We Are Not Getting Remarried: Show Yourself Out

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 168

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 168

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 168

Chapter 18


“Bl*ody hell, I have to go.” Ledger states.

“Are you f*cking crazy? They will kill you! You are not going and that’s final!” I slam my

hand down on the table.

“I won’t allow anybody to be hurt over something that I could have. prevented!” My mate

argues with me.

“And what about your life…our life? Do you want to know what it will do to me and Cici if

you go, and they kill you? Losing a mate is hard on the one left behind, sometimes they

even die themselves. You are part of this pack now and you will not sacrifice yourself.” I

look to Declan, “Alpha, tell him please!”

Enter title…

He sighs as he turns to my new mate, “Spencer is right, Ledger, you are now part of this

pack, and we defend each and every pack member no matter what…” Declan is

interrupted when Quinn comes storming through the door.

“Where is it?”

The three of us glance at one another before looking back at a very irritated Luna,

“Where is what?”

She rolls her eyes, “The note, I want to see the note!”

“Quinn…” She cuts her own mate off with a death glare.

“You and i will be having a nice little chat in just a moment. In the meantime, you just sit

there and keep looking pretty.” She smirks at me and Ledger, telling us that she’s

irritated but f*cking with her

mate. Leave it to good ole Quinn. There is a reason why her and my mate are best


I hand her the note and wait to see what she says about the whole situation. She looks

up at Ledger, “What do you want to do?”

“I’d rather not cause my mates to be upset but I don’t want trouble to come your way

either.” He states and he seems to be in his own mind, as much of his mind that is there


“Then let him go.” She hands the note back to me, “Ledger is his own man with his own

mind, so if he wants to go to help protect others, then it’s his right.”

“You can’t be serious, Luna…”

Holding her hand up to cut me off, which she has a habit of doing today, she turns to my

new mate, “I will bring you into the pack, so we can keep tabs on you, and you will lead

us to these two hunters. that you came here with. If you are serious about joining your

mates and this pack, then you will help us capture these two hunters. We need answers

and it’s obvious that you won’t be able to help until you get your memory back.”

“You want to use our mate as bate!?” Cici comes through the front. door glaring at her

best friend and Luna, “I came to you and told you about this, so you can stop him, and

now you’re using him!”

“Calm down, Cici. I am leaving it up to him, I’m not making him do anything.” Cici comes

over to me, begging me with her eyes, but Quinn continues talking, “How would you feel

if people were telling you that you couldn’t do something that you thought needed to be

done? I know you too well, so don’t even try to lie!” She smirks at my mate, and I can’t

help but join her.

Cici moves over to Ledger, “But we only just found him, we can’t lose him so soon.”

“Oh, love, you won’t lose me. We will come up with a plan before I hand myself over to

them.” He hugs her to him tight and kisses the top of our mate’s head.

“If he’s going to do this, then I’m going to be the one to go with him.” I state.

“No!” Cici cries out, “I won’t sacrifice both my mates for this pack! I’m sorry Quinn, Alpha,

but I can’t do it.”

I step up to her, “You’re not sacrificing anything, baby. We will both come back to you, I


“With all due respect Luna, Alpha,” Cici says without looking at our Queen and King, “I

need you to leave, so I can spend a little time with my mates before they leave.”

“Cici, you make it sound as though they are going to be gone for a long time. I’m hoping

that we can resolve this within the next. twenty-four hours.”

“And what if something goes wrong, Quinn? What then?” My mate will argue until she’s

blue in the face, “We’re just the Betas, right? We can be replaced…”

“Cici!” I hiss at her hoping to shut her up.

“What the f*ck, Cici? You know d*mn well that you both mean everything to me!” Quinn

states and I can see the hurt in her eyes.

“Quinn, she didn’t mean it, she’s just upset.”

“Oh, she meant it alright.” The Luna then hides her true feelings as she glares down at

my mate.

“Don’t think that I didn’t notice how you said two…”

“Cici, I suggest you shut up right now!” I growl down at my mate. I’ ve never talked to her

like this before, and I don’t like having to do it now, but she is about to cross a line that

she won’t be able to come back from.

“I’ll go with them.” Declan steps forward and I see Quinn flinch, but she doesn’t argue.

“No Alpha, you are needed here.” I try arguing but he shuts me right up with a raise of

his hand.

“If it will help soothe your mate, then I will go too. Besides, I am the Alpha, I can’t be

letting all my men have all the fun.” He smirks.

“Alpha,” Cici sighs, “Spencer is right, you are needed here, we can’t afford to lose you.

Quinn has lost so much already.”

“I can’t be sending my men out on missions if I’m not willing to join myself.” The Alpha is

now arguing with my strong-willed mate.

“You know what,” Quinn throws her hands up, “I’m done here. Ledger, if you want to do

this, then come to the pack house when you are ready,” she takes a quick glance at Cici

and then at me, “You too, Spencer, but I will not argue about this anymore, so leave your

mate behind.” She then storms through the door as she leaves.

I can tell how much Quinn’s words hurt my mate, but I can’t blame her. We all know my

little hot-headed mate. I go to her and put my arms around both my mates.

“She’s just upset, Cici, she will get over it.” The Alpha tries to soothe her, but all she does

is nod. He then leaves to follow his own mate home.

I turn my little mate in my arms and make her look at me, “You do know that you were

out of line, right?” twiding into pages Pow

“Yeah, I know,” she sighs, “but I’m a little emotional about BOTH of my mates now

heading into danger. I couldn’t keep my temper back. I will apologize once she’s calmed

down, I promise.

“Hey,” I try changing the topic to get Cici into a lighter mood, “weren’t you trying to get rid

of the Queen and King so you could spend some time with your mates?” I ask a bit


She nods, “Yeah, so what if I was?”

I hold open my arms, “Well, looks to me as though we are all alone, so what exactly, did

you have in that pretty little mind of yours?”

“Do you really want to know?” a smile creeps up on her face.

“You know I do.”

All of a sudden, she takes off running up the stairs, “Come upstairs and find out!”

Ledger and I look at one another and then grin before we both take off, following our

beautiful little mate upstairs and back into the bedroom that already smells like a w*ore


Thanks for reading…any thoughts? =)

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