What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 945

Chapter 945: Down The Hatch You Go

Chapter 945: Down The Hatch You Go


She kissed me and I kissed her back. Our tongues twirled in a dance and I could feel us soaring through the sky.

Nothing else mattered as we were both enraptured in each other's lips, the only thing that mattered in the entirety of existence.

And then…

It was hot.

No, not the sexy kind of hot, but the 'everything is burning and on fire' kind of hot.

It took me a moment to realise that the reason why it felt so hot was because the universe was currently in the process of burning itself up into nothingness.

I quickly returned to my senses and broke the kiss, only to find Iris and I floating in space.

Checking with omniscience, it seems like our kiss had sent us to the centre of the universe and we subconsciously willed the End of the universe.

"Master… More…" Iris moaned, her lust practically rolling off her.

I almost dove right back into the kiss but held myself back at the very last moment to cover her lips with my hand. I looked for the Origin of the start of the universe's End and quickly wiped that from existence, stopping this universe from burning itself up.

Since I stopped it rather quickly, I don't think there was much damage caused so that's a relief.

With a snap of my fingers, I brought both Iris and myself back to the room with my disciples gathered around me.

All of them immediately leapt into action, pouncing on top of Iris to either drag her away or pin her to the ground.

Of course Iris barely even budged, continuing her kissing of my palm like nothing was happening around her.

"Iris, stop," I ordered.

She snapped out of her trance when she heard my voice.

"Ara, ara? What happened, Master? All I remember was having the best moment in my entire existence," She asked, still not paying attention to my disciples who were literally hanging on her.

I sighed, "Why did you do that?"

"Ufufufu~ You can't expect me to pass up a chance to kiss Master now, could you?"

"But you knew the consequences of that, didn't you?"

"Ara, ara? Nothing happened, right, Master?"

I sighed again, deciding it was better to just let it go than to argue with her. Technically, nothing did happen since I stopped the disaster from happening in time anyway, so she's not exactly wrong.

"Punishhhment for cheatingggg!" Elaria announced, slurring her words drunkenly.

All of us looked at her to see my little sister carrying several bottles of hard liquor in her arms. She unceremoniously popped their tops off and shoved one of them into Iris's mouth fearlessly.

I could see a flash of indignation cross Iris's eyes but a quick mental warning from me stopped her from trying to End Elaria.

She does deserve a little bit of punishment for the stunt she pulled so I even told her to temporarily seal her divinity for tonight.

Iris sighed mentally but did as I instructed, slowly drinking the bottles of liquor Elaria was holding out to her under her watchful eyes.

But because she was no longer in her divine form, she could not just chug it down like her divine self would have done, resulting in her being quite meek while slowly sipping away at the alcohol while looking towards my direction for help.

Elaria was not amused by that.

"Ehhhh… You'reeee meant to jusssst chug it aaaaaall down! Like thissshhh!"

She snatched the bottle of whiskey away from Iris's grasp just so that she could start gulping down its contents in a single swig.

"Puaaahhh!! Takeshhh that ya light weigssshhhs!! Can't even drink likesshhh that can you? All of you areeeee light weightsssshhh!!"

Taking that as a challenge, the rest of my disciples also started emptying bottles of alcohol down their throats, each of them trying to one up the other.

Those that didn't really want to take part in the challenge got dragged into it instead.

If they weren't drunk before, they were most certainly drunk now.

It seems like they've already given up or forgotten about the bottle game we were playing before in favour of having a drinking competition instead.

I tried to escape but Tsuki had appeared with a bottle of mead in her hands which she promptly stuffed into my mouth while giggling like a little schoolgirl.

"Ehehehe~ It'shhh not fair Aniue isshhhn't dwinkwing~ Dwink up!!"

Diao Chan was also giggling with a bottle of wine in her hands, "Yessshhhh~ Get Mashtwer Dwruuunk! Then wewuuuu take turns to… To… To copu… Cop… Fuck! Mmmm~"

"Ufufufu… Ufufufu~ Brendan too~ You need to drink more… Yes, drink more… Fufufu… Get more liquid courage… So that you can confess to your Master~" Manami chuckled, also clearly drunk and force feeding my female alchemist with bottles of alcohol.

At least I made it such that no one could get alcohol poisoning and neither could they feel sick from drinking tonight. The only problem they will have to face is the killer hangover they will get tomorrow morning which suited me just fine.

Can't have them not facing any consequences for drinking irresponsibly after all. josei

The most important thing is that they're all having fun now.

I chanced a peek at Cai Hong's corner of the room even as Tsuki shoved a new bottle of mead into my mouth, prompting my disciples to start cheering for me as I gulped down its contents.

Predictably, after eating so much and being so comfortable, the loli dragon had fallen asleep on top of her cotton candy bed with a very contented look on her face. By the look of things, she's going to stay that way for a very long time.

I teleported the little dragon into my room upstairs, making sure to also place a silencing inscription since I know for a fact that my disciples will be making a lot of noise very soon.

Alpha and her fellow youkai maids were also doing the best they could to accommodate my disciples, but I know sooner or later they would be roped into their drinking as well.

And yep… Diao Chan has her arm around Delta, pulling the elf towards her and shoving a bottle in her hands.

While I was considering how to escape, Lilith tugged my arm in a huff, "Daddy! It's not fair that you're not getting drunk!! Get drunk with us too!"

I pulled out the empty bottle of mead from my mouth and raised an eyebrow at her, "Do you have any idea what could happen if I was drunk?"

Lilith shrugged, "Who cares? Mother already tried to kiss you and if Daddy really did something bad, you can just reverse it right?"

"Nah, if I was drunk, who's going to control all of you?"

The demoness giggled, "Then I shall get drunk too! Drink up Daddy!"

She immediately stuffed another bottle of alcohol into my mouth while tossing her head back to gulp down her own bottle of it, as though she had expected such a thing to happen from the start.

I had just finished drinking the contents of the bottle she had shoved in my mouth when something solid impacted my chest.

I looked down and Iris was looking up at me all teary eyed and blushing, "Waaaa… I'm sowwy Mashterrrrr! I've been bwad!!! Don't hate meeeee! I'm sowwyyyy!"

Ok… So err… Drunk non-divine Iris is a crybaby… Noted.

"I don't hate you," I told her calmly.

Iris blinked a few times before finally saying a single word, "Oh."

She turned back around and collapsed onto the bed, "Yayyy… Master doesn't hate meeee…"

As soon as she said that, she promptly fell into a blissful sleep.

Huh… I… Was definitely not expecting that…

And it seems like everyone here is well and truly drunk… Which means they are now looking at me with the eyes of predatory beasts…

No prizes to guessing what they wanted to do now with how they're looking at my pants…

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