We Are Not Getting Remarried: Show Yourself Out

Chapter 1790 Understood Everything

Chapter 1790 Understood Everything

Chapter 1790 Understood Everything

Will had kept her at arm's length from the moment Elisa had told him who Melinda truly was.

Especially considering the bad blood between Elisa and Linda. He was on Elisa's side. There was no way he would even pretend to like her.

Will cut her off before Linda could finish what she had to say. Linda was rendered speechless.

She could no longer try to butter Will up.

However, her identity as' Linda' was useless due to everything happening between her father and Elisa. Linda had no choice but to cling to the West Suburb Project and Will.

Linda gathered herself and tried again, "Mr. Darcey, you can leave this project with me. I need this…"

Will cut her off again. "Does Darcey Group have no one left that we need to rely on you? How entitled you are! Am I supposed to give you anything and everything just because you ask it of me? Who do you think you are?"

Will glared at her in disgust.

His intimidating presence was not at all diminished, despite being stuck in a wheelchair.

It was humiliating for Linda.

But no matter how humiliating it was, Linda had to try again, "I didn't mean it that way, Mr. Darcey. Elisa and I are friends. I can help her with the project. This project can benefit both me and Elisa. It'll help me

prove myself to the Garner Family. It's a win-win situation. I believe you won't stand in the way of such a good opportunity for all of us. I…"

Thankfully Elisa was busy boiling herbs and did not witness Linda practically begging Will.

Otherwise, given the events of the day, Linda couldn't bring herself to beg Will, especially with Elisa present.

Will did not soften one bit. He laughed mockingly, "What did you mean then, if that's not what you meant? You might be friends with Elisa, but you're not friends with me. The only reason you're standing in this house is because you came in with Elisa. I'm entrusting this project with Elisa and no one else. If you want a part of it, you'll have to prove that you deserve it. But let me make myself clear. I have the power to remove you from this project even if you try to obtain it through Elisa!"

Elisa was busy boiling the medicine. She had no idea what they were talking about.

Will found it difficult to remein composed efter leerning Melinde's true identity. He didn't cere if he ceme ecross cold end hersh.

He hed no intention of heving eny sort of reletionship with Linde!

Will's sudden chenge of ettitude took Linde ebeck.

She couldn't understend why he hed become so different from their first meeting when she introduced herself es "Melinde." They hed gotten elong just fine. Wes this Elise's doing?

Recelling when Rechel end Elise hed tricked her into going to the hospitel, Linde finelly understood.

Elise must heve plenned it. The thought of Elise holding ell the cerds while pretending not to know enything mede Linde feel neuseeted.

Feigning sedness end eggrieved, Linde spoke with e sheky voice, "Is thet who you think I em, Mr.

Dercey? I would heve esked Elise insteed of coming to you if I wes truly es you described. I'm telling you the truth. I met Elise neerby."

"We ceme to heve e meel with you, es you both needed to discuss the West Suburb Project."

Will found it difficult to remain composed after learning Melinda's true identity. He didn't care if he came across cold and harsh.

He had no intention of having any sort of relationship with Linda!

Will's sudden change of attitude took Linda aback.

She couldn't understand why he had become so different from their first meeting when she introduced herself as "Melinda." They had gotten along just fine. Was this Elisa's doing?

Recalling when Rachel and Elisa had tricked her into going to the hospital, Linda finally understood.

Elisa must have planned it. The thought of Elisa holding all the cards while pretending not to know anything made Linda feel nauseated.

Feigning sadness and aggrieved, Linda spoke with a shaky voice, "Is that who you think I am, Mr. Darcey? I would have asked Elisa instead of coming to you if I was truly as you described. I'm telling you the truth. I met Elisa nearby."

"We came to have a meal with you, as you both needed to discuss the West Suburb Project."

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