What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility! (BTTH)

Chapter 45

Chapter 45: New Year's Eve Party

After a long period of selection, the program for the New Year’s Eve party was finally determined. In the intense discussions among the Xiao Clan’s descendants, Xiao Yan sat on a chair, sweating profusely, catching his breath.

“You’ve worked hard~”

Xiao Yu smiled and handed a towel to Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan took it and wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking at the enthusiastic Xiao Clan members who are cheering. A helpless smile appeared on his face.

“Everyone’s enthusiasm every year is much greater than I imagined…”

Originally, Xiao Yan thought that this kind of event was not in line with the overall tone of the Dou Qi continent, and that after the novelty wore off, people wouldn’t pay so much attention to it.

But over the years, everyone’s enthusiasm for this party has only increased, which surprised Xiao Yan, the initiator of the event.

“After all, today is the only day of the year when everyone can truly relax,” Xiao Yu said, looking at the Xiao Clan members who were passionately discussing various things with each other about various things. A faint smile appeared on her lips.

This day was brought by Xiao Yan.

If Xiao Yan had never suggested celebrating the New Year, the Xiao Clan would have spent the new year just like any other year.

No… not just New Year day.

Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Yan from the corner of her eye, her gaze slightly narrowed, filled with tenderness.

Xiao Yan had brought so many changes to the Xiao Clan, and without exception, everyone in the Xiao Clan felt fortunate about it.

Especially the Xiao Clan members who are of the same generation as Xiao Yan, they were even more grateful.

It was Xiao Yan who made everyone understand that what they needed and pursued in this world should not only be strength.

It was also Xiao Yan who showed everyone through his actions how warm the word “family” was.

It’s due to that reason that Xiao Yan was well deserved to be called as the Xiao Clan younger generation leader.

At this moment, Xiao Yan’s gaze turned to the two people lying on the ground with gloomy faces, Xiao Mei and Xiao Ning.

“My masterpiece…”

“My glorious moment…”

Listening to the murmurs of the two, Xiao Yan looked helpless, scratched his face, and looked at Xiao Yu, asking with a raised eyebrow.

“Are they still the same as previous years?”

“Ah…” Xiao Yu covered her head in a headache and whispered, “I don’t know if they will feel embarrassed after going on stage for that performance. I can’t bear to watch that.”

If the others in the Xiao Clan saw them on stage, they would probably wonder what these younger generations of the Xiao Clan were usually up to.

“Brother Xiao Yan, is it time yet?” Xiao Xun’er voice come from the side. Xiao Yan looked up at the starry sky, then slapped his thigh, holding the towel in his hand, and stood up, loudly calling out.

“Everyone! Get ready! The party is about to begin!”


The Xiao Clan members responded in unison, and Xiao Yan smiled, then looked at Xiao Xun’er.

“Xun’er, go inform the elders. Let’s prepare the venue.”

“Okay~” Xiao Xun’er nodded and left the Xiao Clan courtyard with light steps. Xiao Yan patted his hands together, looking at Xiao Mei and Xiao Ning, who were still feeling down on the ground.

“Alright, alright, don’t be down. You’ll have another chance next year. Get up and make the final preparations!”

“You say that every year, but my sister always shoots us down…” Xiao Ning muttered, and Xiao Yu glared at him fiercely.

“If you could come up with a program within the range of human standards, I could turn a blind eye to it.”


Hearing his older sister’s words, Xiao Ning felt even more depressed, while Nalan Yanran’s brows furrowed tighter.

She was really curious about what Xiao Ning wanted to perform.

Following Xiao Yan’s invitation, Xiao Yu, Xiao Mei, and a few others who were not participating in the performances started setting up snacks and drinks on each table, along with essential appetizers and fine wine. Nalan Yanran and Qing Lin also volunteered to help.

Once everything was prepared, the elders of the Xiao Clan, led by Xiao Xun’er, arrived one by one at the Xiao Clan courtyard. Xiao Yu directed Xiao Mei and Xiao Ning to arrange seating for everyone, while Xiao Yan went to make final confirmations with the performers.

When everything was in order and the elders had gathered, Xiao Yan stepped onto the stage, cleared his throat, and put on a sunny smile as he loudly announced, “Welcome, elders of the Xiao Clan, to the New Year’s Eve party organized by the younger generation of our family.”

“I, Xiao Yan, the host of this New Year’s Eve party, hereby declare its official beginning!”

Applause resounded in the Xiao Clan audience as everyone clapped. Among the crowd were members of the Xiao Clan from WWutan City as well as those who had been managing the family’s business in other places throughout the year.

However, regardless of who they were, at this moment, their moods were equally joyful!

“Now, please enjoy the first program of this evening, a language-based performance by Xiao Ke and Xiao Xing…”

In the following time, the carefully prepared performances by the younger generation of the Xiao Clan took the stage one by one, rotating through the program.

The audience, consisting of the Xiao Clan members, laughed heartily or felt moved and gratified. Even when a few performances had minor mistakes, it only made everyone cheer and become more excited.

Watching the performances of the younger generation on the stage, Yao Chen’s who are residing on Xiao Yang ring finger found it particularly interesting. Seeing the genuine smiles on the faces of the elders in the audience, Yao Chen couldn’t help but feel a ripple in her heart.

She had thought that after her slumber, she had completely sealed off her emotions and would never experience any joys or sorrows in this lifetime.

But now she realized that she might have been wrong.

When she saw something that could truly touch her heart, she found that she couldn’t suppress her inner emotions.

Yao Chen gazed at Xiao Yan, whose countenance radiated a dazzling light even in the darkness of night. The door to her long-closed heart seemed to be slowly opening.

Unaware of what Yao Chen was thinking inside the ring, Xiao Yan stepped off the stage after announcing the last program and looked at Xiao Ning.

“Cousin Xiao Ning, get ready to set off the fireworks after this program.”

“Finally! I’ve been waiting for so long!!!”

Xiao Ning excitedly waved her fist, and any lingering disappointment of not performing on stage had long been cast aside.

Nalan Yanran, on the other hand, looked at Xiao Xun’er with a puzzled expression and asked, “Is there another activity after the party?”

“We have one final activity,” Xiao Xun’er replied softly, a rare smile appearing on her face. “Please look forward to it~ It’s an exclusive event for the Xiao Clan members, it’s not something you can see casually.”


Nalan Yanran raised an eyebrow and glanced at the Xiao Clan members performing on stage. The programs were indeed entertaining, and she had thoroughly enjoyed watching them, but she didn’t understand how they could be considered “exclusive.”

To Nalan Yanran’s confusion, Xiao Xun’er simply smiled mysteriously and didn’t provide an explanation.

Some things couldn’t be adequately described with words alone.

Only when you truly witness them can you understand their preciousness.

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