What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 922

Chapter 922: Back To Vacation

Chapter 922: Back To Vacation


I've watched the children continuously battle against the Great Ones trying to breach the space for an inordinate amount of time, exactly how much time has passed, I could not even say.

No, the reason why is not because of the fact that we're in space or that I've lost track of it because of Iris, but simply because I've temporarily suspended the origin of time flowing in the rest of the universe. Thus, to the rest of the universe, not even a single second had passed.

Iris was especially satisfied with what I was doing considering it has been quite a while since the two of us were alone, so she was basking in that fact the entire time while leaning against me.

Now that I was satisfied that they would be kept occupied for quite a bit of time, I created an alarm here that would let me know if, for some reason, the Great Ones managed to get past the children.

"Well, shall we go now, Iris?" I asked, looking at the woman that had not moved a single inch ever since we settled down here to watch the show.

"Ara? What's the rush Master? Time is frozen here and everything else doesn't matter. Wouldn't it be fine if we just stayed here for a little bit longer?"

"Because I am on vacation," I answered with a smile. "And I have yet to fully enjoy it. Let's go."

She sighed theatrically but removed herself from me to her assent.

I won't lie, it took a considerable amount of effort for me to hold back from hugging her again, the feeling of having her sit like that beside me had been so perfect.

Letting time resume flowing again, I teleported the two of us back into our World, right at the steps leading up to the resort just as the sun was starting to rise from the horizon.

I was fully prepared for my disciples to embrace me after I returned, but I was not expecting them to be waiting at the exact spot of my return like they knew I was going to appear here all along.

Thus, the frenzied hug and kisses they threw at me the moment I appeared caught me off guard a little.

"Welcome back, Master!!!" They cried out simultaneously.

I endured the onslaught of affection thrown at me and returned as much of it as I could while being swarmed by everyone.

I also took the chance to check where Akari, Shiori and Xun Guan were, only to find out that they were watching us a short distance away, my slime girl pretending to be an inconspicuous pair of swim trunks.

"Mmm… Did all of you have fun yesterday?" I asked.

"Nnn… Nothing is fun without you, Master," Manami whined while enjoying the head pats I was giving her.

"I'm still waiting for our bath time, Master~" Diao Chan purred, rubbing her face on me.

"And I'm waiting to be made into a woman, Daddy~" Lilith giggled, entwining her fingers with mine.

Right… I almost forgot what this trip was for.

Just as my disciples started to step back from embracing me, Lilith suddenly gasped and started sniffing me with a sense of urgency.

I was about to chastise her for showing her indecency out in the open like that when she looked up at me with a face full of surprise, "Daddy… What did you do to have the smell of those trashy tentacle things on you?"

I have so many questions.

How did their smell even get on me? We were in space for crying out loud.

"Let's just say… They managed to break out of their confines because the seal holding them broke. Your siblings are currently occupied holding them back and I think they will be occupied with that for quite a long while."

Instead of being relieved, Lilith's eyes actually widened, "The seal… Was broken?"

I nodded slowly, wondering if there was an even bigger issue than those Great Ones managing to tear a rift open from the Abyss.

"Did Daddy not repair it at all?"

"I don't really see a need to right now? Your siblings are handling it quite well and this would also prevent them from fighting each other, right? Isn't that a good thing?"

"I… I can't deny that but… Is Daddy alright with letting them go free?"

"Well, they aren't actually free right? Besides, I've already set up an alarm there that will let me know if they actually manage to get past your siblings. Once that is triggered, I'll go patch it right up."

Lilith gave me a weird look, "Umm… If Daddy says so…"

I'm not sure why she's worried though, I even checked with omniscience whether those Great Ones would be able to escape their prison through that rift and they answered me a negative. That should be fine right?

The rest of my disciples weren't as concerned and looked to be ready to just continue with the rest of the day.

I turned to smile at them, "Right, I guess now we can finally officially relax. Any plans?"

Lian Li clapped her hands together enthusiastically, "Yes! We drew lots this morning to decide who would be spending time with Master as a pair!"

Oh? That's quite diplomatic of them, I thought they were going to just make it a free for all like before.

Also… I'm not sure if I was just imagining it, but Lian Li feels a little different than before. She felt more… Whole? If that is even possible.

Must be her divinity taking root in her or something like that.

"Alright, So who's first?" I asked.

"Us!" Lian Li giggled, hugging my arm at the same time as Elaria.

Oh, that's an interesting combination for sure, but I can roll with that.

After giving me even more hugs and kisses, the rest of my disciples dispersed to leave me alone with my golden haired disciple and my little sister of this World. Even Iris had moved a distance away to observe instead of staying nearby like she would usually do.

That was enough to tell me that she was most likely somehow involved in their lot drawing as well, maybe a prior agreement made before she left?

I turned to the two girls that were still hugging my arms, "So what do you two have planned for today, or do I need to make up an itinerary for us?"

Elaria chirped happily, "Oh! I always wanted to try this banana boat thing, Onii-sama!! I even prepared the tools! Can we do that, please?"

She then pointed at something behind me and I turned to see… josei

A giant banana 'boat'.

Not the inflatable raft kind of banana boat, but an honest to god gigantic banana that had propellers fitted into it.

I have so many questions…

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