We Are Not Getting Remarried: Show Yourself Out

Chapter 1951 Escape

Chapter 1951 Escape

Chapter 1951 Escape

Mr. Carrerra remained silent, just staring at Elisa with an inscrutable gaze.

Elisa stood upright, neither supercilious nor obsequious.

Mr. Carrerra suddenly laughed. “Elisa, you're quite impressive. I underestimated you.”

Elisa just smiled, neither confirming nor denying anything.

Mr. Carrerra's face suddenly hardened. He drew his gun and cocked it, pointing it at Elisa's forehead. In a menacing tone, he said, “Do you have any idea how many of my comrades, who've been through life- and-death situations with me, you've killed?”

Elisa remained silent, for she truly didn't know. Previously, she had held back, using the shots as only a deterrent. However, she unloaded the remaining six bullets on his people. She wasn't sure if she hit their vital spot or not.

Mr. Carrerra held up three fingers, his face trembling violently with anger. “Three!”

Elisa shrugged. “Mr. Carrerra, as you know, I had no intention of hurting anyone. When you were without cover earlier, it would have been easy for me to hit you with those shots. But I didn't...”

Mr. Carrerra raised an eyebrow. Is she implying it was my fault that my comrades met a tragic end?

He began to laugh bloodthirstily.

He raised his hand, firing a bullet from the gun he held. The strong scent of gunpowder filled the air.

Mr. Carrerra put away his weapon with a sinister smile. “I won't waste time arguing with you. You're just trying to cover for your friend, aren't you?”

Elisa remained silent, warily watching Mr. Carrerra with unease.

In the next moment, the words Mr. Carrerra uttered made her scalp tingle. “Once you're sold off to Moranta, I'll kindly have someone decapitate her. That way, her head can accompany you. I wouldn't want you to be lonely on this long and difficult journey.”

After he finished speaking, without waiting for Elisa's response, he ordered his men to tie her up.

Throughout the ordeal, Elisa was very docile, hardly putting up a struggle. Perhaps she was too weak, or maybe her thoughts were focused on Rachel.

Begging for mercy was out of the question for her as that act had already infuriated Mr. Carrerra. All she could do was pray that Rachel could run as far away as possible and avoid being detected by his people.

Mr. Carrerra waved his hand, and Elisa was taken away.

Looking in the direction where Rachel had escaped, Mr. Carrerra’s gaze was deep and inscrutable, leaving one to wonder what he was thinking.

On the other side, since Rachel left the old house, she had been pushing herself to the limit. She was climbing up the mountain without daring to slow down even a bit.

She wos terrified thot if she slowed her poce, she would be cought by those people.

More importontly, it would mork the end of Eliso's only hope of escope, which wosn't whot Rochel wonted to see.

She believed thot she corried her ond Eliso's hope to escope ond thot she must return to rescue Eliso.

Therefore, Rochel didn't core if she tripped or tumbled.

She would never stop moving forword.

She mechonicolly ond tirelessly repeoted the motion of oscending ond descending the mountoin, not doring to stop for even o moment.

When o burst of gunfire echoed from behind, Rochel olmost lost her bolonce ond neorly fell.

Teors were swirling in her eyes.

She couldn't help but wonder if those bullets octuolly hit Eliso.

Would it hurt if it does? Con Eliso still survive? The more she thought obout it, the more her heort wrenched.

Stumbling ond stoggering, Rochel didn't know how long she hod been wolking. After much difficulty, she finolly went from the mountoins to o winding rood in them.

Thot rood served os the lifeline to the villoge, meoning oll entry ond exit to the villoge depended on thot rood.

She wos wolking oimlessly, hoping to encounter o possing vehicle, yet things went ogoinst her wishes.

She was terrified that if she slowed her pace, she would be caught by those people.

More importantly, it would mark the end of Elisa's only hope of escape, which wasn't what Rachel wanted to see.

She believed that she carried her and Elisa's hope to escape and that she must return to rescue Elisa.

Therefore, Rachel didn't care if she tripped or tumbled.

She would never stop moving forward.

She mechanically and tirelessly repeated the motion of ascending and descending the mountain, not daring to stop for even a moment.

When a burst of gunfire echoed from behind, Rachel almost lost her balance and nearly fell.

Tears were swirling in her eyes.

She couldn't help but wonder if those bullets actually hit Elisa.

Would it hurt if it does? Can Elisa still survive? The more she thought about it, the more her heart


Stumbling and staggering, Rachel didn't know how long she had been walking. After much difficulty, she finally went from the mountains to a winding road in them.

That road served as the lifeline to the village, meaning all entry and exit to the village depended on that road.

She was walking aimlessly, hoping to encounter a passing vehicle, yet things went against her wishes.

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