We Are Not Getting Remarried: Show Yourself Out

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 152

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 152

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 152


Dr. Sands and Summer are already waiting at the hospital doors with a gurney. I had

linked them both as we were headed back this way. It has taken us longer than usual

because we don’t want to jar the stranger too much without knowing what kind of injury

he has. By the looks of the g*sh on the side of his head, it looks like someone was trying

to kill the guy. It doesn’t look as though there are other injuries, but one can never be too


I had wrapped a shirt around the wound to staunch the blood flow, but his pulse is

getting weaker. He is our only chance to find out who they are exactly and why they are

here. I’m hoping that by the male trying to lead the others away, that he has somewhat of

a decent heart, but we won’t know that either if he dies on us.

“Jonah, please try your best to save him. We need information and I think he may be

willing to tell us.” I inform the doctor.

Enter title…

He unwraps the blood-soaked shirt and grimaces, “I will do my best, Luna.”

“That’s all I ask. Please let me know as soon as you know more.” I turn and find Declan

waiting. He’s covered in the stranger’s blood but he’s still smiling at me.

“What’s the smile for, Alpha?”

“Have I ever told you how hot you look when you’re being assertive? You took charger

the moment you saw how injured a complete stranger was, a possible enemy at that!”

He reaches forward with just his lips, wanting me to kiss him.

Grabbing his face, I give him what he wants, but only a brief one,

and then I pull away, “Down boy, we still have work to do!” I turn and start walking away.

He growls playfully, “Do I look like a dog to you?”

I spin back around with a lifted brow, “You did not just ask me that!”

“Yeah, I did! I ain’t no dog…” His sentence dies off once he finally catches himself, “I’m a

wolf…there’s a difference!” He huffs and stomps past me, sulking playfully.

He would be annoyed if he witnessed the smirk that I’m aiming at him. I slap his a*s as

he goes past, “Dog, wolf; I hate to break it to you, but they are both canines…one in the


“You keep a dog as a pet, not a wolf! There is no comparison, Quinn, and I can’t believe

that you would put yourself in the same category as a mutt!” He turns and rolls his eyes

at me.

“I only do it to get your panties in a bunch, sweet cheeks!” I slap his a*s once more.

“I’d have to be wearing them in order to get them in a bunch, smart a*s.” He tries hiding,

his grin, but he fails miserably.

“Hm, I don’t believe you. Do you mind proving it?” I bite my lower lip.

He glances down at himself covered in another’s blood, and then with a se*y look that I

know all too well, he says, “How about you follow me into our room, and I will show you.

Of course, you will have to then follow me into the shower to help me clean all this blood

off me. I might have gotten it in places that I can’t quite see.”

I lean in, “That’s what mirrors are for,” I start walking towards the

pack house, “I need to go get our pups.

“You’re such a f*cking tease!” He chuckles.

“Then I guess you had better take a cold shower then, huh?” I hear him trying to sneak

up on me and I take off running. He isn’t quite as fast as I am, but he does catch up to

me when I hit the steps to the porch.

“D*mn woman, you’re fast!” He seems surprised, but he’s known that my skills have

been getting better and better, “You were almost like a blur, Quinn!”

I scoff at this, “Yeah, whatever.”

“I am dead serious! We are definitely going to have to try out the different powers in the

next day or so. I want to see what kind of super Luna I’m sleeping next to.” He winks.

“All you need to know is that it’s one that can kick your a*s!”

“Hey,” he holds his hands up defensively, “I never argued that you couldn’t, and quite

frankly, I really don’t want to find out!”

“Awe, no worries,” I pat his cheek, “I would take it easy on you, I swear.”

I head into the kitchen with Declan following close behind. Spencer has already opened

the door to the safe room and is letting the pack members out. As everyone is climbing

up, I wash my hands quickly and then take Ash from Cici’s arms. The moment I start to

turn away, she grabs my arm and stops me.

“What’s that smell?” She asks.

I stare at her a moment and then my eyes move to my mate and then on to a few others

before I sniff the air and then myself, “What do you mean? The only thing new I smell is

blood, which we should probably go wash off, mainly you, Declan.” I turn my full

attention on him, “Why are you in here anyway? I thought you were going to shower?”

“Well, I figured I’d help with Holden.” He answers as if it should be obvious.

“Uh, no you’re not. You will not lay one finger on our son until you get cleaned up!”

“Wait!” My best friend moves over to my mate and starts sniffing him as well, “Why do

both of you smell like…I don’t…like c*conut?”

Declan and I just gawk at my friend for a moment, “I thought your stopped smoking the

wacky grass back in high school?” Seriously, if she’s started smoking pot again and

while she was supposed to be taking care of my boys, I’m going to beat her ever-loving


“My mate does not do drugs, Luna. I can smell it too. It’s just as she says, it smells like

c*conut, but with a hint of pineapple. Have the two of you been drinking pina coladas,

because that’s exactly what it smells like?”.

I look at my mate, “I think we should check the ventilation down in the safe room.”

“Why? Spence wasn’t down there.” He furrows his brows, “Maybe we have a carbon

monoxide leak or something.” He responds becoming concerned as well.

“Seriously, for being the leaders of two packs, the two of you are not all there sometimes.

We have alarms for all of that kind of stuff, top of the line brands to boot!”

“Well, I give up then, because I don’t smell what you two are smelling.” I’m a bit


“Neither do I.” My mate agrees.

“Hey Demi!” Cici calls out as the she-wolf passes by, “Do you smell anything fruity-like?”

Even the nanny looks at the Beta couple a bit strangely, “I wouldn’t call dried blood fruitylike but that’s all I smell at the moment,” Demi turns to Declan, “No offense Alpha, but

you stink.”

Both he and I chuckle, as I turn him around and slap his a*s for the third time today, “Go,

my King. Shower and be clean!” I say amusingly. As he leaves, though, my Beta couple

still look puzzled, “Maybe someone was chewing gum or something.” I try making some

sense out of it, but I don’t think they are buying it.

Finally, Cici shrugs, “Maybe we are losing it babe. How about we go and take a nap,

maybe we are just overworked.”

“Baby, we will not rest if we go to our room now and you know d*mn well that I am right.”

Spencer chuckles.

“Fine, be that way!” Cici stomps out of the kitchen, leaving us all snickering behind her.

“I swear she takes performance meds every day! I’ve never met anyone with a libido like

hers. I know mates have high sex drives, but this is on the edge of insane, Luna! I almost

need a double, just so I can get some rest and get work done!” He follows in his mate’s

wake and all Demi and I can do is laugh as he does.

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