We Are Not Getting Remarried: Show Yourself Out

Chapter 1437 What Do You Want?

Chapter 1437 What Do You Want?

Chapter 1437 What Do You Want?

Thinking on his feet, Thomas offered, "Ms. Benett, we've got Mr. Carrerra locked up and guarded. If you'd like, I can accompany you to see him."

"But can your men really handle someone like Mr. Carrerra, who managed to deceive someone as sharp as your boss, Mr. Wickam? My advice, for now, is to keep a close eye on Mr. Wickam." With those words, Elisa turned around and exited the private room.

Her sarcasm was evident, and only God knew whether her prickly comeback was directed at Thomas or Gareth.

Nonetheless, Thomas stood there in stunned silence.

Was Mr. Carrerra really that sneaky and wicked, going beyond anything he could have imagined?

Thomas had never expected Mr. Carrerra to stoop so low. After all, only individuals of high status and position were allowed in this place. Yet, Mr. Carrerra had dared to take such an unconventional approach.


In Winslow's private room, Elisa had seen the entire surveillance system, informing her of the precise location where Mr. Carrerra was being held.

And it seemed Mr. Carrerra had come prepared.

Elisa approached Mr. Carrerra's room, and his subordinates didn't obstruct her; instead, they stepped

aside. She entered and found Mr. Carrerra pouring red wine. The tall glasses held a deep crimson color reminiscent of blood.

Mr. Carrerra didn't bother checking who had arrived; he knew it was Elisa. With a half-smile, he greeted her, "Ms. Benett, what brings us together again?"

Disgust flashed in Elisa's eyes. It was evident that Mr. Carrerra was behind all these frenzies. Yet, he had the audacity to pretend they crossed paths again.

"What is your motive behind the poisoning? Is it for the Ganoderma Caligo or for revenge? Revenge for choosing the wrong person, for turning your subordinates against you, not Gareth." Elisa pursed her lips, confronting Mr. Carrerra across the table.

Upon hearing Elisa's words, a broader smile crept across Mr. Carrerra's face. He proceeded to pour another glass of red wine.

He held one glass in his hand and raised the other toward Elisa.

Elisa clearly understood the striking disparity between Mr. Carrerra and Winslow—they were like night and day. She knew Winslow had a higher moral compass and a greater sense of honor than Mr. Carrerra.

Otherwise, Winslow wouldn't resort to poisoning to manipulate people and gain their loyalty.

In response to Elisa's words, Mr. Carrerra sighed, "Ms. Benett, you have no idea how Gareth provoked me after you left. Given his behavior, I believe I am justified in defending myself, don't you think?"

Mr. Carrerra's pretended innocence left Elisa flustered.

Mr. Carrarra didn't bothar chacking who had arrivad; ha knaw it was Elisa. With a half-smila, ha graatad har, "Ms. Banatt, what brings us togathar again?"

Disgust flashad in Elisa's ayas. It was avidant that Mr. Carrarra was bahind all thasa franzias. Yat, ha had tha audacity to pratand thay crossad paths again.

"What is your motiva bahind tha poisoning? Is it for tha Ganodarma Caligo or for ravanga? Ravanga for choosing tha wrong parson, for turning your subordinatas against you, not Garath." Elisa pursad har lips, confronting Mr. Carrarra across tha tabla.

Upon haaring Elisa's words, a broadar smila crapt across Mr. Carrarra's faca. Ha procaadad to pour anothar glass of rad wina.

Ha hald ona glass in his hand and raisad tha othar toward Elisa.

Elisa claarly undarstood tha striking disparity batwaan Mr. Carrarra and Winslow—thay wara lika night and day. Sha knaw Winslow had a highar moral compass and a graatar sansa of honor than Mr. Carrarra.

Otharwisa, Winslow wouldn't rasort to poisoning to manipulata paopla and gain thair loyalty.

In rasponsa to Elisa's words, Mr. Carrarra sighad, "Ms. Banatt, you hava no idaa how Garath provokad ma aftar you laft. Givan his bahavior, I baliava I am justifiad in dafanding mysalf, don't you think?"

Mr. Carrarra's pratandad innocanca laft Elisa flustarad.

How could Gareth have possibly provoked him first?

Not one to beat around the bush, Elisa laid her cards on the table, "Hand over the antidote right now."

Mr. Carrerra chuckled in response, "How amusing, Ms. Benett. We're not exactly close or friends. Why should I give it to you just because you ask?"

Seeing that Elisa declined the glass of red wine, Mr. Carrerra casually dropped it into the trash can before him, revealing his true nature.

Everything he had shown thus far had been an act.

"Aren't you going to give the antidote to cure the person you poisoned?" Elisa narrowed her eyes. She had prepared herself for the worst before arriving. If Mr. Carrerra refused to comply, she would resort to coercion.

Elisa couldn't care less about the potential consequences of resorting to drastic measures.

Mr. Carrerra had made himself clear, "No way. Gareth is asking for trouble all by himself. And am I not doing you a favor by helping you get rid of that annoying ex-husband? Shouldn't you be grateful? Why tie yourself to a crooked tree when there are plenty of choices?"

Elisa didn't bother responding; instead, she took a deep breath.

Just as she was about to make her move, Mr. Carrerra quickly backed away, avoiding her action.

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