Weapon seller in the world of magic

Chapter 341 The Trial Of The Holy Beasts (Part-6)

Chapter 341 The Trial Of The Holy Beasts (Part-6)

As the ancient grade beast Xiang Liu rose from the ocean, an enraged Mark didn't give it any chance to even launch an attack and proceeded to unleash his most reliable skill, Thunderblast.",

In just an instant, a scarlet-colored lightning bolt descended from the false sky and struck one of the snake heads of Xiang Liu.",

The lightning bolt then tore through the snake's head and went on striking the neck before destroying its core and killing it with one move. No battle occurred here. It is just one-sided annihilation.",

Very soon, as the corpse of the beast slowly drowned in the ocean and disappeared, a floating beast spark appeared in Mark's sight but he ignored it and walked through the portal after dismissing the clone.",

Upon returning to the stairway, he stared at the remaining steps and mumbled in seriousness, "five to go. But, before that, let's see my whole stats to formulate a proper plan against future opponents. There are still five levels to go and surely, each one will be a lot stronger than the previous one. Hence, I would need to take notes of the cooldown timers more than anything."",

"Open character interface."",

The skills might not be activated by the voice recognition due to the system's offline status but somehow, just like the skill interface, he could open his character interface just by speaking out loud. This feature became available after the system upgraded to level 3. Once the system upgrades to level 6, who knows what other offline functions it will unlock?",

Anyways, back to the current situation, while Mark was recovering his spent ether energy, he observed the details of the stats and skills once again.",

Name: Lu Zhen (Mark Spencer)",

Rank: 9",

Strength: 9.5",

Intelligence: 7.6 (+25%)",

Defense: 9.8",

Agility: 9.6",

Vitality: 9.1",

Resistance: 9.1",

Charisma: 9",

Luck: 2+5",

Bloodline: Blizzard Pegasus",

Attribute: Lightning, Ice, and Space (locked);",

Spirit path: Summoner",

Ether quality: High",

Ether energy: 1,035,630 EP",

Special Skills: Ultimate Defense I, Ultimate Defense II, Thunderblast, Lightning Clone, Seal Breaker, the Devil's Hand, Gravity Dome, Ether Regeneration, No touch, and Enhanced Durability.",

Bloodline skills: Absolute freezing, Ice bolt, Blizzard Wings, Freezing gaze.",

Assistants: 2 (Allen Spencer, Alina Spencer)",

Store branches: N/A",

Lifespan limit: 585 (560 years left)",

Available credits: N/A",

Available Credit limit: N/A",

Net worth: N/A",

Total Debt: N/A",

Credit debt: N/A",


"Don't want to be too happy in this situation but it is just too unbelievable that I just upgraded my rank three times directly."  ",

Mark was kinda overwhelmed for a moment by the stats as he looked at his stats and he couldn't just stop smiling.",

Compared to the last time, there was a big boost in every stat. Not that low ether energy will not allow him to reach his full potential, but with the powerful skills he had in his arsenal, Mark thought that low ether energy might not pose any problem even if he faces his mother in a battle.",

After calculating how strong each skill is going to be, he created a strategy on what skill he should use at what level.",

"Okay, my ether energy is full. Let's do this…"",

Taking a deep breath, he climbed the next step to enter the eleventh level of the trial.  ",

Previously, it was an island in the middle of the ocean, and now, it was a floating island in the sky with clouds passing around.",

Mark neither looked at the enemy nor did he pay attention to the surroundings. He directly went on unleashing the combo i.e. the lightning clone and the gravity dome, and only then he observed the surroundings.",

Like the last time, the beast didn't make its appearance for atleast 30 seconds, and when it did, it surprisingly appeared with a coating of scarlet barrier around it.",

Mark looked at the beast. It was a two-horned tiger with giant bat-like wings. Its body was protected by red-scale armor and there is a red mark on its forehead. He inspected the details.",

