Weapon seller in the world of magic

Chapter 476 Xalazar’s encounter with Demon King Bael

Chapter 476 Xalazar’s encounter with Demon King Bael

Chapter 476 Xalazar's encounter with Demon King Bael

*Ding! The Quest has been modified.

Quest: Savior of the Royal Elves

Description: The royal elves imprisoned at the tower of Xalazar have been fed with demonic energy and are on the verge of becoming demonic elves. Use purification stones imbued with divine energy to dispel the demonic energy and save them before they are lost forever.

Reward: Tactical UAV and Armed UAV.


Earlier it was a choice between those rewards. Now, it has become a combination of those two. The difficulty of the mission was also increased but at the very least, the system showed him how to do it, unlike with the other quest where he had to save Eol.

Feeling grateful to the system, Mark asked Xalazar to release every one of them while claiming that he could reverse the process of their demonification as long as they didn't become humans.

His bold statement intrigued the demon king and shocked the other two. After a few seconds of silence, Xalazar nodded, "Fine. You can have all of them. Whether you can do it or not is of no concern to me anyway. You can save them or kill them for all I care. However, I never make deals on empty promises." Xalazar shifted his attention to the 3-foot-tall alien.

He ordered, "Bring Eol here right now. Since the bride is here, we shall proceed with the wedding rituals. Once it is concluded, you shall escort the prisoners and our dear guest to his destination."

The mage didn't hesitate to follow the orders. He bowed to his master and raised his staff to leave the place. However, just before he teleported away, Sylvandria raised her voice of objection. "No, I respectfully decline." She spoke in a panicked voice.

"Hmm?" The three men in the room turned toward her.

Sylvandria then looked at the demon king and took a deep breath as she spoke without showcasing any fear, "I was born in the royal palace. However condition it was in, I hope my last day as the High Priestess to be spent there. I'm abandoning my faith, my loyalty, and perhaps my own race. I want to spend my last minute as a free person, not as a prisoner before embracing my new destiny. I request you to please consider my request, Lord Xalazar."

"You dare question his orders…" The mage erupted in anger at once for speaking against Xalazar but the latter stopped him before Mark was even able to react, "Alright. Your request is granted, considering you didn't ask for a change in time but only a change in location. Once you return with your husband and accept my power, your people shall be released from imprisonment."

"Thank you," the High Priestess let out a smile of gratitude. Meanwhile, Mark's face reddened in anger. The fact that Sylvandria once again was making a deal with the other party without his permission and Xalazar was not bothering to ask his opinion really hurt his ego. He felt quite disrespected.

He had the urge to go all out right away but tried his best to keep calmness, telling the demon king that he would be staying at the tower in that case and leaving the High Priestess in Vexiron's care.

Xalazar was fine with it; the High Priestess appeared to be happier when she heard him, and even the mage also welcomed the decision.

Soon, Mark ended up standing alone in the presence of the demon king, and the former's attention was on the holographic screen floating in front of his eyes. He was prepared for any kind of ambush.

But, his 7 points of luck paid favor in his way and nothing happened as he feared. The demon king was neither interested in striking up a conversation nor did he want to keep his eyes off him. Xalazar was simply staring at him in silence.

In the meantime, Mark was busy making a strategy, "The passive skill of the divine throne might improve my stats to that of an immortal and the defensive barrier will protect me from even a demon like Bael, but those won't protect me from something like the seven deadly sins. Once I get caught, it will be over. It is the only thing I need to worry about unless I have someone on my side. After all, I can't put my trust in Bael for saving. I don't think he likes positive things like that."

It was then something clicked in his mind and his eyes lit up, "I don't need someone to protect my unconscious body. I can just stay hidden and attack from afar. The suit's skill protects me from even junior gods (13-circle) if what the system says is true. This guy won't be able to sense my presence. Hmm… I guess that's a better idea. The question is: when should I attack?"

After formulating his strategy, Mark finally opened his mouth, initiating the conversation with the demon king sitting on the throne, "Mr. Xalazar, I have something to say and I believe it is worth your time."

"What is it?" Xalazar asked. From his earlier observations, he knew that Mark was thinking something. Hence, he was curious.

Xalazar thought Mark wanted to make some kind of deal by putting up something as collateral, but he didn't expect the human to say, "A while ago, I formed a contract with a high-rank demon from another realm. If you allow me, I would like to summon him."

"Oh, a high-rank demon from another realm?" Xalazar, who never met a demon other than his creations, became more curious. Being confident in his own strength, he was at ease regarding Mark's sudden ambush. Hence, he gave permission. "Go on…"

Mark nodded with a smile as it went in his way and proceeded to click on the tab "Orb of Bael" and click on summon as it was already charged due to his killings of two demonic elves a while ago.

At first, Xalazar was slightly excited, but very soon, his facial expression changed when Bael appeared before his eyes.

Bael might look like a human, but it isn't tough for a demon like Xalazar to sense demonic energy from him. He was taken aback as he sensed the power of immortal realm cultivation from the stranger. Quite surprisingly, Bael didn't flinch a bit. He was completely calm in the presence of an immortal who could hurt him due to suppression. josei

"Mr. Xalazar, He is Bael, one of the demon kings of Ars Goetia." Mark introduced the demon.

Xalazar was forced to stand up from the throne and slowly flew toward them, landing a few feet away from Bael. "Never thought the first person of my kind I would meet directly in person would turn out to be in the same rank as myself."

Bael didn't like that comment. The demon in front of him is just an immortal realm demon, the same as one of his legion commanders.

Usually, Bael won't get triggered for such a mere comment. But, the person who spoke it is a demon, and not of another race. As the king who commanded 72 legions in his realm, every demon except for those other eight demon kings is inferior to him.

He was about to attack for disrespect from a low-tier demon, but Mark's telepathic message stopped him from doing that. Bael merely countered it with a statement, "In the hell realm, there are terrifying existences far beyond your strength, Xalazar."

Xalazar raised his eyebrow, "Stronger than the Dragon Goddess?"

"Dragon Goddess?" Bael was taken aback when he heard those words. Letting out a cough to cover up his embarrassment, he slowly said, "Unfortunately, not at the moment. After losing the war against the Jade Emperor, our true ruler, the Abyss lord, otherwise known as the Devil, went missing, every demon lost a significant portion of their cultivation. But, he is alive though as he cannot be killed by any means."

"The Devil?" This time, it was Xalazar's turn to get shocked. "I know that name. When I was born, I heard a voice introducing itself as the Devil and my creator. It tasked me to free it from the banished realm."

"The banished realm, huh? Now it all makes sense…" Bael grabbed his chin, going into thoughts. It was then that Xalazar raised his finger and pointed at Mark, "Vexiron, a Makyan race warrior from the banished realm mentioned that this human could be the key to open the banished realm and free the Devil."

"Eh? Me?" Mark blinked his eyes several times in a row, pointing his finger at himself as Bael turned around and looked at him. "Now that I think about it, your gravity and spatial abilities can do the job. Not to mention that mysterious divine power. I guess it must be a fate that brought both of us together." A large smile appeared on the demon king, making Mark shudder for a moment.

"What… the… hell…"

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