Weapon seller in the world of magic

Chapter 461 Secrets and Speculations

Chapter 461 Secrets and Speculations

Chapter 461 Secrets and Speculations

After a while;

"So, it's settled then. Tomorrow in the morning, you shall accompany me to meet the High Priestess and get your rightful reward," said the fallen princess of the Elven Empire, in her Elvish language, as she was leaving the tree house. Her gaze was on Mark and she was beaming with a smile, indicating her emotion of happiness.

Zan Rong translated it from word to word in English as Mark couldn't understand the native language of Orlon for some reason.

However, Mark was still under the belief that he was given a drug now that it was admitted by James and Steve. As a result, he didn't believe her even a little bit and only went with the flow, trying to be expected in the eyes of others.

He agreed to the arrangement and sent her off with a wide smile. Once the beauty disappeared from his view, Mark's smile was wiped off his face and he became all too serious as he returned to his room using an excuse of a headache.

Sitting at the edge of the cot, he rested his elbows on his knees and went into deep thinking, "This stupid play is getting out of line. Elves, seriously? Who do they think they want to fool around with? Is it possible that my whole senses were messed up or were they cosplaying? But, more than that, I need to figure out why they keep role-playing this idea of a fantasy world. That kid said that I need to repair their spaceship and I will be freed in return. How in the hell did he even think that I can do that? I'm a fucking weapons designer and my specialty lies in research, development, testing, and overseeing the production of firearms and missiles, not repairing aircraft.

I think they must be after my knowledge of anti-matter technology. After all, I'm the only one still alive from my team if what Richards said is true, before he shot the entire magazine in my chest.

Perhaps, what he was saying earlier was true? Nah, there's no such thing as a soul or reincarnation. Hmm, other than injecting some unknown drug, the only possible explanation is that they used some technology to transfer my memories into a new body as I could be considered an asset for any country. Yeah, that can be possible, considering the fact that killing me would waste opportunities too.

But then, what about the elves? How could it be explained? If not cosplaying to fool me, then, were they also humans like me whose memories were planted into biologically engineered bodies in a lab? Hmm… Wait a second… isn't this kinda similar to that movie franchise Avatar? Well, other than this, I can't think of any other possibilities.

As for them saying the truth, it is pure bullshit. Let's assume that everything that kid James said was true at first.

I'm reincarnated into some Chinese-style world in some medieval period where people have superpowers and there are also monsters and dragons. Now, I traveled to the elf world to save them? I'm a hero who sacrificed myself to save the princess? Ugh… I want to puke at that story…

Then, these two are my kids from the future. They came in the time machine I designed. This sounds quite exciting but how could time travel be possible? For starters, you need to find a wormhole, which is still a theoretical concept. Even if they exist, you need to manipulate them while making sure to stabilize them so that they won't collapse. For that, you would need exotic matter with negative energy density so that it could counterattack the gravitational forces that would naturally suppress a wormhole. Even then, there is an energy requirement. It will be astronomical. Who knows, someone could crack this in a thousand years, but in the 21st century, I don't think it can be possible. Not even for me. Not to mention, in what world kids are allowed to time travel? They aren't even allowed on a space rocket to the moon. And why would I even give them such a dangerous machine to create more paradoxes? josei

They should have created a better storyline to fool me. Forget it. Let's just go along with them and formulate a plan to escape from this place. Resisting will only make me end up under house arrest. Man, can't believe I will end up in another prison as soon as I got out."

Letting out a deep sigh, Mark then slapped his cheeks at the same time, becoming serious as he mumbled, "Okay. Let's do this."

Mark then closed his eyes, pretending to sleep.

About an hour later, he returned to the living room and saw James helping out Zan Rong in the kitchen as she was cooking lunch. Meanwhile, Steve was busy drawing something in a large drawing book.

At first, Mark thought that he was drawing some pictures but as he went closer, his eyes captured the design of a missile; more precisely, it was various parts of a missile drawn separately along with the description of materials' composition and various calculations, etc...

"Hmm?" Mark's curiosity piqued a little bit and he walked toward him.

Steve sensed his presence but he continued to act like he doesn't care, following his brother's instructions. However, deeply inside, he grew more nervous about how Mark will react to his drawings.

And surprisingly for him, Mark calmly stood behind and continued to observe for a few seconds before he spoke, "Steve, it doesn't work unless you would need a larger engine.

"Larger?" Steve turned his head and raised it to look at Mark. The latter pointed his finger at specific calculations written on the paper, "TWR (Thrust-to-weight ratio) is too low. I believe the specific impulse value will be around 216 seconds. Clearly, not enough."

"Hmm…" Steve looked back at the calculations on the paper and his face paled immediately upon realization, "You are right, dad. I almost messed it up. Uncle Allen will chew me up if I would have submitted this. Phew…"

"Uncle Allen?" Mark stared at Steve for a couple of seconds in irritation. Seeing that the latter continues to roleplay as his son from the future, Mark suddenly thought of something and tried to trick the teenager by suddenly striking conversation about personal things, "Say, Steve. In the future timeline you are from, is my grandpa, I mean your great-grandpa still alive? When I was abducted, he was still healthy even at 71 years old. I promised to live together with him once my brother graduates college and moves out." Steve was taken aback as he abruptly turned his head, "Eh? Your grandfather is alive? I thought your grandfather died in 1994 while working as a spy for the Serb's rebel forces during the Croatian War of Independence. Did he fake his death?"


This time, it was Mark's turn to get shocked. In fact, he appeared to be shocked so much that he lost control for a moment and grabbed the collar of Steve and roared, "How in the hell did you know that, brat? Not even my own brother was aware of it."

"Dad?" As Steve was shocked by Mark's sudden burst of anger, Zan Rong and James also left the kitchen in a hurry.

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