What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 917

Chapter 917: She Needs More

Chapter 917: She Needs More

(Lian Li POV)

"He is here," Figurehead Qing gestured to the pagoda in front of us.

I realised that he had led me to where Master's courtyard was initially located, though for now there was only this pagoda that was most certainly not here in our timeline. I guess when Master achieved His Master rank, they made this place into His courtyard afterwards.

Stepping past the doors that he had pushed open for me, I spotted the unmistakable form of my beloved Master sitting in the centre of the room with His back facing to me.

"Master!!!" I cried out, immediately leaping towards Him.

Master turned around just as I hugged His waist, ignoring the shout that came from figurehead Qing.

I nuzzled His chest and sniffed His scent, enjoying the warmth that I was missing for the entire day.

"Umm… Elder Qing… What's going on?"

"Ah… That is… She claims to be your disciple from the future and came to see you…"

"Eh? My disciple? From the future? Is this a joke, Elder Qing?!"

I stopped my sniffing and pulled back, looking up at the other version of Master with trepidation. As I had feared, he was showing no recognition of me.

Reluctantly, I released him from my embrace and stepped back. If he has no memory of my Master then it is unfortunate but this person, as much as he is similar to Him, is not my Master and merely just an imitation of Him.

I sighed, "Do you not recognise me?"

He shook his head, "I'm sorry, but no… Is what Elder Qing said true?"

I turned my back to him, "It does not matter… Good day."


I didn't wait to see what else he had to say before leaving the room, walking past Elder Qing without another word.

Ignoring their calls, I levitated up into the sky before flying away, wanting to get away from this place as fast as possible while the feeling of disappointment gnawed at me.

I already understood what was going on in this world from the interaction just now: there was no time travel involved in my current situation.

I had been so focused on trying to reunite with Master that I failed to consider the possibility of anything else.

Lilith was incapable of manipulating time, so I was not sent back in time to relive my life. If I'm correct, all of this is merely just an illusion that she had created from my memories and projected it directly into my consciousness.

But now that I know this… I wasn't sure what else to do, Lilith did send me here without any kind or warning or instruction after all, so what was I supposed to do? I at least knew that I was regaining my mortality through these events that instilled strong emotions within me, but where else am I supposed to go?

I idly wondered if I had to stay here until Master started recruiting disciples again, but something told me that was not what was supposed to happen.

Without anything to go on, I decided to just follow in my past self's footsteps, which meant heading to the capital city's slums next.

Thus, I altered my flight path towards the capital city, reaching there just as the sky began to darken.

I could have flown over the wall without going past the gates but refrained from doing so since that would cause an alarm to sound.

I landed in front of the city walls, joining the small queue of people who were also seeking entry to the city.

Almost everyone who saw me was shocked by my presence, though I was not sure why. Even back before we converted the country's population to worship Master, I wouldn't get this sort of reaction.

Sure, there would be those who lusted after me, those who were surprised by my presence and even those who were upset, but shock was not really something I would get as a reaction.

Perhaps they were just not expecting a Practitioner to show up at this late in the day? Or maybe just by the fact that I was queuing up with them? Hmph, it wasn't really my concern anyway.

Ignoring the stares I was getting, it was finally my turn to be admitted into the city.

"Name and purpose of visit?" The guard asked with an air of boredom.

"Lian Li, Goddess of Conception and right hand of Origin, disciple of Master Lin," I answered easily. josei

"Right, go on ahe… Wait a minute… What did you just say?"

"Lian Li, Goddess of Conception and right hand of Origin, disciple of Master Lin," I repeated again.

He blinked a few times at me before scowling, "I don't have time for this, village girl! Stop messing around or I'll detain you for your insolence!"

I huffed at him, "You asked who I am and I told you, how is that insolent? The only insolent one is you with that attitude."

He pointed his finger at me, "You dare call yourself a 'goddess' while wearing that village dress of yours? If you told me you were the Goddess of poverty I might have even believed you! Who the hell even is 'master Lin'?! You think throwing some nobody's name around is going to help you?!"

I looked down at my clothes, finally realising why the people from before were so surprised by my appearance. I was still wearing my homespun clothes, something a Practitioner would most definitely not be wearing.

For this, I could have forgiven him for doubting me, but the fact that he dragged my Master's name into this… There can only be one outcome.

I sighed before materialising electrum coloured Lightning to clad my body with, letting out a bit of my Divine aura to pressure the people around me until they were forced to their knees.

The guard who had doubted me received the worst of it as his body seized up and breathing became difficult for him.

"I say again... I am Lian Li, Goddess of Conception and right hand of Origin, disciple of Master Lin. Who dares to challenge my claim?"

The stupid mortal that dared to be rude to me quickly pressed his head to the ground, "Please… Please accept my apologies, O Goddess!"

Hmph, if only things could be solved easily with an apology.

I raised my hand and the guard floated up in front of me. He didn't get to ask what I was doing before he was sent flying up into the sky with a flick of my wrist. In about ten minutes, he would drop back down to the earth and splatter into meat paste.

Even if you were merely just a recreation from my memories, don't think I will let you get away that easily.

Ignoring the rest of the mortals that were gaping at me, I stepped past the gates without a second glance back.

I have other, more important matters to take care of, after all.

Although I do have to admit, the sound of something splattering on the ground and the screams that accompanied it afterwards felt quite cathartic to me.

Hmm? I feel… Satisfied?

I actually feel satisfied knowing that idiot got his just desserts?

Oh, I see now… I'm regaining bits and pieces of my emotions from each mortal experience in this world. Obviously that little bit wasn't enough so I need more!

Now… Where's the slums where the most useless pieces of existence were again? Surely that would be the best place for me!

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