Qiong Qi",

Grade: Emperor",

Rank: 10-circle (intermediate)",

Description: A native demonic beast of the undying lands and the master of Bang Mountains.",


"Sure enough. The evil creator of this trial didn't betray my expectations." Mark looked at the beast with a cold gaze. He clicked on the second bloodline skill, Ice bolt, and conjured one ice spear.",

Grabbing an ice spear in his right arm, Mark ordered the lightning clone to guard while he closed his eyes.",

He concentrated on the graviton particles spread around his 1 km radius in the invisible dome. He motioned his left arm and clenched his fist, "200g."",

In an instant, all the graviton particles started splitting into numerous numbers, increasing the intensity of gravity 200 times within the dome.",

The demonic tiger instantly felt the gravitational force and crashed onto the floating island. A crater appeared at the spot of the collision.",

"Let's go." Mark flapped his icy wings and flew forward at a low altitude. The lightning clone went past him and reached the demigod realm beast emperor, which was somehow resisting the enormous gravitational force with great difficulty.",

The clone threw a punch at the oval-shaped barrier surrounding the beast. A crack appeared on it while it lost its balance and fell on its butt. The lightning clone took advantage of the opportunity and threw a couple of consecutive high-speed punches to destroy the barrier.",

Just as its punch was about to land on the beast emperor, the latter let out a powerful roar and pushed away the clone into the sky.",

By that time, Mark reached the crater and he saw the clone almost brush past him and blasted into the sky. Luckily, he didn't collide with it and sighed in relief.",

"Okay, here we go…" He threw the ice spear at the beast and conjured the second one as soon as it left his hand.",

Qiong Qi glanced at the incoming attack and raised its paw. Sharp claws came out of it and the beast swiped at the icy spear with great force. The icy spear collided with its claws that have been empowered by the flames.",

Luckily for Mark, the beast was only at the intermediate stage of the demigod realm and its attack barely reach the immortal realm, and on the other hand, the icy spear has the power of an immortal realm expert (11.4-int). Its claws couldn't match the might of the icy spear.  ",

While its flames did melt a part of the spear, the sharp pointy front had pierced its paw.",

Its paw was wounded and blood started flowing out before it was frozen by the aftereffect of the icy spear.",

The beast hurriedly breathes out the flames and tried to melt down the ice. Mark took advantage of this moment and threw another icy spear.",

The second icy spear cut through the air like lightning and pierced its forehead, followed by freezing it under -220 degrees Celsius of temperature. The beast fell to the ground.  ",

The ice slowly spread on its face but it just lay motionless on the ground. About four seconds later, it slowly turned into specks of lights, leaving behind a beast spark and letting Mark know that it was killed.",

As Mark let out a sigh of relief, the lightning clone was in a descent motion and soon, it landed nearby the beast spark and turned its head to look at him as if it was waiting for the order.",

"Useless…" He muttered under his breath for not being able to utilize the strength of the clone properly and dismissed it.",

After returning to the stairway and recovering his ether energy, he looked at the door that looks so near but is so far away, "Four to go."",

He climbed to the next step, entering the 12th level of the trial while expecting the opponents to be either two beast emperors of the demigod realm or an ancient-grade beast of the same realm.",

And it turned out exactly as he expected it to be. There were two demigod realm beast emperors and each one appeared to be a lot stronger than the previous one too. However, Mark was too calm at the moment as he stood at the edge of a cliff and stared at the two flying blue dragons with golden scales here and there.",

Ying dragon",

Grade: Emperor",

Rank: 10-circle (peak)",

Description: A dragon that is banished from the Heaven Palace of the Celestial Realm. Once a pet of the Yellow Emperor, it roamed across the undying lands and died in the hands of a three-legged Golden crow.",

"Too much unnecessary information. Let's finish it as fast as possible."  ",

"Gravity Dome" "Lightning clone" "icy Spear"",

While the two dragons were forced to crash on the cliff because of the gravity dome, the lightning clone went after one and Mark threw an icy spear at the other one.",

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