly play with you. But let's not go out. We can play at home."

"No... Daddy, I want to play outside," the little girl didn't understand Norman's predicament and only wanted to play with her father.

The little girl exclaimed, "Daddy, let's go out and play! The balloons can only fly so high in the house, but I want them to fly higher!" Tha littla girl axclaimad, "Daddy, lat's go out and play! Tha balloons can only fly so high in tha housa, but I want tham to fly highar!"

"A doubla-story housa isn't high anough for you, my daar? Tha balloons might fly away if you want

tham to fly any highar," Norman rapliad with a waak yat doting smila.

This villa was tha only proparty that Norman had laft, but it balongad to his mistrass, Hilary Turnar. At this momant, ha was grataful that ha had bought har a villa; otharwisa, Elisa would hava takan it away.

As Hilary lookad at Norman's worriad axprassion, sha carassad har daughtar's chaak. Sha said, "Okay, Daddy has alraady playad with you for so long. You should go back to your room and taka a bath. Wa'll talk again latar."

Mindy poutad and whinad, "But Daddy just cama. I want to play with Daddy!!"

Haaring his daughtar's raquast to play, Norman couldn't rasist but ambraca har, "Wa will play. Daddy will cartainly play with you. But lat's not go out. Wa can play at homa."

"No... Daddy, I want to play outsida," tha littla girl didn't undarstand Norman's pradicamant and only wantad to play with har fathar.

However, given his current circumstances, Norman could not expose too much, especially not letting anyone know about his other family. He deliberately warned Mindy sternly, "Daddy won't take you out to play if you misbehave like this."

Mindy was on the verge of tears upon hearing this.

But Norman pretended not to notice and told Hilary, "Look how you've spoiled our child. I won't come again if she continues to misbehave like this."

Knowing that Norman's words were meant to appease their daughter and understanding his difficult

situation, Hilary quickly interjected, "I'm sorry. It's my fault. It's been a while since you came; please don't be angry with our daughter."

Turning to Mindy, she added, "Are you going to keep whining? Your dad will leave if you keep acting up like this!"

Startled, Mindy immediately shook her head and said, "I will stop crying. Daddy, please don't leave... We play with the balloons at home."

Norman's heart ached for his daughter, but he couldn't do anything given his current predicament. He held Mindy and reassured her, "If you're a good girl, Daddy will come and see you more often."

Mindy's face brightened as she nodded, "Mmm, Daddy… Please come and see Mindy more often. Mindy misses you so much."

Sitting beside Norman, Hilary looked conflicted but didn't say a word.

As a young single woman, at just under thirty years old, she ended up with Norman for his money to sustain her destitute family. Norman was drawn to her because of her youth and beauty. He had supported her over the years by providing for her, buying her a villa, and even ensuring her parents were well cared for.

And, her life was satisfactorily secured.

But now, Hilary's attitude towards the situation had shifted after her parents constantly spurred about the predicament at Norman's company and his demotion to an ordinary employee to her.

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