What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 960

Chapter 960: Time To Stalk Some Girls

Chapter 960: Time To Stalk Some Girls


Hmm… When my disciples started their morning training today… I'm not sure if I'm just imagining things but everyone seems a bit more tense today?

I'm guessing it's because I'm here watching them train with Lilith so they feel more pressured about showing me results. Although I do have to admit that Lilith does fit the description of a slave driver to a tee.

The demoness was, in all sense of the word, relentless in their training. She was basically breaking them down to build them back up again, almost in the literal sense.

I can't deny the fact that this would help speed up their time to ascension by quite a bit, but I still can't help but notice that they were still really tense.

Hmm… Perhaps my presence here is doing more harm than good? Maybe I should just take a walk somewhere for now?

'Ufufufu~ Master is thoughtful as always~'

Oh, hey you, how's it going?

Iris made a sound that was akin to an amused snort in her mind.

'That was most certainly not an 'amused snort', Master.'

Really? Because it most certainly sounded like one. Also, what did I say about speaking instead of telepathy?

She smiled at me, "Ara, ara? Master sure loves to tease, don't you?"

I shrugged, "Well, I only do it to special people I like, after all."

"Oh my, is that a confession, Master?"

"Hmm? You're acting like I've never professed my love for you."

"Ara? But you have not, Master."

I paused, did I really not? No, I most definitely did. I told her that when we had our first kiss and almost destroyed the entire universe because of that. Maybe… She didn't hear me?

Well, she had her head buried in my chest and was also still out of it because of the kiss so I'm not surprised if that was the case.

"Anyway, I was thinking that I should take a walk somewhere and leave my disciples to their own training for now. Do you want to come with me?" I suggested.

"Ufufufu~ There is no chance that I would ever say no to that, Master~ Although, are you not at all curious about what your precious disciples are doing behind your back?"

I frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Ara? I'm referring to the reason why they seem distracted today, Master."

I turned back to look at my disciples.

It seems like she was right, what I thought was them being tense was actually just them being distracted by something.

Correction, not something, someone. At least by the fact that they kept glancing towards my direction whenever they thought I wasn't looking.

I turned back to her, "Well, it's obvious isn't it? They're distracted by me? Which just proves me right?"

"Fufu~ How about this, Master? You'll tell them that you're going out and we'll double back later to take a peek at what they're doing?"

I gasped, "Are you asking me to spy on my own disciples?"

"Ara? I suppose that is one way of saying it. So, shall we do that, Master?" She answered like it was the most natural thing in the world.

It was then Shiori spoke up from under my seat, "Is there even a reason to do this, Divine One? It all feels rather unnecessary to me."

"Ehh… Why not, sister? It sounds fun!" Akari protested, only to receive a smack on her head.

I chuckled, "Oh well, why not? I do admit I'm curious how their training will change when I'm not around so let's just take a look. Shouldn't hurt right?"

I went towards my disciples and told them that I was going out for a bit again and not to wait for me. They seemed quite disappointed by my announcement but quickly recovered and wished me a safe trip.

My little group that consisted of myself, Iris, my two fox bodyguards and the slime girl masquerading as my clothes made a show of flying away from the Sect and into the distance. Once we were out of sight, we doubled back after I made us invisible and flew back to my courtyard once again.

We settled down on the roof of my building, giving us a clear view over my courtyard. josei

For a while, it didn't look like anything changed much since my disciples were still focused on their own training while Lilith watched over them.

Then, unexpectedly, Lian Li stopped her meditation to turn towards Lilith, "So, are you going to come with us tonight?"

Tonight? What are they planning tonight? Are they going to sneak into my bed again or something?

The demoness sighed, "I already told you I will not. I've made it quite clear that I very much do not wish to exist in the same dimension as them and I most certainly have no wish to even see them again."

'Them'? Err… What's going on?

"Fine, then you'll take care of Master while we're gone right?"

"Ha! You don't need to worry about that. Daddy won't even have the time to think about any of you while you're on your little rendezvous. But really, you're actually willing to give Daddy up for them?"

Give me up for someone el-- What in the world is going on?!

Lian Li hesitated for a moment before replying, "The rewards are worth it."

Lilith shrugged, "Fine then. I just hope for your sake that Daddy doesn't find out."

"Master won't as long as you do your part."

The demoness waved her hand in response and got her to continue her training.

I frowned inwardly. They're planning a distraction for me so that they can sneak out in the middle of the night to meet someone else? Someone they deem worth their time to give me up?

Did Cain come back and mess with their minds again? Or are they actually…

No, no… No way. That can't be, can it? They can't be seeing someone else, are they?


'Ara, ara? How about we just go and find out for ourselves, Master?'

I turned to look at her, letting a bit of shock filter out into my voice, "You knew about this?"

Akari and Shiori also turned to look at the cosmic being, a little confused at what was going on. They did sense the slight accusatory tone in my voice though, so they had settled themselves into a combat stance. Not like they could even be perceived as a threat to Iris anyway.

Iris smiled, "There's not a lot of things I do not know, Master."

"And you're not letting me find out via omniscience because?"

"Ara? Did Master not say that sometimes not knowing things is the interesting part? Or in this case, finding out about the facts yourself would be more interesting?"

"So what? You're suggesting I stalk them tonight?"

Iris's smile grew wider but she didn't answer.

I felt a little upset about it but I honestly don't think my disciples would willingly cheat on me. But this late night rendezvous of theirs definitely intrigued me.

The fact that Lilith was in on it as well was surprising too.

"Fine. I'll follow them tonight and see what they're up to. Happy?"

"Fufufu~ I wouldn't ask for more, Master."

At least she's having fun…

But the fact that she's actually taking my words to heart… Does that mean she's slowly but surely changing her views? That'd be great!

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