Weapon seller in the world of magic

Chapter 470 Special type Android, the face from the past

Chapter 470 Special type Android, the face from the past

Chapter 470 Special type Android, the face from the past

"Ugh…" Mark woke up from his sleep; this time, he was alone in the middle of a forest with no one around.

There are also other changes, compared to the last couple of times.

This new Mark remembered every bit of memory he had before he came to this new world. He also remembered everything afterward, until the point of creating an accidental singularity.

Upon remembering the identities of those time travelers and how he acted with them so far, Mark slapped his forehead and cursed himself, "Idiot, they have traveled all the way to the past to meet you and they even tried helping you with mastering the space attribute but you just acted too condescending. But then again, the lack of a specific set of memories created that situation. Anyways, now that everything has become normal, let's go and meet them and act as if I don't remember causing a mess with the black hole."

*Ding! Everything didn't become normal, host. It became worse.

The notification from the system made him remember the series of notifications he briefly heard of the sounds before losing consciousness when he fought with the demonic elf at Osyhlona city.

"Oh, yeah, that's right. System, what happened back then? And what do you mean by it became worse?"

*Ding! The host was infected by a divine power belonging to a true god. It's likely that System is the target. josei

*Ding! The host's earlier actions forced me to come out of my protective barrier and save you. The host is lucky to get into contact with the item from the future, containing powerful divine energy that managed to eradicate the infected divine power.

*Ding! However, due to a fragment of the true god's divine energy that has already been assimilated with the host's ether particles, the host's movements can be tracked by the true god. The system guesses that the host will be facing powerful enemies from here on.

"Powerful enemies? As in…" Mark became serious upon listening to the explanation.

*Ding! The weakest could be 9-circle and the strongest could be 12-circle. 13-circle if the host's luck runs out.

At once, Mark's face became pale for he knew he wasn't a match for them. "Can't we remove this somehow? You must have some treasure to do that. How much it costs?"

*Ding! Sorry, but the system currently isn't powerful enough to deal with the divine energy of a true god. There are however two ways for the host to save himself.

*Ding! First, the host could remove the ether particles and become a mortal. Second, the host must enter the Saint realm (12-circle) and the system will help in removing the residual foreign energy.

*Ding! The system recommends the second method. The host must also be reminded that due to the assimilation of divine energy, the host could use attacks containing divine energy, although no additional skills will be provided by the system.

"Okay, that's a bit of positive news." Mark found something good in the trouble. So, he was atleast satisfied a little bit. He then asked, "So, is there something else I should know?"

*Ding! The reward for the emergency quest hasn't been opened yet. The Lottery System has been reset. The orb of Bael has been filled and the demon is ready to be summoned. Worship of Velkazar's Statue has been reset.

"Open inventory." Mark didn't waste any time to unlock his reward. When he first acquired an Android, it was a handsome hunk. The second one was a busty beauty. Now, who is it going to be? What kind of Android he is going to receive?

Hoping for a beast type like Alina's current form, Mark went on clicking on the metallic box image with a question mark on it.

The box disappeared and an android was summoned before him, truly shocking him. For a moment, Mark felt like he was seeing an illusion and rubbed his eyes and then pinched his arm to confirm the reality.

The Android was a male, an okay-looks if one might add, but the face was something very familiar. It used to be the face he once kept seeing in the mirror.

That's right. It looks exactly like Mark Spencer, from his previous life.

*Ding! Congratulations, you received a special category Android assistant.

*Ding! A reminder: Special category androids are already named and cannot be changed.


Current Status: Normal mode

Spirit path: N/A

Rank: 7 (all stats = 7.8)


1) Normal Mode (Weapons Research Specialist):

Active: None


Weapon Design: In this mode, the android excels in designing and developing advanced weaponry.

Materials Analysis: It possesses an in-depth knowledge of materials science to select and create materials suitable for weapon construction.

2) Battle Mode (Combat Specialist):


Suicide (one-time use): The android self-destructs its core, releasing energy equivalent to 10 megaton TNT. Blast Range: 6 km. Effective radius: depends on several factors.


Combat Tactics: The android becomes a tactical genius, capable of analyzing battlefield situations and devising effective strategies.

Weapons Proficiency: In this mode, it can use a wide range of weapons effectively, from firearms to melee weapons.

Adaptive skill Acquisition: The Android possesses the ability to instantly learn and master any technique that it witnesses regardless of spirit path. However, the skills cannot be learned if they require attributes outside of the basic elements (Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Dark, and Light)

All attributes: The Android can use all the basic attributes.

3) Craze Mode (Uncontrolled Weaponry):


Indiscriminate Firing: The android unleashes a barrage of energy attacks in all directions for 60 seconds, causing chaos on the battlefield. CD: 15 minutes.

Emergency Shutdown: To prevent catastrophic consequences, the host can forcibly shut down the Android when it is in Craze Mode. CD: 60 seconds.


Berserk: In the craze mode, the Android goes berserk with its stats by 1. In this state, it cannot distinguish an ally from a foe. Only the host is exempted.

All attributes: The Android can use all the basic attributes

Unpredictable fighting style: The Android's moves will be completely random, whether it is the usage of an attribute, weapon, skill, or technique.


"Hmm… I guess I understand why it is called a Special type Android. But, its face just makes me quite uncomfortable. System, can you change its appearance?" Mark felt like he was reminded that he wasn't Mark anymore as he saw the Android.

*Ding! The request was denied. The Special type Androids cannot be modified in any way, except for upgrading their stats and adding new skills.

"Fine…" Mark groaned in a bit of annoyance. As something clicked in his mind, he asked, "How about hiding its face with a helmet? I can give it an armor set, right? It is considered giving a weapon."

After a brief pause, the system gave the reply.

*Ding! It is possible.


"Good then. By painting armor with white paint, he is going to be the White Knight." Mark thought of finding white-colored equipment just like Song Yun found for himself, but as he didn't have a memory of the existence of such equipment, he decided to resort to a waterproof color.

"Okay, what's next? The Lottery? But, my luck points aren't full... Hmm..."


Meanwhile, far away from the forest, Steve and James were searching for their dad while discussing the crisis that was averted somehow. Since they don't know how it happened, they can only judge it as some powerful force intervened and saved the world.

Despite that, neither of them hated their dad. They might have their differences but still, he is their dad. As Steve lost track of Mark ever since that final black hole suddenly affected almost half of the world, both of them couldn't help but worry about not being able to sense him anymore.

Not knowing where to start looking for him, both of them decided to go to the elven hideout to check whether he visited the High Priestess or not.

Since it can only be accessed by walking through the forest instead of flying over it, they went on foot to reach the place.

As soon as they entered the place, they saw the outskirts of the village was empty with no one patrolling around. The tree houses built there were empty.

Feeling something suspicious, James scanned his surroundings and instantly found hundreds of presences together in the place of what appeared to be the Altar. The presence of a supreme being (High Priestess) is also at the same location.

They thought that the High Priestess probably summoned them. They made their way to the Altar, which is located in the center of the village.

Little did they expect to see a mass army of robots taking the entire village hostage with their dad seen carrying the High Priestess over his shoulder as he was floating above the altar with a cold gaze in his eyes.

Both of them looked at each other in surprise.

"What… the… hell…"

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