What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 908

Chapter 908: Shes Acting A Little Sus

Chapter 908: She's Acting A Little Sus

(Brendan POV)

"Cai Hong's Papa is better!"

"No, my Daddy is better!"

"Your Papa is squishy!"

"Your Daddy doesn't look like Daddy at all!"

Umm… I don't even feel safe interjecting that both of their sand sculptures of Master look similar. I just hope they don't ask me to choose between them.

The two foxes that Master sent with me patted my leg with their paws with sympathetic looks on their faces, somehow that made me feel a little better.

I'm not even sure why they're fighting though, but then again, I don't understand why sister Tsuki and sister Elaria fight either.

Speaking of which, I sincerely wished my senior sisters had made up with Master, I most definitely am not in a position to comfort them if they have not.

Thinking back though… Who would have thought senior sister Lian Li would have ascended right there? All I thought I could do was to just remind her of where she got her feelings from, not help her ascend to Godhood.

The fact that she did not even take a year to ascend after Master started to guide us on this path was also astounding. She really is a genius in every sense of the word.

Which further proved that Master most definitely did not take me under His wing out of pity. I'll double my efforts from now on as well!

Incidentally… I did manage to get my hands on some of that bastard's blood that had sprayed on the sand after Lian Li's spike hit him in the face. It should help my experiments greatly in the coming days too.

I'm not sure what I could do with that yet, but I'm sure I can come up with something.

As I was distracted in my thoughts of the various experiments I could concoct, Cai Hong and Lilith stopped their arguments all of a sudden and suddenly acted as though they weren't at each other's throats just a moment ago.

That was enough to tell me that Master was most likely on His way here and, turning around, I could see Him walking down the beach to join us, alone. josei

I'm guessing this is another case of Master exhausting them with His affections, which was not surprising considering they must be starved for His attention too.

Cai Hong and Lilith waited for Master to get a bit closer before looking up, acting as though they'd only just noticed Him.



The two of them squealed while dashing towards Master, obviously trying to outrun the other to get to Master first.

In the end, Master caught them both in His arms, ruffling their hair as He did so.

Master carried them back and they immediately started asking Master to choose which of the sand sculptures they had created was better.

Predictably, Master said he liked them both and neither Cai Hong or Lilith protested when Master gave them headpats. If I had told them I liked both equally, I'm sure they would have further pressed me to choose one instead.

Master then turned to me, "I hope they weren't a problem?"

Cai Hong and Lilith immediately glared at me, daring me to say otherwise.

Umm… Even without either of you threatening me, I wouldn't have told Master about both of you fighting anyway.

"Not at all, Master. They were having quite a lot of fun making your sculpture."

Master's response was to pat their heads even more, something they were very appreciative of.

The two foxes moved away from me to mount Master's shoulders, curling up at their usual spots like the most natural thing in the world.

"Speaking of which… Have you seen Iris?" Master asked, shifting His hand to pet the foxes.

I was just about to answer a negative when the mentioned person suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"I am here, Master…" She murmured, wrapping her arms in Master's, ignoring the glare that Lilith was sending her for occupying her spot.

Master smiled at her, "Oh good, I was worried when I didn't see you around. Where were you?"

"I felt it might be a good idea for me to avoid the newcomer, Master…"

Hmm… I know that trash had a crush on her so I guess she was taking measures to keep out of his way? Yeah right, like hell I'd believe she has the capacity to be that considerate. Since when has she thought about the feelings of others?

She's definitely doing something else, probably enjoying the sight of that trash doing whatever he wanted with us.

Naturally, I'm not going to say that out loud.

Instead, I tried to divert the topic, "Master, what shall we do about dinner?"

Master turned his sight towards the setting sun, "Oh my, I completely lost track of time… I believe the servants back at the resort would have everything prepared, I highly doubt they will leave their guests hungry since the Empress is here with us too."

I think it would be more problematic if they leave you unfed instead, Master… But I know how to read the mood so I didn't say that either.

Master beckoned to me, "Come on then, the girls should also be up by now so let's return for a good rest tonight. You've been quite busy today, after all."

I chuckled, "I wouldn't exactly call what we did busy, but I think senior sister Lian Li bore the biggest brunt of it."

Master laughed in response to that, leading the way back to the resort with Lilith and Cai Hong holding Master's left hand simultaneously while Iris stuck to His right arm.

The demoness and our little dragon maintained an air of civility about them in front of Master, so well crafted was their facade that you wouldn't have thought they were fighting with each other just now.

Unexpectedly, senior sisters were all waiting near the stairs that would lead up towards the resort, all of them looking none the worse for wear.

Although… Is it just my imagination or are they looking at Master a little weirdly… Or rather, more weirdly than usual? It's like they are looking to ask for something from Master?

But what could they be wanting to ask for? Didn't Master just have a really big orgy with them? Was that still not enough?

Ah, what am I even talking about, of course it wouldn't be enough… Just look at senior sister Diao Chan literally salivating at the sight of Master… I don't even need to be able to read her mind to know what exactly she was thinking about.

Well, at least this is a much more bearable sight than the girls fawning over that stupid trash which I prefer over any day.

Also… I kind of don't like how Iris has been acting… I guess I should keep a closer eye on her in case she's doing something…

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