We Are Not Getting Remarried: Show Yourself Out

Chapter 995

Chapter 995

Chapter 995

Chapter 995 The End Goal

"Hello…" Linda didn't hear a reply. She grew more anxious when she realized the person had hung up on her.

"What do I do? She wants me to tell the truth! She won't deal with us if I don't!!"

Rose's expression was indescribable as she stayed silent. She did not know what to do.

Norman felt fury bubble in his chest as he drove. He felt the urge to run over some people to extinguish the rage within him.

"We should tell her if we don't have a Plan B. She can't do anything to us at the moment." Linda said after some contemplation.

"We can't do that!" Rose rejected.

Linda side-eyed her and said, "What other ideas do you have? We can't just sit around and wait for our doom!"

Rose's face was full of disapproval. She narrowed her eyes at Linda and said, "We can't tell her the truth just because we have no other ideas. She wants us to confess so she can use that against us and make us work for her. Our future will be even more doomed then!"

Linda's nostrils flared in anger as she seethed in silence.

It was daylight in Bayswe but night overseas.

It was daylight in Bayswe but night overseas.

The person on the chair put down her phone. She was in a lavish building that looked like a palace. It wasn't one covered in splendid gold but had a cool tone as its main scheme. The place was like an ice palace. It was luxurious yet unhomely. The chandelier above shone brightly, but it was hung high enough not to be glaring in the vast space. The design of the house was foreign to this country as it had followed overseas architecture. The house owner had personally designed and assigned people to the construction. She had employed many people, and it took half a year to complete the house.

At this moment, she sneered after putting the phone down. The woman was twenty-eight years old. She was top of the food chain even before turning thirty. She was the princess of this country, where both males and females had equal rights. As she was the online child of the current queen, she was next in line to the throne. However, she was not the queen's biological daughter, so many people protested against her taking up the position. There were even talks of nominating someone more capable.

There was also a group of people that had betrayal in their hearts and were ready to steal the throne. The princess did not need to worry about those as her mother had loyal servants who would deal with those people. She was only focused on one thing at the moment.

There was also a group of people that had betrayal in their hearts and were ready to steal the throne. The princess did not need to worry about those as her mother had loyal servants who would deal with those people. She was only focused on one thing at the moment.

To kill Elisa Benett.

This was her end goal. However, the chess piece she had chosen was useless. She wondered if she had thought wrong about Linda. She squinted as she squeezed her phone; her expression darkened.

"Ma'am, why did you reject them? We could've helped," a tall and handsome man standing beside the princess asked when he saw her bad mood.

The woman pursed her lips and looked at the man. He was her favorite and her confidant. She gestured to him, and the man immediately came to her.

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