What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 982

Chapter 982: Already Slapping Faces On Entry

Chapter 982: Already Slapping Faces On Entry


We slowed down and stuck to the side of the road, giving the carriage ample space to pass us by should they choose to.

But of course, I was already mentally prepared for the three events that might possibly happen.

The first is, of course, that the carriage passes us without incident. That was the least likely to happen and I would be surprised if it does.

The second is that the carriage stops and the people question us about our origins. Then they would either offer us a ride or simply go on their way.

The third is the most likely where the carriage stops and those people take interest in my disciples. They will then either try to attack us to take advantage of them or pretend to offer assistance by giving us a ride and then jump on us when our guard is down.

My money is on the third one.

The clattering sounds of the carriage passed by us without stopping and I was genuinely surprised that the first possibility came true.

That was until the carriage suddenly stopped a few metres ahead of us, the horses neighing loudly as their riders reigned them in.

One of the people riding alongside the carriage trotted up to the carriage window, spending a moment to speak to whoever was inside before turning his horse around to ride towards us.

I pretended not to pay attention to him until he stopped right in front of me, effectively blocking my way.

"You there! What Sect do you belong to?"

I tilted my head at him, "Isn't it rude not to introduce yourself first before asking for the other's name?"

He actually summoned his sword to point at me and my disciples would have retaliated had I not stretched out my hand to stop them.

"I asked you a question, peasant. It would be in your best interests to answer it!"

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh? How bold of you to even assume I am a peasant. What made you think so?"

"Are you dumb? Only insignificant bottom feeders like you would ever be caught walking outside! Do you not even recognise the insignia we're wearing?! You're looking at the entourage of the renowned Sect Master Qing of Immortals Sect!"

Oh? There's another 'Sect Master Qing' in this Plane? What are the odds? Maybe it's his long lost brother or something?

My response was a slight nod of my head, "I am Master Lin of Heaven Sect. What business do you have with me or my disciples?"

He barked out a laugh, "Ha! A Master?! You?! With your pathetic aura?! Do you take me for a fool?! You'd have a better chance convincing me you are their servant!"

"Master, do we have to waste time on insignificant beings like these?" Kiyomi sighed, obviously annoyed by the man's attitude. "The fact that he even dared to draw his weapon against you is already a punishable offence."

Manami and Lian Li nodded their heads in agreement.

I sighed and tilted my head at the man in front of us, "Young man, I would suggest that you put that sword away before you get hurt."

Of course, I'm not worried about Lian Li, Manami or Kiyomi doing anything, I'm more worried about Iris over there who I can actually tell is looking a little annoyed.

The fact that you can even visually see that she's annoyed is already saying something. Is it just me or has she gotten a little bit more expressive lately? Perhaps she's really changing?

The man in front of us scoffed, "And why would I listen to a servant like you?"

I waved my hand noncommittally, "Ok, whatever. What do you want? Did you really come here just to ask who we are?"

"I came to ask the ladies behind you what Sect they belonged to but you've been butting into the conversation ever since the start! A servant should know better than to insert themselves into the conversations of their betters!"

I sighed, "And why do you want to know? What do you intend to do with my disciples?" josei

"Enough of your lies!! The great Sect Master Qing has taken an interest in you ladies and would like to know where you are headed to. We could offer you all a ride to your destination."

Ah, it looks like it's going to be possibility number three after all, how predictable.

I tried to give them a chance to back out, "I don't thin--"

"I said silence, worm! You are really testing my patience now, servant!"

Ok, can't say I didn't try.

I looked back at my girls, "How do you want to handle this?"

"Are we allowed to use violence, Master?" Lian Li asked a little hesitantly.

Oh, look at her! Even after their ascension they still remember my teachings about compassion! Despite such trash appearing in front of them, they are still able to hold themselves back from unnecessary violence!

I guess now it's a good time for me to start teaching them that there are times when violence is ok to prevent them from being taken advantage of. They are goddesses now after all, it will not do for someone to take advantage of their compassion.

I nodded, "That is fine, but do remember not to use it excessively. All of you now possess great power and you should not use such powers irresponsibly."

The three girls bowed their heads at my words before turning to face the idiot.

Lian Li glared at him, "As our Master has told you, we come from Heaven Sect of the Earthen Plane. Master brought us here to see just how trash the people around here are so that we don't end up like you people. You're the first person we met here and we already think you're trash."

Oh… Erm… I… I didn't know that was the kind of 'violence' she was talking about… Killing someone with words that is. I guess our adventures in Cloud Plane must have inspired them quite a bit huh?

The idiot's face reddened visibly but tried his best to remain composed, "It's alright ladies, there is no need to cover for your servant. I understand that this is a matter of--"

"Ara? I suggest you stop calling our Master a servant before we make you regret it. Ufufufu~" Manami interrupted him with her sleeve hiding her mouth.

"Eh? But sure you ladies do not need to think about this worm's--"

Both Kiyomi and Manami's tails lashed out, striking him across the face and sending him flying out of his saddle.

Oh, looks like they really meant the physical kind of violence after all.

Though if he got hit by their tails, it shouldn't hurt that much since they're so soft. I want to mofu mofu them now…

At least they also remembered that it is imperative to give such trash a little bit of warning first so that the violent acts you inflict on them would be entirely justified. Looks like my girls are learning well!

The door to the carriage opened and a young man stepped out, looking to be no older than his mid twenties.

"How dare you attack my follower?! Do not think you'll get away lightly with this! To dare spit on the grace of me! Sect Master Qing of Immortal Sect!" He roared.

Oh? That's this Plane's Sect Master Qing? He's completely different from ours. Not that I really care about him anyway but I'm gonna bet my money that he's going to demand the girls to entertain him as compensation for this.

Well, my girls look like they have it handled so far and watching them is quite satisfying too so I'll leave it to them.

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