Weapon seller in the world of magic

Chapter 98 Bloodline Of Blizzard Pegasus

Chapter 98 Bloodline Of Blizzard Pegasus

After the two of them left the store, Mark sent a message to Alina to return to the store. He then transferred all the gold coins to his inventory. "634 thousand gold… Damn, I feel like a billionaire."

Soon, the store was closed and Mark went upstairs and sat on the bed.

"Okay, there's around 20 minutes before my body gets too weak due to the after-effects of the advancement pill. This is the perfect time to use it."

"System, open Lottery Wheel."

As the familiar lottery wheel appeared before him with a timer, 4 days 15 hours left till the next try.

There were only three options left to choose from. Upgrade stone, Unique Skill, and Random Bloodline. The remaining 18 were empty.

Mark clicked and held the lottery ticket image for a couple of seconds in the inventory.


He clicked on Yes.

The lottery ticket disappeared and the remaining empty spaces disappeared, leaving behind the three.

*Ding! Choose one of the three rewards.

He didn't hesitate to click on the Bloodline. However, the system gave him a surprise.

*Ding! You choose Random Bloodline.

*Ding! Bloodline is detected in your DNA.

*Ding! Choose between two, Blizzard Pegasus, and Random Bloodline.

"Blizzard Pegasus?" Mark wondered out loud. He then asked the system, "System, what is that beast? I heard about Pegasus in my past life but never heard about this Blizzard Pegasus. Moreover, how did I have it in my body?"

It was public knowledge that the Imperial family has phoenix bloodline in them, although only the Emperor and the second prince are known to awaken it so far, at least the ones that are still alive.

If that's the case, should he also have Phoenix?

All of a sudden, something clicked in his mind, "don't tell me it's…"

*Ding! Blizzard Pegasus is popularly known to be the guardian beast of the Lan Sect, which has been destroyed more than three decades ago.

*Ding! The last known user born with this bloodline is your maternal grandfather. You received it through your biological mother. As for the current generation user, it is still unconfirmed.

*Ding! Phoenix and Blizzard Pegasus are opposite in nature. Hence, this body couldn't be born with ether energy. However, there's a tiny remnant of the Blizzard Pegasus's bloodline still remained, which is being preserved by the system ever since you awakened as a Spirit Warrior.

"From my mother's side?" Mark's face darkened. At the same of awakening into Spirit Warrior, the system did mention that his intelligent stats and low-strength stats are inherited from his mother.

But, now, even the bloodline too?

At first, Mark doesn't want to accept the system's offer and choose Random Bloodline but then, his eyes fell on the notification that says the last known user is his maternal grandfather. That would mean his mother didn't awaken it.

This piece of information gave him a lot of satisfaction and made him think a bit positively.

He decided on Blizzard Pegasus, not intending to take a risk on betting on a random one. Little did expect that it won't be easy as he thought it would be.

Just before he was about to click, he felt as if he was missing something. He faced multiple situations like this in the past and the system kept reprimanding him that he should have asked it before taking the decision.

"System, what happens after I choose this?"

*Ding! Warning: Choosing Blizzard Pegasus' bloodline will forcefully change your attribute to ice. Or you can exchange 100,000 credits to add the Ice attribute to the character.

"Fuck, I knew it. The system never gives me an easy time." The moment he saw 100 thousand credits, he knew the system's plan. It loves the gold after all. So, it tried to set up a trap to steal his 500 thousand gold coins.

As if the system read his thoughts, it sent the following statement.

*Ding! All the advanced attributes will cost 100 thousand credits. The seven basic attributes of Fire, Wind, Earth, Lightning, Water, Light, and Dark cost 50,000 credits to purchase. The variant attributes of basic elements will cost 75,000 credits.

*Ding! Upon buying an attribute, based on your rank, you will receive the set of summons from the Blizzard Plane, home to the ice attribute beasts.

"Is that so…" Mark eyes the notifications suspiciously but he believed because the system cannot lie.

"500 thousand gold… I couldn't even keep it for five minutes." He felt a pain in his heart but he knew that he had to sacrifice for the sake of getting stronger. Mark convinced himself that he will enter the dungeons and earn a huge amount of money in the future.

*Ding! 500,000 gold coins are exchanged for 100,000 credits.

*Ding! You chose Blizzard Pegasus Bloodline.

*Ding! You chose to add the Ice attribute. 100,000 credits have been deducted.

*Ding! Only a small percentage of Blizzard Pegasus' bloodline has remained in your DNA. The system will use natural energy in the surroundings to aid its growth and purify it.

*Ding! The host will lose consciousness for 16 hours.

Mark lost his consciousness, right away and entered into a deep sleep. Allen kept his eyes open, guarding his master while Alina, on the other hand, knew more about the process than him. She took it easy and grabbed a book to finish the novel at a slow pace.

Meanwhile, at the Imperial Palace;

The second prince was standing in the middle of the courtroom as accused, during the afternoon court proceedings. However, his expression and posture say that he was confident about facing whatever that comes at him.

Along with the third prince, crown prince, and the other officials, the supreme commander of the army, Bai Xun was also standing along with them.

The Emperor looked at him sternly, "General Wen, why do you obstruct the Imperial decree?"

A look of surprise appeared on the second prince. He turned towards Bai Xun, "Didn't you reveal the truth to his majesty?"

Bai Xun answered, "I thought its best if you answer it yourself because you are the witness."

As everyone stared at the two of them, wondering what this truth is, the crown prince opened his mouth, "Your Majesty, we have reports of the appearances of two beast corpses at the Hanga district, except that these beasts were more than 700ft in length and 300ft big."

Everyone in the courtroom gasped as they heard it. Meanwhile, the second prince turned his head towards the crown prince as the latter continued, "And it appears that Lu Zhen's servant named Allen, who is a foreigner from far away land and if of mysterious origin, handed the two of them to Prince Wen.

Can I question whether it is considered a bribe for shielding his master, Lu Zhen?"

The frown on the Emperor's face deepened, "Is that true? Answer the court, General Wen."

In Emperor's eyes, Shang Wen is of upright character and resembles him in many ways. That's why he was the most anxious person in the court, hoping for his son to prove those accusations are nothing but false.

The third prince was silent and didn't intend to involve in the matter because he doesn't want to fall into his eldest brother's trap once again by defending his second brother without knowing the matter. He became a spectator.

The second prince opened his mouth, answering to his father, "No, it's a transaction. He gave the beasts and I paid him. As for the details, I'm afraid it's confidential."

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