What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 934

Chapter 934: Some Good Food

Chapter 934: Some Good Food


Eris placed the pot in front of us, not even batting an eye at our state of undress nor the fact that Tsuki was still busy licking my seed off her hands.

My swordswoman lifted the lid with a flourish, "Here you are, Master!"

I leaned over the table to see what was in the pot, finding it filled with various types of fish and vegetables left simmering in the soup.

I instantly recognised what it was.

Tsuki gasped, "Oh! Ishikari nabe? I'm surprised you know how to make this!"

"Hehe~ Master taught me how to cook after all!" Eris proclaimed proudly.

She then gestured for Alpha to come forward, the lupine maid arriving with several bowls in her hands that she placed in a row in front of Eris.

I idly noted that there were enough bowls for everyone here including the maids, so they must have prepared enough for everyone here. That's good, food is better when enjoyed with more people.

With a deft flick of her wrist, Eris had quickly poured equal amounts of the nabe into the bowls in front of her, presenting the first one to me before putting the second one in front of Tsuki. The rest were left at the side, presumably to be enjoyed by the others after I was done.

I started with the soup first, enjoying the warm and rich stock that flowed easily down my throat.

Eris definitely had this soup prepared beforehand since it was especially thick and creamy, the taste complimenting the scent of the sea.

Picking up my chopsticks, I moved on to the items that were inside the soup.

I see salmon, eel and some bits of meat that I wasn't really sure what fish it came from.

Nevertheless, I picked them up and arranged them carefully on my spoon, slurping them down together with the soup in the spoon.

At that very moment, the scenery in front of me changed and I was coming home from a long day of work. Eris was there to meet me wearing a pink and fluffy apron, welcoming me back home while helping me take off my coat.

She then guided me to the dining room where a simple but warm meal was waiting for me, the both of us settling down to enjoy the food in each other's company.

Once our plates were clean, I realised Eris was still wearing the same apron as before except this time with nothing underneath it.

She turned around and bent over the table, wiggling her bare bottom at me as I moved forward and…

I came back to myself to look down at the nabe. Simply put, this was the taste of home rolled into a pot. I also realised the mystery meat was soft shell turtle meat.

I looked to the side to see Tsuki happily wolfing down her bowl of nabe without a care which, in my opinion, was already quite a significant praise.

"It's delicious," I complimented easily, moving to scoop another mouthful of it into my mouth.

Eris bowed her head, "Thank you very much, Master!"

Alpha took the remaining bowls and set three aside for Bait, Laverna and Denna while taking the rest back for her youkai sisters to enjoy, all of them heaping praises on the dish when they tasted it.

The next to present her dish was Bait, the swordswoman looking especially pleased with herself as she wheeled up a trolley with several bowls of her creation on top of it.

Bait set down one of the bowls in front of me, the fragrant scent of meat and rice assaulting my nose almost immediately.

"Heh heh! Jus' da' smell is enuf' ta' get ya' mouths waterin' ain't it?" Bait grinned, gesturing towards the bowl in front of us. "Don' be shy now! Dis' is my fried garlic rice with top grade roast beef!"

I picked up my spoon and scooped a mouthful of it into my mouth, letting the exquisite taste of the meat and rice combination envelope me.

Once again, my mind was transported away the moment I bit into the food.

I was running in an open field with Bait beside me, both of us holding hands and feeling the wind blow against our faces.

A stream came into view and we jumped into it without hesitation, wading across the ankle deep water while our laughter rang through the air.

Leaping to the other side of the river, I realised that we were no longer clothed, as though the stream had melted our clothes away.

Bait immediately pounced on me, pushing me down with a look of hunger on her face. Leaning in, our lips parted and we kissed passionately, our arms wrapped around each other.

She broke the kiss and then slowly slid down, her hands wrapping themselves around my…

The scenery changed again and I was now looking at my empty bowl of rice.

"It's shoo good~" Tsuki moaned, her cheeks still full of food.

"It is indeed delicious, Bait. You used saffron, didn't you?" I asked.

Bait gave me a thumbs up, "As expected of Master! Dat's right! I'm happy ya' liked it!"

Alright… I'm sensing a pattern here…

The next one to present her food was Denna who carried over our share on a silver platter.

Unveiling it, I was presented with a dish that would not look out of place in the most classiest of restaurants found in the capital.

The portion was small, signifying that the food was meant to be enjoyed for its taste than to fill your stomach. There were two pieces of meat drizzled in some kind of sauce and puree sitting by the side arranged in a very artistic manner.

"This one humbly presents stuffed roast duck for your enjoyment, Master."

I used the fork Denna presented to me to pick up the meat, making sure to dip it in the sauce and puree on the plate before bringing it to my lips.

I was not surprised when I felt my vision shift again, this time depositing me in a kind of ballroom where a dance was taking place. Judging by the decorations and the people that were around us, it was obviously meant to be a ball for the people in the highest rungs of society.

Denna had her hand out to me and I pulled her in for a dance, the both of us doing a slow waltz towards the centre of the room under the gaze of everyone present.

The two of us were basking in the attention, letting everyone watch as we took centre stage of the dance.

The music reached a crescendo and Denna did a twirl, her exquisite dress suddenly disappearing into thin air to reveal the lacy lingerie she wore underneath.

In one smooth motion, she had taken my hand again and pulled me towards her, causing the both of us to fall on the sheets of a canopy bed that had appeared out of nowhere. The room had also shifted from the ballroom to the bedroom, leaving us completely alone.

Without anyone else around us, I pulled up Denna's legs to hang them over my shoulder and I…

I swallowed, enjoying the after taste of the roast duck meat stuffed with foie gras.

"Is that artichoke puree?" I asked.

"That is correct, Master."

"Mmm… Very refined and elegant, I'm impressed."

"This one is humbled by your praise, Master."

And thus, the last one to present was Laverna who I finally realised was making dessert all this while.

"Layered chocolate truffle cake…" She introduced it with a low bow.

I marvelled at the slice of cake in front of me, counting the multiple layers of chocolate that made up the entire cake.

Truthfully a sinful cake if there ever was one.

Using my fork, I cut the slice into a smaller piece and brought it into my mouth.

Again, my consciousness was sent away, though the scenery wasn't that different to the current real one. josei

I was seated by the beach with Laverna by my side, both of us watching the sun set on the horizon while the waves rolled onto the shore.

Her head was leaning on my shoulder while our fingers were entwined with each other's, neither of us saying anything and simply enjoying each other's warmth and presence.

When the sky finally darkened, I turned to look Laverna in the eyes before pushing her down onto the sand, both of us already nude. She made no move to stop me and even wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer.

I positioned myself in between her and…

And my view returned back to normal.

I set my fork down on my finished plate before standing up, causing everyone's gaze to land at my waist.

"You know… There's easier ways of getting me to push you girls down instead of deliberately cooking all this libido enhancing foods?"

The four of them tried to look innocent, though it was clear they knew their gig was up.

"Alright, all of you, bend over the table, you made me like this so all of you better take responsibility for it!"

All of them immediately moved to fulfil my order, a look of lust plastered on their faces.

At least the food they made was really good.

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