What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1029 We Need To Synchronise

Chapter 1029 We Need To Synchronise

Chapter 1029 We Need To Synchronise

(Eris POV)

I looked at my other personalities as we stood a distance away from the alternate versions of me, having asked to be given some space to discuss this amongst myself.

"First things first… Do you all actually despise me or something?" I asked.

Bait raised an eyebrow at me, "Bitch, we've 'ad sex with each other when Master isn't around. Ya' think I'm some loose girl that'll fuck anyone?"

Denna giggled, "Indeed… Although if this one was presented a choice of being allowed to… Cut down some competition for Master's attention… This one will not hesitate, even if it's you."

Laverna also nodded in agreement.

Fair enough, because I'll do exactly the same.

They may be different personalities but they are still me at the core, as evidenced by the multitudes of me that are in front of us.

"Ok, so what do you all think about our current situation?"

"Ya mean 'sides from being downright pissed surprised?" Bait grumbled. "I mean, how are we s'pposed to react when we know there's like a bajillion different versions of us out dere'?!"

I suppose that's one way to put it. The good thing is that we basically received confirmation from them that we are technically the real ones since we belong to the so-called main Universe.

"Putting that aside… That parasite is dead huh?" I mused.

"Anticlimactic…" Laverna agreed.

I then pointed out the next most important question, "But do we trust them?"

Denna tilted her head at me, "What do you mean?"

"If it was me and I found out that I don't belong in the main Universe with Master… Obviously I would want to go to where Master really is right? And judging by the fact that they are here… I assume something happened to their version of Master which made them seek out ours."

The other three narrowed their eyes the moment they heard my words, knowing that that would be something they would do as well.

"Let's just talk to them first," I suggested. "If they turn out to be hostile… We split."

Bait snorted, "Ya think we can outrun those guys? No offence, but aye' don't think we can even stand up to 'em."

Denna nodded, "This one hates to agree, but this one humbly thinks we stand no chance if we faced them in open combat."

"We'll just play by ear," I decided before turning to walk back towards the other versions of me.

I looked at them, "I would like to ask, what exactly are you all after? Knowing myself, I wouldn't just cross to an alternate Universe to help another me out of the goodness of my heart."

The one who had trained herself to be a swordswoman grinned at me, "You are right of course. You're all probably being cautious of us thinking we're here to kill you to take your place right?"

So they already know huh…

I slowly slid my hand towards the sword on my hip, only to get the feeling of a cold, metallic blade pressing against my nape when I blinked.

Her grin turned into a smirk as she tapped her blade against my shoulder, "Trust me, if we wanted you dead, we would have killed you long ago. But no, we are not here for that."

I didn't even see her move…

Getting the hint, I moved my hand away from my sword and she returned her blade back to her sheathe casually.

She continued, "We have no wish of replacing you in this Universe. We love our Universe's Master and will never replace Him for anyone else. I know your Master is facing some problems right now, but would you take another version of Master to replace Him?"

"No," All four of us replied immediately.

Even if it might be Master… Those versions of Master had lived a different kind of life compared to the one we know and we won't just accept another version of Him just because they have the same face.

There is only one Master for us.

The swordswoman version of myself grinned, "Then you know you have nothing to worry about us."

I really, really doubt that… They can only say this because they have yet to meet our Master yet. If I had fallen for our version of Master, who is to say they won't? I can bet my life savings that the moment they lay their eyes on our Master, they're going to throw this argument out the window.

Still… I should just nod along for now.

Denna stepped beside me, "In that case, could this one humbly ask what is the purpose of you all coming here? What are you looking to achieve?"

"Well, we want our own versions of Master back… Ours have been directly affected by the Master of your Universe before they started behaving erratically."

I turned to look at the one who claimed that her Master chose to follow the stalker bitch.

She nodded without me even asking anything, "Even mine, yes. Master chose to follow her, but we were brought along as well… Until one day he just abandoned us."

"Hol' up! Does that mean there's multiple versions of that stalker bitch too?!" Bait interrupted.

The one who is Master's only disciple shook her head, "It does not seem that way. For some of us, she doesn't really show up in their Universe while for others she is present almost all the time. But we found out that she always came in and left at a different time, meaning there is only one of her and she's been jumping through the Universes."

"That bitch!!" I roared, punching a nearby wall and blowing it into pieces. "Didn't Master tell her to stop all her plans of returning Him back to his past self?!!"

Laverna frowned, "Alternate Universe…"

"This one thinks she is using the loophole of that order by influencing Master's alternate selves instead… But what would that achieve?"

Another version of me sighed, "We told you didn't we? Those versions of Master still came from the same person. Right now His mind is fractured but if they were all to synchronise their wants together, it could even affect your version of Master."

"Isn't that still a plan to get Master to turn back to His original self too? That means she's disobeying Master intentionally!" I argued.

Another me shook her head, "There is one thing we know for sure though, that stalker bitch will never do anything to go directly against Master. What we presume is that she's trying to make Master wish for it Himself by experiencing the mentality of his past self through alternate Universes."

I stomped my foot in frustration, "Ok, then what should we do?! Go and fight her?"josei

"No, we wouldn't even be able to touch her sleeve. What we need to do is let Master know about it and have Him stop her again. That way, our version of Master could also return back to their normal selves."

"Alright! Then wat' are we waitin' for?! Let's go!"

Laverna sighed, "Imbecile… Trapped…"

That's right… This space was made in mind where I had to reform my fractured mind or something, how do I do that without killing the other three? Or is that really the only way?

I turned to the others versions of me, "How did you even get inside here?"

Another me grinned, "We travelled using you as a medium of course. It's easy to get in but difficult to get out. But not to worry, we have an idea of what you need to do."

I tilted my head and wondered what method it could be.

"You four just need to orgasm until you experience the same pleasure together!"


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