What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1020 Not Those Freaks Again

Chapter 1020 Not Those Freaks Again

Chapter 1020 Not Those Freaks Again

(Elaria POV)

All of us gathered around Lian Li before our bedtime to hear how the first lesson with Onii-sama went.

"So how was it? The clothes helped, didn't it?" I asked with barely contained excitement.

Lian Li sighed, "Barely… Master didn't even react much to the clothes aside from a raise of His eyebrow as far as I could tell… In fact, I'm only just realising how bad the situation is with Master…"

Manami tilted her head, "Ara? What's wrong?"

"I tried seducing Master again of course… But Master was just going through the motions like that time in the bath… At least Master accepted my words about Him being more affectionate with us easily though I don't know how that would help given Master's current state…"

"Hmm… Perhaps we just need more oomph?" Onii-sama's fake little sister commented.

I considered for a moment, "If the 'serious and proper' teacher look isn't working, perhaps we should go for the 'daring and seductive' look instead?"

When everyone turned to look at me questioningly, I simply brought out another costume where the blouse showed off the belly and the skirt was only up to the thighs.

"Ohhh~ I wouldn't mind wearing that~" Sister Diao Chan giggled.josei

"If this one still doesn't work, I have the 'slutty and provocative' one," I told them, revealing another costume in my other hand.

This one was even more racy as the top would be opened wide enough to reveal the underwear and the skirt was simply a miniskirt that did nothing to hide the bottoms.

Sister Diao Chan licked her lips, "I changed my mind, I'll definitely wear this one instead!"

Hehe~ I still have some other variants of this costume but I'm keeping them for myself~ Of course I would want to have my own advantage over the others to 'teach' Onii-sama!

Now… I'm still thinking if I should be wearing a more skimpy outfit of my usual dress or should I just change out of this to another one?

Maybe I should go with the maid outfit? Onii-sama used to say he liked those alot.

While we were still discussing how we should 'teach' Onii-sama in the next few days, the door to our room was suddenly thrown open, revealing Lilith at the doorway.

"Oh, hello Lilith, we were just wondering where you went," Eris lied, waving at the demoness.

Lilith ignored her, "I have some bad news… You are not going to like this."

All of us got serious as she stepped aside to reveal Lilia, the other demoness that got Onii-sama involved in some weird space battle or whatever.

"Oh, it's you," Sister Diao Chan muttered a little disappointedly. "Are you going to get Master to go somewhere else again?"

"The opposite, actually," Lilith sighed before gesturing for the other demoness to go ahead.

"Umm… I'm not sure if you remember this… But Father came with me to help solve the issue with our siblings. During that time, a rift had opened up that led directly to the Abyss and my siblings got caught up in trying to contain it…"

Lian Li crossed her arms, "Get to the point…"

"Well… It seems like my siblings weren't able to contain them and some of the Great Ones have escaped…"

"Let me guess, you wish for Master to help get rid of these Great Ones too?" Kiyomi deadpanned.

Lilith shook her head, "No, as I said, quite the opposite actually. We're pretty sure Mother had a hand in this as well so we want to keep Daddy away from this as much as possible. Who knows? One of those Great Ones might just be in possession of an Origin fragment and if Daddy gets rid of it, it gets absorbed or something."

"Ok… Then wat' are ya' 'ere for?" Eris asked in Bait's voice.

Lilia poked her fingers together, "That is… Well… All I can say is that the beacons are lit and we seek your aid."

We looked at her weirdly, not understanding what she was talking about.

Lilith rolled her eyes, "What she means is that every Divine being in the area is being called upon to fight those Great Ones back into the Abyss while my siblings work on resealing the gap."

All of us then turned to look at Lian Li, Manami and Kiyomi, the three of them being the only ones who have ascended to Godhood amongst us.

Lian Li furrowed her brows, "Tell us the truth, what kind of odds are we facing here?"

Lilith sighed again, "Not good I'm afraid. Even gods would struggle against facing one of them and there's two that managed to escape. If left unchecked, they would be wiping out galaxies left and right and the only reason why they haven't done so is because they are coming straight for this World to find Daddy."

"Ara? So we have to fight off some kind of cosmic monster and not let Master find out at the same time?" Manami mused.

Both Lilia and Lilith nodded.

Kiyomi stood up, "It's not like we have a choice I suppose. When and where?"

Lilith tilted her head, "Are you serious? You're really going to fight them? You know I wouldn't blame you if you were to reject this and run away right? They are Great Ones you know? You'll be pretty much fighting an aspect of Mother."

"We've fought one before, back when one possessed a prince and appeared in the capital city," Lian Li shrugged.

Lilith shook her head, "That's different. They don't have their full power because they are merely using vessels to project their existence out from the Abyss. These two have both physically and metaphysically escaped from their confines. To even gaze upon them would drive a mortal mad."

"Then I suppose it's a good thing we've never gazed upon one right? So that we can beat it without knowing we should even fear it," Lian Li growled. "To even try and disturb our time with Master deserves death. Same goes to that stalker bitch who planned all this!"

I don't think that's how it works, sister Lian Li… But then again, we're not going to let some stupid tentacle monster mess with Onii-sama!

"Cai Hong help too!" The little dragon spoke up from her bed, half buried in a pile of Master's clothes with only her head sticking out.

Lilith and Lilia looked at each other before turning back to us.

Lilith nodded at us, "Alright… We still have about a month or so before they reach here. We're going to call up the other Divines so the only thing I can say is to train as much as you can before then. If Daddy gets involved in this, I have a feeling Mother would get what she wants…"

With those words, the both of them disappeared from in front of us.

Well… I suppose having a cosmic horror to deal with gives me an excuse to bring out the big guns! Time to mobilise everyone and everything I have!!

Ugh… If only I can show all of this off to Onii-sama… Oh! I know! I'll make a movie out of this and show it to Onii-sama when He gets better!!

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