Weapon seller in the world of magic

Chapter 210 What Will I Gain From Opening A New Branch In This Kingdom?

Chapter 210 What Will I Gain From Opening A New Branch In This Kingdom?

A couple of hours later, Mark woke up from his nap and had a shower before sending a message to Allen.

The Android came to Mark's room and asked, "Your orders, Big Brother?"

"Was there any soldier outside?" Mark replied with a question.

p As Allen nodded in response, Mark then said, "Go and tell him that I wish to meet the King."

About 15-20 minutes later, the soldier returned with a message from his superior about the invitation to the dinner.

Mark accepted it and left his room at around quarter to nine.josei

After a while, Mark reached the door of a chamber. The soldier opened the door for him, revealing a round table where the Prime Minister, The impostor King, and another young man were waiting for him.

Mark's eyes fell on everyone and vice versa.

Since he had already known about Shen Qiu and Zhu Jianhong, he stared at the prince and inspected his details.

"Shen Zhi, the son of Shen Qiu? I see… No wonder both of them are together. Now, I wonder whether this prince is in cahoots with his father. Maybe, he was unaware like everyone but those chances are slim." Mark thought for a bit and walked towards them.

"Mr. Lu, this is Prince Shen Zhi, His Majesty's nephew, and Your Highness, this is Lu Zhen and his servant Allen."

After greeting them, the Prime Minister introduced the Prince to Mark and Allen. However, Mark wasn't pleased by the introduction and corrected him, "I treat him as my younger sibling, Mr. Zhu, and not a servant."

Maybe, it was because he named Allen after his younger brother, or maybe, it's because he started his journey with Allen. Whatever reason it might be, this male Android was special to Mark, in fact, more than anyone else in the current world, and he is quite sensitive to the matters when it concerns Allen.

Seeing the look of seriousness on him, the King harshly scolded the prime minister for not showing proper hospitality towards the guest.

Prime Minister Zhu felt humiliated and even Mark could see the look of aggravation on him but didn't speak much because everything will be over soon once the real king returns.

Once they have taken their seats, the wine was served. Mark didn't forget to inspect it through his Sage eyes and confirm that there was nothing mixed in it.

Only then does he take the sip before looking at Shen Qiu to enquire about the purpose of the invitation. Considering how he was late by several hours and still received a warm reception, he grew curious about the matter.

Before he opened up the topic, Shen Qiu started a conversation, "So, Mr. Lu, how's your business going on?"

"It's not been very long since we set up the store, Your Majesty. But, it's going very well, I should say." Mark replied. But then, he suddenly felt that his response was too modest.

So, he bragged a little bit, trying to test everyone's reaction, "a treaty was formed between our store and the Imperial Army of Phoenix. Now, only the weapons manufacturing facility is left. Once it will be completed, then, everything will be set."

"I see…" Contrary to Mark's expectation, Shen Qiu was quite calm as if it was either within his calculations or has no interest in the matter.

On the other hand, Prince Shen Zhi, who wasn't blessed with ether, displayed his interest, "I heard that your store sells this weapon that can kill even 5-circle realm experts. I asked Prime Minister Zhu to bring me one when he visited your home but he forgot about it."

"I will have to go to the imperial city very soon anyway, Prince Shen. I will make sure to bring loads of them with me," Zhu Jianhong knew that if he defends himself or apologize, it will only bring him trouble later. So, he tackled it in a different way.

And before this unnecessary topic gets dragged, he diverted it by raising an important one, "By the way, Mr. Lu, earlier, when I received you at the entrance, you have mentioned that you are trying to reconsider our offer about opening the store's branch here in Lunaris City because of the familiarity with your neighborhood. So, did you think about it?"

Mark had expected this topic would come and he was well prepared to answer. However, if it was just this, then, he would be disappointed for sure.

"I thought about it but I don't find the reason why should I open a new branch here, hundreds of kilometers away from my home," replied Mark with his attention placed on the King instead.

He further explained, "I mean, as I said earlier, my business is doing extremely well in the Imperial city. I may have enemies there but the Emperor appeared to be quite friendly. So, if I had to open a new branch, I can choose a nearby place. Why should I open here and risk my relationship with the Imperial Palace? I heard that the Western Moon Kingdom and Phoenix Empire have a lot of issues between them.

What will I gain here if I open a new branch in your kingdom? Will there be any benefits that can offset the risks? And in return, do I need to provide your army with something like the attack helicopters or battle tanks? What about a manufacturing facility? What about the merchants who can supply the raw materials? Will the access to the Leon Empire be smooth?"

Mark had a quest waiting to be completed. So, he already planned on opening a branch either in this city because of the kingdom's connectivity with the Leon Empire. However, he knew that he cannot appear to be in need either. This way, he would an edge over the other party during negotiations. Even if everything fails, he won't lose anything. There's still Western Yan.

Once he was done with a series of questions, he ended the reply, "If you are interested, please prepare a clean presentation of issues like these when putting forward a proposal and then, we will negotiate the terms.

Oh, and lastly, can I confirm whether the reason for this meeting was originally the store?"

Mark then waited for their response but he saw a look of shock on everyone's faces. Seriously? Don't they have any plans at all? Is the invitation done in a moment of impulse? Or do they think he was being too much for opening a mere branch?

Mark wondered what was going on in their minds. The King and the Prince glanced at the Prime Minister to give a reply but Zhu Jianhong's aim was never the store.

He only wants the alliance with Mark who was not only powerful enough to trouble the noble clans of the Phoenix Empire but also knows a mysterious existence that brought these modern weapons to this world.

In his view, Mark's secret manufacturer might have been someone from a different mortal world where an advanced civilization exists. Who knows they might even be from a higher plane of existence.

The planes of existence are mysterious to everyone. So, it is left to one's imagination.

Zhu Jianhong then quickly thought of something and said, "By tomorrow morning, I will prepare a complete contract for you but before that, may I ask a couple of things?"

Mark nodded in response. "Go on."

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